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Purpose of the presentation. Why is understanding Millennials important?Help you understand the generations we serve
1. Working With Our Clients: Millennials & their Helicopter Parents
Kristy L. Vienne
Sam Houston State University
3. Why is understanding generational perspective important? A generational perspective provides us with tools for understanding our students
What their expectations are
What motivates them
If we are willing to explore the factors that shape a generations personality & characteristics, we can develop more effective:
4. For the first time ever the workforce is seeing more than 4 generations of workers at once
Gen X
Implications for the Workplace
5. Generation Timeline
6. Four Generations in the Workplace--- Silents on campus are probably in mid 70s
The Silent generation set the tone for education and most are senior faculty at universities
Established most of the rules and behaviors of the Modern Workplace
Influence is Still Very Much Present
Assumed mantle of leadership from its Silent predecessors
Went to college when it was considered prestigious
Economically Conservative
Authority Drive/Rule Bound
Work-Take it, Keep It & Be Happy if You Can
Careers coincided with:
Civil rights
Women’s movements
The Vietnam War Silents (1925 – 1942) Boomers (1943 – 1960)
7. Four Generations in the Workplace--- Self-driven
Whatever works mentality
Work to support lifestyle
Life more important than work
Boomers will be retiring soon, Gen Xer’s must be ready to step up as higher level administrators
The millennials are now college age or new professionals
Network Driven
Outcome Oriented
Work an Extension of Social Life
Economics of the Here & Now Generation Xers Millennials
8. Let’s set the stage……….. The Silent Generation established the authority
The Boomers are and/or submit to the authority system
The Gen Xers rebel against or simply ignore the system
The Millennials think they are the authority system
9. Sample of PositiveCharacteristic Comparisons Loyal
Hard Working
Take their job seriously
Adaptable Silent
Baby Boomers
Generation X
Millennial Trait Generation
10. Characteristic ComparisonsTo Improve Technology Usage
Need to be in control
Apathetic and cynical
Impatient Silent
Baby Boomers
Generation X
Trait Generation
11. Characteristic Comparisons To Learn From Respectful
Technologically Savvy Silent
Baby Boomers
Generation X
Millennial Trait Generation
13. Information about the Millennial Generation Grown up with technology
However this causes instant gratification
Raised with the idea that they can be anything
Expect to get to the top quickly
Depression and Anxiety are higher
Very scheduled lives
Think they are equals with authority figures
Extremely Educated
Can be very skeptical
14. Information about the Millennial Generation Blunt and expressive
Very diverse group
They are very tolerant
It’s okay to be different
Clothing is a way of personal expression
“Free to be you and Free to be me.”
Independence in everything Need Constant Praise
Thoughts and Feelings are important
Often share Too Much Information
Curse Words are no longer a taboo
15. Perceived or potential issues for administrators Differences effect the way we communicate
Formal vs. Informal
Over the phone, via e-mail, in person, instant message, Facebook
The way we talk to each other/wording/respect
Technology vs. no technology
Different Work Ethic/Drive to Succeed
Different needs & wants that may conflict with traditional standards and policies
Conflicting Perceptions----Immediate Gratification
Born Knowing vs. School of Hard Knocks
16. Parents consider their students college experience a joint venture
College is getting a parent & student
Millennial & their parents immediately call the VPs or President’s Office to seek resolution to the smallest complaint
Most often without going through the proper channels first
Perceived or potential issues for administrators
17. Implications for campus Each of these demographic groups is unique and has distinct characteristics, which raises the question……….
How can we work together?
Here are some key characteristics & strategies to help administrators work with Millennials & their Parents
18. Special Response to Boomers/authority figures telling them their whole lives
Have been made to feel important by those, including colleges, who would sell them a product or service
Given trophies for participation rather than victory
As a result, they still feel everyone should get a prize
Strategy for Administrators
One of the ancillary aspects of serving Millennial students is dealing constructively with their intrusive parents
Offer special programs and services aimed at parents
Donuts for parents during Orientation
Parent dedicated web-sites or web pages
Marketing materials just for parents
Provide a higher level of customer service & support
19. Boomers & Gen X = Parents Many Millennials have “helicopter parents,” who remain highly involved (or over involved)—in the lives of their children, even into young adulthood
Millennials are “special”
In large part have grown up well protected by their parents, who have reinforced the notion that:
their offspring are the key to the future
vital to the nation
to their parents’ sense of purpose
Key authors of research in the field have millennial kids
20. A helicopter parent is a term for a person who pays extremely close attention to his or her child or children, particularly at educational institutions.
They rush to prevent any harm or failure from befalling them or letting them learn from their own mistakes, sometimes even contrary to the children's wishes.
They are so named because, like a helicopter, they hover closely overhead, rarely out of reach whether their children need them or not
Some are even Blackhawks
Definition of Helicopter Parents
21. Ironically….. Helicopter parents of today were members of the generation that helped usher in the end of in loco parentis (i.e. in lieu of the parents) on college campuses
22. Sheltered Parent’s sheltered them from harm’s way
Encouraged to follow rules
They expect the rules to be clearly communicated & enforced
Strategy for Administrators
Educators & service providers better put it in their syllabus or policy handbook if it is expected for them to follow it
Avoid the “unwritten rule”& replace with “write it down & enforce it”
Come to trust authority and count on authority
So do not let them down, if you say your going to provide something then do
Millennials need and expect structure
23. Confident Sense of optimism----Have come to expect good news
Have been encouraged to believe in themselves
Millennials trust Boomers b/c they have been rewarded by them their whole lives
Believe in community service, but only if they receive credit for it------Literally & Figuratively
Mastered the art of negotiating levels of acceptable behaviors with parents, teachers, even employers
Strategy for Administrators
Set expectations higher for them, but be sure that their own expectations of beneficial outcomes are met
24. Conventional Raised under the notion that “if you follow the rules, you will be rewarded”
Respect cultural differences more than previous generations
Parental interaction of “Do as we say and not as we did”
Come to accept codes of conduct and dress
Strategy for Administrators
Set an expected set of “norms” for the group/campus climate
You are expected to have your card at all depts and/or events---no exceptions
25. Team-Oriented Millennials like to congregate
Desire to cooperate & be perceived as cooperating by those who are in a position to judge them
Resentment when they are forced to compete in a zero-sum game where winners take all
Strategy for Administrators
Consider doing team oriented programs or projects, but highly structured b/c they do not like to work w/o a net
Blackboard, Facebook sites, or Blogs for students who use your services to chat
When they do encounter difficult people, they become uncomfortable, and expect hose in authority to protect them
You may be the uncomfortable person
26. Achieving Strong need for achievement
A lack of tolerance for aberrant behavior is acceptable as long as the rewards for good behavior are known to all.
Strategy for Administrators
Alignment of programs/services is to be matched by alignment of a reward structure that is clearly explained & cleanly administered.
27. Pressured Feel pressured to perform
Want structure enforced to ensure that compliance will lead to achievement
Respect for objective assessment rather than subjective
Most expect to receive at least a B average-as a result of compliance to academic standards
Strategy for Administrators
Market your services or offer programs to “reduce their pressure” and alleviate their burdens
28. Strategies for Serving Millennials Prepare for students who are high maintenance and expect to be treated as VIPs
Be Prepared For High Expectations for..
Your Office/Environment
Your Staff
Your Marketing Materials/Your Literature
Possible involvement of parents in Student Account Information
Employ FERPA on your side
Develop, when possible, handouts & resources that explain your limitations in sharing information
Encourage to have the parent call you with the student on the phone so that you can better serve them…
29. Strategies for Serving Millennials & their parents Create opportunities for parents to be involved proactively rather than reactively
Drug & Alcohol initiatives
Homecoming Events/Student Services Day
When a parent calls:
Negotiate carefully with them
Manage their expectations
Understand that many of them are living vicariously through their students
Co-Market to parents
Use their involvement to your advantage
Create marketing materials just for them
Website & On-line Parent Pages with their own log-in
30. Strategies for Serving Millennials & their parents Teach parents & students the proper protocol for handling disputes or concerns during Orientation
Set the expectations or norms from the start
Create systems so that upper-level administrators reroute issues back down to the appropriate office, without intervening
Reinforce the importance of attempting to resolve the issue through the correct process
Try to dedicate staff to reply to student emails within 1 to 2 hours of receipt
Otherwise students perceive their issue or need to be unvalued
31. So where do we go from here? Have well written and clearly communicated internal policies for programs and services to help protect against “appeals”
Provide advanced on-line delivery of services to help with the need for instant gratification.
Administrators must respect each generations strengths and help support their weaknesses
Continue to understand our differences and how they can be used to the departments advantage
Continue to understand that this generation of students and parents will continue to expect and demand higher quality products and services.
32. What Generation is Next?
Coming to a playground or campus near you soon…..
The Homelanders
33. Questions? Comments?
Kristy L. Vienne
Director, Bearkat OneCard Services &
Student Money Mgmt Center
Box 2538
Huntsville, TX 77340
(936) 294-2274
34. References http://www.nasrecruitment.com/TalentTips/NASinsights/GenerationY.pdf
Coomes, M. D., & DeBard, R. (2004). Serving the millennial generation. New Directions for Student Services, 106. San Franciso: Jossey-Bass.
Raines, C. (2002). Managing millennials. Connecting Generations. http://www.generationsatwork.com/articles/millenials.htm
Generation Me: Why Today’s Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled– and More Miserable Than Ever Before by Jean M. Twenge, Ph.d.