1. Balancing the Tax Base in McKinney Terry L. Clower, Ph.D.
Center for Economic Development & Research
University of North Texas
2. Relationship between tax base & tax rates As a rule, cities with high proportions of residential tax base have high tax rates.
Addison: Residential 10.1%
Tax Rate 0.3999/100
Glenn Heights: Residential 88.7%
Tax Rate 0.7099/100
Cockrell Hill: Residential 78.9%
Tax Rate 0.7403/100
3. Relationship between tax base & tax rates
4. Relationship between tax base & tax rates -(Dallas County cities)
5. McKinney Regional Employment Center Comprehensive land use plan
Future land use plan
6. City of McKinney Land Uses
7. City of McKinney Land Uses
8. City of McKinney Land Uses
9. BFO: Blinding Flash of the Obvious Add commercial
Add light industrial
Add retail
Dose of reality..
10. Top U.S. Job Loss (Growth) MarketsDec. 2000 Dec. 2001
11. Area Unemployment Rates
12. Thoughts for consideration.
Play to market strengths
Construction one of few bright spots
Retail follows rooftops
Region is over-malled, but still opportunities
Take advantage of special opportunities
Restaurants migrating from Dallas????
13. Thoughts for consideration. Local governance
Continue to streamline permitting
Impacts fees must be competitive
Avoid draconian solutions, maintain good relations with developers of all types of properties.
Stick to plan
14. The Center for Economic Development and Research at the University of North Texas conducts economic analysis and public policy research. The Center also provides forecasting and strategic planning services to businesses, governments, and non-profit agencies with an interest in economic development.
For more information about the Center, please visit our website at www.unt.edu/cedr