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VISALANDHRA MAHASABHA. Unjust demand for telangana. About US. Visalandhra Mahasabha (VMS) is formed by a dedicated group of people from all walks of life and all regions of the State. We consider it our sacred duty to preserve the unity of our State.
VISALANDHRA MAHASABHA Unjust demand for telangana
About US • Visalandhra Mahasabha (VMS) is formed by a dedicated group of people from all walks of lifeand all regions of the State. • We consider it our sacred duty to preserve the unity of our State. • We seek to celebrate our glorious history, ancient language and rich culture. • We draw our inspiration from “Andhra Mahasabha”, the vanguard in the struggle for the formation of Andhra Pradesh as a linguistic state.
About US • The decade-long separatist agitation for Telangana is based on blatant lies and false propaganda. • The separate Telangana argument has gone unchallenged, uncontested and unquestioned all these years. • Violence, vandalism, abuse and intimidation muzzled the sane voices of unity from Telangana region. • This narrative exposes the lies, myths and falsehoods of the separatists.
Visalandhra Mahasabha THE SEPARATIST argument
The false argument for telangana • “Historically and culturally, the people of Telangana have little in common with people of other regions of the State”. • “Telangana is lagging in irrigation, education& industrial development vis-à-vis Coastal Andhra & Rayalaseema”. • “Leaders of Coastal Andhra & Rayalaseema have repeatedly flouted agreements made to protect interests of Telangana People”. People were fed these distorted versions. However, facts paint a radically different picture.
Visalandhra Mahasabha Socio-economic reality of Andhra Pradesh since its formation
Socio-economic indicators Source: Statistical Abstract of AP, 2008. Telangana is at par with other regions across several socio-economic indicators.
Region-wise financial situation -revenue collection Revenue Collection in Rupees Lakhs Source: Statistical Abstract of AP, 1957, 2008. For 2005-06, excise revenue contribution is realized revenue (current+arrears) Separatists claim that Telangana generates 75% of land, excise and sales revenue. However, when Hyderabad & Rangareddy are excluded, this contribution drops to 13%.
Region-wise financial situation -per capita gdp Per Capita GDP in Rupees Source: Analyzed data from State Domestic Product (1993-94 to 2003-04) & District Domestic Product (2002-03) of AP. Used 91 population for 93-94 per capita GDP calculation & 2001 population for 2003-04 per capital GDP Calculation. In Per Capita GDP, a good indicator of economic well-being, Telangana’s growth was the fastest after the merger, compared to other regions.
Gross irrigated area* Telangana registered highest percentage growth in gross irrigated area – 15 Lakh hectares added compared to Coastal Andhra’s 10 Lakh Hectares. * Area in Hectares * Source: Statistical Abstract of AP – 1957, 2008
Canal irrigation1 Telangana registered phenomenal growth in Canal Irrigation. * Canal Irrigation in Hectares * Statistical Abstract of AP – 1957, 2008
Percentage growth in irrigated land since formation of the state
Percentage growth in canal irrigation since formation of state
Tank irrigation* Tank irrigation suffered in all the regions. However, Rayalaseema was worst hit. * Tank Irrigation in Hectares * Statistical Abstract of AP – 1957, 2008
Tube well irrigation* Telangana and Rayalaseema saw phenomenal growth in tube well irrigation. * Tube Well Irrigation in Hectares * Statistical Abstract of AP – 1992, 2008. (Tube well irrigation started in 1990’s)
Irrigation data clearly show that there is no discrimination against Telangana
Industries – Factory employment & emoluments Source: Statistical Abstract of AP, 2008
Industries – AP Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) Units by Region Source: http://www.apidc.org Number of IDC units in Telangana are higher than those in the other two regions combined.
School Education1 Compared to 1956, Telangana has added 15 school students for every 100 people, whereas Coastal Andhra added a mere three students. Includes Primary, Middle & High Schools and other Specialty Schools as classified in Statistical Abstract of AP Used 1956, 2001 Census population totals http://aponline.gov.in (Director of School Education, RTI Act Publication)
Education – school education No. of Students per 100 People
Education – school education Percentage Increase in Students (1956 – 2006/07)
Degree Education1 Compared to 1956, Telangana has 54 additional degree college students for every 10,000 people, whereas Coastal Andhra added just 39. Degree Education: Arts & Sciences only. Professional Education Nos. not included. Sourced from Statistical Abstract of AP Used 1956 Census population totals Degree education data for Telangana excl. Hyd., not available readily.
Region-wise Literacy growth rates1 Sourced from 1951, 2001 Census Since the last five decades both Telangana and Coastal Andhra have added 42 additional literates per 100 people.
Tenure of chief ministers by region Leaders from Rayalaseema served as Chief Ministers for the longest duration. Ironically, Rayalaseema continues to be the most economically backward region of the state.
Visalandhra Mahasabha Some Notable extracts from srikrishna committee report
Srikrishna committee – extracts • “Deprived region is Rayalaseema, not Telangana” • “It is not the size of the state that matters, but the quality of governance” • “… growing levels of inequity within Telangana… within the deprived population groups…” • “… deepening inequity… (will) sustain the separatist agitation, (and will) carry it further and increase its intensity” • “Masses used as tools of agitation by political parties”
Srikrishna committee – notable extracts • “Telangana… doing well on various indicators of reproductive and child health… as compared to… Rayalaseema and Coastal Andhra” • “… consumption of electricity in Telangana region is the highest as compared to other regions, indicating the prosperous status of the region” • “Creation of new territorial divisions on the basis of cultural differences is inconceivable”
Visalandhra Mahasabha The abuse & intimidation by separatists
KCR Warns of civil war "Our goal is separate Telangana. If we get Telangana, it is fine. Otherwise, when there is no other way for people, unnatural incidents would happen. It may lead to a civil war”. http://indiatoday.intoday.in/site/story/KCR+warns+of+'civil+war'+if+statehood+is+denied+to+Telangana/1/95122.html
KTR warns of violence TRS legislator K. Taraka Rama Rao warned the state and Union governments to “remember” Million March mayhem before denying permission to the party’s 10th anniversary public meeting proposed to be held in Hyderabad. Source URL: http://www.deccanchronicle.com/channels/cities/regions/karimnagar/ktr-warns-violence-151
Genco MD attacked by separatists Senior IAS official and managing director of AP Genco, Mr K. Vijayanand, was assaulted by Telangana leaders in his office. http://www.deccanchronicle.com/channels/cities/hyderabad/genco-md-attacked-t-men-063
Telangana state will follow Naxal agenda: KCR TRS President K. Chandrasekhar Rao today promised to endorse and implement the agenda of Naxalites after formation of Telangana state. http://expressbuzz.com/states/andhrapradesh/telangana-state-will-follow-naxal-agenda-kcr/236681.html
Telangana state will follow Naxal agenda: KCR Addressing the gathering after former NaxaliteSambasivudu joined the ranks of the TRS at Telangana Bhavan this evening, Rao claimed that there were several members in the TRS, including TRSLP floor leader E. Rajender and others, who came from organisations like PDSU and Janashakthiand it had already been proved that “Telangana and Naxalites were together”. http://expressbuzz.com/states/andhrapradesh/telangana-state-will-follow-naxal-agenda-kcr/236681.html
“Whoever enters telangana region will be axed” – Vijayashanthi, trsmp. Telangana RashtraSamiti MP Vijayashanti was arrested for her alleged inflammatory remarks in Hyderabad on Saturday. The actress-turned-politician told a rally on Wednesday that “whoever enters the Telangana region (for campaigning) will be axed”. http://www.telegraphindia.com/1100704/jsp/nation/story_12644160.jsp
“War like situation is inevitable” – Jayashankar TRS ideologue Jayashankarsaid war-like situation would be inevitable if the SrikrishnaCommittee fails to give a report in line with the aspirations of Telangana people. http://www.deccanherald.com/content/66583/trs-talks-civil-war-over.html
TRS Activists Attack Movie Shoot, Ransack Equipment "A group of around 20 Telangana activists forcibly entered the house where the shooting of the movie was going on and stopped the unit from going ahead with shooting," a police officer told PTI.. http://news.outlookindia.com/item.aspx?671578
We will drag soniagandhi to bazaar: KCR ‘‘We will drag even Sonia Gandhi to the bazaar’’ if Congress backtracks on the formation of Telangana state – KCR in a Party meeting in Hyderabad. http://www.indianexpress.com/oldStory/55196/
Tongues will be cut if anybody demands UT status for Hyderabad: KCR K. Chandrasekhar Rao said that the Centre should immediately speed up the process of carving a separate state. He said that there was no ambiguity about the status of Hyderabad. He said the argument being made by some people that Hyderabad should be a union territory or joint capital for two states had no validity. If anyone makes such a demand, TRS will cut their tongue. http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2009-12-03/india/28074807_1_trs-men-k-chandrasekhar-rao-vandalise