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Telangana -Vision

Telangana -Vision. Presented to Sri Krishna Committee on 17/05/2010 By A.S.Ramesh MS(USA) Secretary Telangana Employees Association, O.U. JAC member TDF co-ordinator Founder Telangana IT Forum. Telangana -Vision. Our developmental plan address the needs of have-nots.

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Telangana -Vision

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  1. Telangana-Vision Presented to Sri Krishna Committee on 17/05/2010 By A.S.Ramesh MS(USA) Secretary Telangana Employees Association, O.U. JAC member TDF co-ordinator Founder Telangana IT Forum Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  2. Telangana-Vision • Our developmental plan address the needs of have-nots. • Our plan is from Panchyat level but not from above. • Local institutions will be delivered all kinds of financial and functional powers as per constitution • Due respect to village as a republic. (73 &74 amendments, art 243-244) • Innovation is the key, adoptability to the changing dynamic conditions is the other aspect. Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  3. Vision-On-Education • Encouraging the value based co-operative education. • Providing at least 5% funds to the education on state GDP. • Employment driven vocational courses will be on our agenda • Upholding the standards and quality in professional education is another aspect. • Curbing the corporate education at the least is our goal. Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  4. Vision-On-Education • Strict implementation of right to education (art.21A). • Providing basic infrastructure facilities to all primary and secondary schools under SSA and through NRI sponsored program. • Measures will be taken upholding quality of education in all govt schools through implementing the reforms. • Mandatory conversion of all private managed educational institutions to co-operative or society based with in five years. • Professional regulatory authority will be constituted at all levels of the education. Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  5. Vision on resources • Sustainable use of natural resources • Exploring the opportunities of non-conventional energy resources. • More focus on man to earth linkage • EIA analysis and CPCB reports will be given utmost importance • Reusability, reproductively taken care • Open cast mining will be stopped • Focus on SSI and medium scale industries Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  6. Vision on resources • Community and co-operative sector will be given importance to manage the resources. • Latin-American, African and East-European successes will be a guide. • Adherence to the Brutland commission (WECD) report • Sustained natural resource management programs will be implemented further. • Union sponsored incentive programs are linked with naturally available resources. • Exploring and usage of unhidden potential of ECO-Tourism. Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  7. Vision on Irrigation • More focus on minor and tank irrigation • Gravity instead of lift will be given prominence • De-silting and reemergence of tanks and small dams is our priority • Water management at Macro/micro-level will be taken care with proper auditing • Arid and calorific rich crops are encouraged. • Aqua irrigation on the tank side taken care. • Food security, water availability to all are the guiding factors further. Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  8. Minor Irrigation Miracles • Provides assured water to more than 10Million hectares with less cost. • Increases the ground water levels. • Reduces high level corruption and lifting charges involved in un-necessary lift irrigation schemes. • Integrated and sustainable agriculture practices can be adopted to usher the second green revolution. • Don’t look after Polavaram for food security look at our more than one lakh tanks and one crore acres of pure arable land to provide assured 30% of over all food security to India. Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  9. Vision-Telangana-Irrigation • Like Rhine and Danube rift valley rivers Godavari can be provided with series of Rubber dams to take the water during flood that can fills the series of inter-connected tanks. At least 150TMC can be taken. • Almatty gravity canal assures at least 100TMC to Palamooru, can be completed with in two years. • SLBC tunnel can be completed with in one year with the help of European companies, provides at least 90TMC to Nalgonda. • Lendi, Upper Penganaga, Lower Penganga assures another 50TMC with in a year. • Palamooru Lift Irrigation scheme will lift another 50TMC to Rangareddy and Palamooru. Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  10. Cereal crop is a better crop Compare nutrition:  ragi, rice & dairy milk100 grams         sprouted     rice    dairy                              ragi flour              milkCalcium (mg)          350         28      115Iron (mg)                       4        0.8      0.1Protein (gm)                 8          7       3.5Cost (Rs.)                     1         1        2     Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  11. FOOD SECURITY TO INDIA • Presently only 5Million Hectares under the Cereals crop. • Telangana can easily provide further 3Million hectares where production can be doubled. • Agro-based processing yield further values to the cereal crops and also eliminates the mal-nutrious and anemic problems in children and women. • High calorific value further reduces the burden on food security and also eliminates spreading of diabetic problem. Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  12. Vision on agriculture • Food security to region and country is our primary goal. • Sustainable agricultural practices is in our agenda • Cereals, pulses, horticultural crops with less irrigation facilities. • Linkage to market, godown and agro-based industry is taken care of. • Value addition and export based technologies provided. • Seri, pisci, horti cultural crops given importance • To meet WTO pyto-sanitary conditions more lab to land programmes will be taken. • More linkages to R&D ICRISAT, CRIDA, IGSI Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  13. Vision on Land reforms • Our fore fathers slogan land to the tiller is the key guiding factor. • Eviction of illegally encroached land grabbers in SC/ST assigned lands • Strict implementation of tenancy act. • Re distribution of land to the below poverty line. • Integrative computerization of all land records.(Bhubarati) • Vigilance over the leased lands, further eviction of those lands and re distribution. • Strict adherence to the SEZ act. Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  14. Vision on IT • Tier II cities will be provided with amenities to suit the needs of Industry. • More man power based BPO,KPO will be given prominence. • Providing the suitable man power by institutionalizing the training programmes. • E-governance at all levels to provide transparency, accountability, fastness and flexibility in administration. • Paper files avoided at all levels only e-filling. Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  15. Vision on Industry • Co-operative sector will be given prominence. • Existing industrial policy totally revamped to suit the needs of our region • Employment driven industries encouraged further . • Complete revision on government contracting system. • Entrepreneur trainings and skills will be part of education curriculum. • Providing basic amenities to new players is our goal. • Institutional financial linkages provided in a single window manner. • SSI/MSI taken care of further. • Growth poles/centres provided further Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  16. Vision on Industry • Co-operative sector will be given prominence. • Existing industrial policy totally revamped to suit the needs of our region. • Employment driven industries encouraged further . • Complete revision on government contracting system. • Entrepreneur trainings and skills will be part of education curriculum. • Providing basic amenities to new players is our goal. • Institutional financial linkages provided in a single window manner. • SSI/MSI taken care further. • Growth poles/centres provided further Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  17. Vision on Health • Providing the institutionalized infrastructural facilities in all the corners of region. Ex.PHC • Coordinating with centrally sponsored heath programmes NRHM,ICDS etc,. • More focus on prevention rather than cure. • Integrative approach health problems. • Polluted and epidemic related diseases in our agenda. • Curbing strictly on corporate health is our goal. • More focus on rural doctors and their remuneration. Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  18. Vision on Health • State level regulatory body to monitor health institutions at all levels. • Epidemic control centre with suitable infrastructure under union sponsored disaster management scheme. • Meager matching grants to union sponsored programs will be delivered with due fast. • Special focus on alarming problems of child nutrition and women anemic problems. Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  19. Vision on Infrastructure • Providing drinking water facilities to all villages under RWS scheme is our goal • Providing electricity to every nook corner Telangana villages is another goal. • Encouraging tier-II cities to have growth centres. .Satellite cities around Hyderabad usher the development further. (Ex. Vikarabad Satellite city impetus development around Tandur and Naryankhed) Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  20. Vision on Infrastructure • Special focus on cold storage godowns and large grain storage godowns under Union flag ship program is our criteria. • Tier II Railway network is extended to major towns and cities. • Single window kind of facilities in IT extend to other sectors like handloom, agro, textile and hardware sectors. • More focus on minor forestation and its linkage to power plants. • Existing mini Hydel potential will be exploited Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  21. Vision on NRI’s • Special rescue centre with the help of MEA will be setup at Gulf. • NRI initiative single window scheme as in Kerala will be formed to make them part in region development. • Consultancy with due professionalism will be setup to guide the educated youth for abroad educational and employment opportunities. Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  22. Vision on Employment • Employment exchanges further strengthened and further policy level measure to be taken such that certain % of local people will be taken. • More focus on employment driven industries, tax incentives will be provided. • More linkage to industry and institutions to have skilled power. • Separate ministry with due powers to tackle the un-employment problem. Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  23. Vision on reforms • Including C.M all the ministers under the net of Lokayukta. • Second ARC and Law commission recommendations will be implemented into to. • E-governance will be used a to reduce the corruption at all levels. • More focus on pension reforms to reduce burden on state exchequer. • Further strengthening of tribunals and fast track courts, village panchayats to reduce the delays in administrative procedures. Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

  24. Construction or Destruction? • 1969 Telangana movement failure yield to the wide spread of Naxalite movement. • It is a well known fact that top cadre naxalites are from Telangana region. • Fazal Ali (first SRC), Bhargav, Lalit, Girglani, Gentlemen's agreement and December 9 th statement all are violated. • In 1969 more than 369 students laid their life, right now it crossed more than 320. • More than one lakh farmers committed suicide due to un-avail rightful share of their water resources. • After DEC 31, do u want construction or destruction? Telangana-Vision-Ramesh AS

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