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Clearwater Basin Collaborative Bill Higgins, Idaho Forest Group, LLC Grangeville, Idaho. History of the Collaborative. Timber Wars Fish Lake Lawsuit 2000 Clearwater Elk Collaborative Nez Perce Tribe joins Clearwater RC&D Council – Fiscal Agent Senator Crapo convenes CBC- May, 2008.
Clearwater Basin Collaborative Bill Higgins, Idaho Forest Group, LLC Grangeville, Idaho Backcountry Hunters and Anglers * Citizens-at-large * Clearwater Paper Corporation * Clearwater County Commissioners * Economic Development * Framing Our Community * Great Burn Study Group * Idaho Conservation League * Idaho County Commissioners * Idaho Fish and Game * Idaho Forest Group * Independent Loggers * Intermountain Forest Association * Lewiston OHV Club * Nez Perce Tribe * Outfitters and Guides * P.L.A.Y. * Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation * The Nature Conservancy * The Wilderness Society * Trout Unlimited *
History of the Collaborative Timber Wars Fish Lake Lawsuit 2000 Clearwater Elk Collaborative Nez Perce Tribe joins Clearwater RC&D Council – Fiscal Agent Senator Crapo convenes CBC- May, 2008 Backcountry Hunters and Anglers * Citizens-at-large * Clearwater Paper Corporation * Clearwater County Commissioners * Economic Development * Framing Our Community * Great Burn Study Group * Idaho Conservation League * Idaho County Commissioners * Idaho Fish and Game * Idaho Forest Group * Independent Loggers * Intermountain Forest Association * Lewiston OHV Club * Nez Perce Tribe * Outfitters and Guides * P.L.A.Y. * Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation * The Nature Conservancy * The Wilderness Society * Trout Unlimited *
Purpose and Vision Purpose: “…to provide recommendations for actions concerning the use and management of lands within Clearwater Basin in Idaho.” Vision: “…to enhance and protect the ecological and economic health of our forests, rivers, and communities within the Clearwater Basin by working collaboratively across a diversity of interests.” Backcountry Hunters and Anglers * Citizens-at-large * Clearwater Paper Corporation * Clearwater County Commissioners * Economic Development * Framing Our Community * Great Burn Study Group * Idaho Conservation League * Idaho County Commissioners * Idaho Fish and Game * Idaho Forest Group * Independent Loggers * Intermountain Forest Association * Lewiston OHV Club * Nez Perce Tribe * Outfitters and Guides * P.L.A.Y. * Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation * The Nature Conservancy * The Wilderness Society * Trout Unlimited *
Geographic Scope Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forest Lands in Idaho and Clearwater County
Membership Intermountain Forest Association Lewiston OHV Club Nez Perce Tribe Outfitters and Guides P.L.A.Y. Idaho Rivers United Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation The Nature Conservancy The Wilderness Society Trout Unlimited Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Citizens-at-large Clearwater Paper Corporation Clearwater County Commissioners Economic Development Framing Our Community Great Burn Study Group Idaho Conservation League Idaho County Commissioners Idaho Fish and Game Idaho Forest Group Independent Loggers
Interests Represented • Conservation, Land Protection and Restoration • Wood Products • Recreation – motorized and non-motorized • Wildlife • Economic Development • Local government • Key Partners • USFS • Idaho Delegation – Senators Crapo and Risch, Congressman Minnick Backcountry Hunters and Anglers * Citizens-at-large * Clearwater Paper Corporation * Clearwater County Commissioners * Economic Development * Framing Our Community * Great Burn Study Group * Idaho Conservation League * Idaho County Commissioners * Idaho Fish and Game * Idaho Forest Group * Independent Loggers * Intermountain Forest Association * Lewiston OHV Club * Nez Perce Tribe * Outfitters and Guides * P.L.A.Y. * Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation * The Nature Conservancy * The Wilderness Society * Trout Unlimited *
Operating Protocols and How we Function Consensus decision-making Mutually agreed upon ground rules Attendance requirements Steering Committee – 2 co-chairs Sub-committees based on issues Full committee meetings open to the public Backcountry Hunters and Anglers * Citizens-at-large * Clearwater Paper Corporation * Clearwater County Commissioners * Economic Development * Framing Our Community * Great Burn Study Group * Idaho Conservation League * Idaho County Commissioners * Idaho Fish and Game * Idaho Forest Group * Independent Loggers * Intermountain Forest Association * Lewiston OHV Club * Nez Perce Tribe * Outfitters and Guides * P.L.A.Y. * Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation * The Nature Conservancy * The Wilderness Society * Trout Unlimited *
Organization Two Co-chairs Steering Committee Currently Four Primary Subcommittees Landscape Health and Function (Forest Health) Land Allocation Rural Economies Recreation Backcountry Hunters and Anglers * Citizens-at-large * Clearwater Paper Corporation * Clearwater County Commissioners * Economic Development * Framing Our Community * Great Burn Study Group * Idaho Conservation League * Idaho County Commissioners * Idaho Fish and Game * Idaho Forest Group * Independent Loggers * Intermountain Forest Association * Lewiston OHV Club * Nez Perce Tribe * Outfitters and Guides * P.L.A.Y. * Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation * The Nature Conservancy * The Wilderness Society * Trout Unlimited *
Areas of Agreement Nez Perce treaty rights Elk and Wildlife Science and existing laws Anadromous fish Economic health Diverse Recreation Wood products industry Protect backcountry values Challenge – Translate Agreement To Action Backcountry Hunters and Anglers * Citizens-at-large * Clearwater Paper Corporation * Clearwater County Commissioners * Economic Development * Framing Our Community * Great Burn Study Group * Idaho Conservation League * Idaho County Commissioners * Idaho Fish and Game * Idaho Forest Group * Independent Loggers * Intermountain Forest Association * Lewiston OHV Club * Nez Perce Tribe * Outfitters and Guides * P.L.A.Y. * Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation * The Nature Conservancy * The Wilderness Society * Trout Unlimited *
Where we are/might be going: • Landscape Health Subcommittee • Memorandum of Understanding (CBC <-> USFS) • Defines Level of Support for Projects • Formal Relationship between CBC and USFS • Will inform “consensus” view of Desired Future Conditions • Hopefully will increase productivity of USFS for all interests • Forest Landscape Restoration Act (FLRA) Proposal(s) • Land Allocation Subcommittee • New wilderness • New National Recreation Area • New Wild and Scenic River Designations Backcountry Hunters and Anglers * Citizens-at-large * Clearwater Paper Corporation * Clearwater County Commissioners * Economic Development * Framing Our Community * Great Burn Study Group * Idaho Conservation League * Idaho County Commissioners * Idaho Fish and Game * Idaho Forest Group * Independent Loggers * Intermountain Forest Association * Lewiston OHV Club * Nez Perce Tribe * Outfitters and Guides * P.L.A.Y. * Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation * The Nature Conservancy * The Wilderness Society * Trout Unlimited *
Where we are/might be going: • Rural Economies Subcommittee • Alternative Energy Development (i.e. Biomass) • Trail/Recreation Development • FLRA Project • Workforce Development/Education • Recreation Subcommittee • Interconnected Regional Trails • Funding for Trail Maintenance • Subcommittee recommendations to be incorporated in legislative/administrative package Backcountry Hunters and Anglers * Citizens-at-large * Clearwater Paper Corporation * Clearwater County Commissioners * Economic Development * Framing Our Community * Great Burn Study Group * Idaho Conservation League * Idaho County Commissioners * Idaho Fish and Game * Idaho Forest Group * Independent Loggers * Intermountain Forest Association * Lewiston OHV Club * Nez Perce Tribe * Outfitters and Guides * P.L.A.Y. * Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation * The Nature Conservancy * The Wilderness Society * Trout Unlimited *
What has worked or will work? • People representing diverse interests who genuinely want to satisfy needs of all interests in a balanced fashion and place the importance of other’s interest equal to their own • Patience, hard work, commitment, trust, friendship, leadership, understanding, good science • Commitment from partners (USFS, Idaho delegation) to carry consensus forward to action/law Backcountry Hunters and Anglers * Citizens-at-large * Clearwater Paper Corporation * Clearwater County Commissioners * Economic Development * Framing Our Community * Great Burn Study Group * Idaho Conservation League * Idaho County Commissioners * Idaho Fish and Game * Idaho Forest Group * Independent Loggers * Intermountain Forest Association * Lewiston OHV Club * Nez Perce Tribe * Outfitters and Guides * P.L.A.Y. * Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation * The Nature Conservancy * The Wilderness Society * Trout Unlimited *
Check us out @ www.clearwaterbasincollaborative.org Questions? Backcountry Hunters and Anglers * Citizens-at-large * Clearwater Paper Corporation * Clearwater County Commissioners * Economic Development * Framing Our Community * Great Burn Study Group * Idaho Conservation League * Idaho County Commissioners * Idaho Fish and Game * Idaho Forest Group * Independent Loggers * Intermountain Forest Association * Lewiston OHV Club * Nez Perce Tribe * Outfitters and Guides * P.L.A.Y. * Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation * The Nature Conservancy * The Wilderness Society * Trout Unlimited *