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Current United States Definition of Children With Outstanding Talent--Federal Definition. Children and youth with outstanding talent perform or show the potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with other of their age, experience, or environment.(National Excellence Report).
1. Identification in Gifted and Talented Programs Sally M. Reis
University of Connecticut
3. Current United States Definition of Children With Outstanding Talent--Federal Definition Children and youth with outstanding talent perform or show the potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with other of their age, experience, or environment.
(National Excellence Report)
5. Internal Consistency
8. Factors Influencing Gifted Behavior Personality Factors
Perception of Self, Self-Efficacy
Need for Achievement
Ego Strength
Sense of Destiny
Personal Attractiveness Environmental Factors
Parental Personalities
Education of Parents
Stimulation of Childhood Interests
Family Position
Formal Education
Role Model Availability
Physical Illness and/or Well Being
Chance Factors
9. Above Average Ability: Characteristics General Ability
High levels of abstract thinking, verbal & numerical reasoning, spatial relations, memory and word fluency
Adapts to novel situations
Automization of information processing; rapid, accurate & selective retrieval of information
10. Above Average Ability: Characteristics Specific Ability
Application of various combinations of general abilities to one or more specialized areas of knowledge or performance
Capacity for acquiring and using advanced knowledge, techniques, logistics and strategies
Capacity to determine relevance of information
11. Task Commitment: Characteristics High levels of interest, enthusiasm, fascination, & involvement
Shows perseverance, endurance, determination, hard work & dedicated practice
Self-confident, belief in own ability, driven to achieve
Ability to identify problems; tune in to new developments in field
Sets high standards, open to criticism, developing sense of taste, quality & excellence about work products
12. Creativity: Characteristics Fluency, flexibility & originality of thought
Openness to experience; receptive to new and different thoughts, actions & products
Curious, speculative, adventurous, and “mentally playful”; willing to take risks in thought and action; uninhibited
Sensitive to detail, aesthetic characteristics of ideas and things; willing to act on and react to external stimulation and own ideas and feelings
13. Learning Differences in Gifted Children (Reis, 2002)
14. Development of Gifts and Talents
15. Identification of Gifted and Talented Students in the USThree Standard Processes 1. Traditional (4 stage process)
2. Talent Pool (Renzulli & Reis)
3. Matrix
16. Steps Identification of Gifted and Talented Students 1. Nomination
2. Screening
3. Information Gathering
4. Final Selection
17. Identification instruments for Gifted and Talented Students Teacher nomination and checklists
2. Product information
3. Tests (Achievement and Aptitude)
4. Portfolio information
5. Grades and Performance information
6. Evidence of high potential in alternate ways
7. Parent and self-nomination
18. The Renzulli Identification System Based on the 3-Ring Conception of Giftedness & the SEM (Enrichment Triad Model)
Strives for equity, excellence &economy—done quickly and efficiently
Designed to be flexible (e.g. to follow state guidelines on cut-off scores)
Based on research of behavioral characteristics of highly creative & productive people
19. The Renzulli Identification System Goals: Develop creativity and/or task commitment in Talent Pool students & other students who come to an educator’s attention through all means of identification
Provide learning experiences & support systems that promote interaction of creativity, task commitment, & above average ability
Provide opportunities, resources, & encouragement for the development & application of gifted behaviors
21. Internal Consistency
22. Operationalizing a Definition The way in which you define giftedness should provide a rationale for the identification process and assessment instruments
A clear and purposeful relationship should exist between the goals of your gifted program and how students are identified. For example, if a program is based on performance in accelerated mathematics courses, then it makes sense to use mathematics aptitude tests and math grades as a part of the identification process.
Educators must be vigilant in their efforts to ensure that the diversity of the students identified to participate in a gifted program reflects the diversity of the total student population from which they are selected.
23. Identification should:1. Create an awareness of a population of students whose exceptional abilities require services2. Suggest the characteristics to use in planning educational programs for those children3. Establish services that match the definition and program and services
24. Determine size of Talent Pool
Number of students you can serve and be able to achieve “Visibility of Effect”
Effect of direct & indirect services you can develop through schoolwide involvement of other teachers & outside resources
Planned growth over time
26. Two Types of Identification Status Information -- Anything you can put down on paper beforehand that tells you something about the student.
2. Action Information -- Things that you can only document when they are happening or after they happen.
27. Status Information Grades
Test scores
Student work samples
Interest, learning styles & expression style surveys
Teacher input (any/all teachers)
Parent input
Students’ self-nomination
Peer nominations
28. Action Information Teacher observations
Work habits
Leadership qualities
Peer interactions
Skill development
Video/audio recordings
29. Identifying Talent Pool Students Local decision for criteria
Use multiple criteria
Look beyond the obvious - look for potential as well as talent that is already developed
30. Alternate Pathways May include:
parent, peer and self nominations
Creativity assessments
Product evaluations
Other measures
Allow for non-traditional students to receive services
36. For Example,Opportunities for Accelerated Reading (Special Class)
Differentiation in the Classroom
Independent Study—Language Arts, History
Enrichment in Reading, Drama, History
37. The Stages of Talent Development
39. Architecture -- Interior DesignArchitecture -- Interior Design
40. Curriculum and learning opportunities for talent pool students: Systematic Opportunities Acceleration
On-line services
Advanced Content
Teacher selected content
Student selected content
Regular Curriculum Extensions
Advanced Content Based on Interests, Readiness, Learning and Product Styles
Problem solving
Curriculum differentiation
Counseling for underachievement
Arts programs
Creativity programs
Leadership programs
42. Development of gifts and talents: “Label the services, not the students to enable more students to receive services.”