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2-108-97 MARKETING MANAGEMENT. Corinne Berneman École des HEC. WHAT’S ON TODAY’S AGENDA?. Presentations: professor students course Discussion of course outline Introduction to marketing: definitionS role of marketing in the firm. Corinne Berneman. Room 4.420 (4th floor, blue area)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2-108-97MARKETING MANAGEMENT Corinne Berneman École des HEC

  2. WHAT’S ON TODAY’S AGENDA? • Presentations: • professor • students • course • Discussion of course outline • Introduction to marketing: • definitionS • role of marketing in the firm

  3. Corinne Berneman • Room 4.420 (4th floor, blue area) • Secretary: Lise Collette (Room 4.715) • Telephone: 340-6417 (voice mail active 24 hours per day) • E-Mail: Corinne.Berneman@hec.ca • Fax: 340-6975

  4. WHO ARE YOU? • Semester/year at HEC • Intended major • Career plans • Specific interests, hobbies, travel, sport • Why the $%?# in English????

  5. WHY ENGLISH? • Why did you choose an English section? • Why did you choose marketing? • Link culture-language

  6. USE OF ENGLISH IN THIS COURSE • This is NOT a language course • It is a marketing course given in English • Key point: understand and be understood • Put emphasis on participation

  7. COURSE OUTLINE(also available on the Web)www.hec.ca/Berneman/marketing_management/Outline.html

  8. OBJECTIVES • Give a general introduction to marketing management • Understand the role and functions of marketing within the firm and in society • Understand the key concepts in the discipline • Understand basic elements of marketing strategy

  9. REQUIRED MATERIAL • Kotler, Philip, Gary Armstrong and Peggy H. Cunningham, «Principles of Marketing», Fourth Canadian Edition, Prentice Hall, 1999 • Accompanying Website: www.prenticehall.ca/kotler

  10. EVALUATION • Case report 15% • Case presentation 15% • Mid-term 25% • Final 25% • Quizzes 20%


  12. TOPICS COVERED • Part I: Basic Concepts • definition of marketing, role in firm, society • basic elements of marketing strategy and planning • Part II: Analysis • market research • consumer behaviour

  13. TOPICS COVERED • Part III: Strategic Decisions • Segmentation • Targeting • Positioning • Part IV: Implementation • product planning • distribution and retailing • pricing decisions • promotional aspects

  14. DEFINITIONS OF MARKETING • Marketing as a learning discipline • Marketing as a function of a company • Marketing as a way of doing business

  15. FUNCTIONAL DEFINITION Process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. (AMA)

  16. FOCUS ON • Consumer goods • products and services • Managerial approach • analysis • decision-making

  17. NEXT CLASS • Read chapters (1, 20, 2) • Key concepts: • the marketing process • marketing strategy • marketing mix

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