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Understanding Food Amy Brown

Understanding Food Amy Brown. Chapter 13: Eggs. Just a few examples of how eggs are used in food preparation: Structure Thickening Color Emulsifying . Leavening Binding Coating Glazing Clarifying. Composition of Eggs. Composition of Eggs. The egg has five major components:

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Understanding Food Amy Brown

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  1. Understanding FoodAmy Brown Chapter 13: Eggs

  2. Just a few examples of how eggs are used in food preparation: Structure Thickening Color Emulsifying Leavening Binding Coating Glazing Clarifying Composition of Eggs

  3. Composition of Eggs • The egg has five major components: • Yolk • Albumen (egg white) • Shell membranes • Air cell • Shell

  4. Purchasing Eggs Inspection • The Egg Products Inspection Act of 1970 requires that egg processing plants be inspected and that their eggs and egg products be: • Wholesome • Unadulterated • Truthfully labeled

  5. Purchasing Eggs Grading • The best-quality eggs are graded USDA Grade AA, followed by USDA Grade A. • USDA Grade B, the lowest grade.

  6. Purchasing Eggs • Sizing is not related to grading in any way. • Eggs are sold in cartons by various sizes determined by a minimum weight for a dozen eggs in their shell.

  7. Functions of Eggs in Foods • Eggs are often combined with other ingredients. • Their unique ability to: • Flavor • Color • Emulsify • Thicken • Bind • Foam • Interfere • Clarify …makes them nearly indispensable in cooking.

  8. Preparation of Eggs Changes in Prepared Eggs • The key to cooking eggs is to keep the temperature low and/or the cooking time short. • Egg whites and yolks coagulate at different temperatures.

  9. Storage of Eggs • Eggs begin to deteriorate as soon as they are laid and lose quality very rapidly at room temperature. • An egg will age more in one day at room temperature than in one week in the refrigerator.

  10. Storage of Eggs • The size of an egg’s air cell provides another indication of its age.

  11. Storage of Eggs Frozen • Freezing a whole egg is not possible because it will crack under the expanding liquids. • Food manufacturers solve this dilemma by breaking the eggs open at the processing plants where the contents are frozen • Whole (whites and yolk mixed together) • Separated as whites or yolks

  12. Storage of Eggs Safety Tips • The chances of an egg being internally contaminated are relatively low, less than one in 10,000 commercial eggs. • It is more common for contamination to occur during handling and preparation after the egg has been removed from its shell.

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