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QUICK QUIZ TIME. Let’s see what you remember from yesterday!. QUICK QUIZ. 1. Until U.S. intervention, which imperialist nation controlled Cuba?. QUICK QUIZ. 2. The newspapers of Pullitzer and Hearst exaggerated stories to rile Americans toward Cuba. This kind of press is called _______.
QUICK QUIZ TIME Let’s see what you remember from yesterday!
QUICK QUIZ 1. Until U.S. intervention, which imperialist nation controlled Cuba?
QUICK QUIZ 2. The newspapers of Pullitzer and Hearst exaggerated stories to rile Americans toward Cuba. This kind of press is called _______.
QUICK QUIZ 3. What was the name of the Cuban rebel leader?
QUICK QUIZ 4. What was the name of the ship that was “bombed” while anchored off the coast of Cuba, thus bringing the US to war?
QUICK QUIZ 5. Which US President declared war against Spain, thus beginning the SPAM war?
(SPAM Continued…) • Teddy Roosevelt is now Assistant Sec. of Navy • He realizes that a war with Spain would span into wherever Spanish sea power lay • Philippine Islands: Spanish colony & Spain’s main naval base in the Pacific • The major U.S. military objective = Teddy wants to attack here as soon as war broke out …BY SEA….
George Dewey: U.S. commander of Pacific Fleet • Dewey’s ships slip into Manila Bay(main city) during the night • At dawn, they bombarded the surprised Spanish ships & destroyed their fleet • Your duty is to see that Spanish fleets do not leave their port in the Philippines Cool! George Dewey
Summer 1898 …BY LAND…. • U.S. ground troops land in the Philippines • Locals had been fighting for independence from Spain for years (remember Cuba) • Native rebels are led by Emilio Aguinaldo & helped U.S. troops to capture Manila “Hey…it worked for Jose Marti, it may work for me too!” Emilio Aguinaldo
Meanwhile, Back in Cuba… • Teddy resigns as Assistant Secretary of Navy & organizes the 1st volunteer cavalry regiment • Cavalry: soldiers or warriors who fought on horseback
Rough Riders: military unit organized by Teddy during SPAM • Ranged from cowboys to college students & adventurers • Symbol of multicultural troops (why could this be AWESOME for boosting morale?)
Buffalo Soldiers: African American members of the 9th & 10th U.S. Cavalry “Whites, blacks, regulars & Rough Riders—representing the young manhood of the North & South, fought shoulder to shoulder, unmindful of race or color…just mindful of their common duty as Americans”
Finally the Spanish army in Cuba surrenders & buckles under pressure from the U.S. • The U.S. then traveled to Puerto Rico & claimed the island while Spain was still intimidated
A Quick End—Fall 1898 • Spain & U.S. agree to end fighting • U.S. losses: 380 killed from battle/ 5,000+ killed from yellow fever, typhoid & malaria
The Peace Treaty—Winter 1898 • Spain grants Cuba its freedom • Spain gives the U.S. Puerto Rico (Caribbean) & Guam (Pacific) • Spain trades the Philippines to U.S. for $20 million! GUAM CUBA PUERTO RICO PHILIPPINES
Ruling an Empire When war had begun with Spain, the U.S. had promised to “leave the government & control of Cuba to its own people”
Cuba • BUT…. the U.S. soldiers stayed in Cuba after the war ended because they felt Cubans were “not ready” for independence • ‘White man’s burden’? • Business leaders in the U.S. were afraid that an independent Cuba might threaten their investments • U.S. let Cuban people write their own constitution, but Cubans first had to accept the Platt Amendment
Cuba • Platt Amendment: allowed the U.S. to intervene in Cuba as they pleased & gave U.S. control of naval base at Guantanamo Bay • In effect, the amendment made Cuba an American protectorate • Protectorate: a nation whose independence is limited by the control of a more powerful country
Puerto Rico • U.S. set up a new government under the Foraker Act of 1900 • Foraker Act: gave Puerto Ricans only a limited say in their own affairs • The U.S. set up schools, roads, and health care on the island
Emilio Aguinaldo Philippines RAWR!!! • REMEMBER… Philippine natives had been fighting for independence long before SPAM • When the U.S. took over after SPAM, Philippine natives felt “owned” without their own identity • Emilio Aguinaldo (remember him?) leads natives to fight for freedom against a NEW imperial power: the U.S. • He tells the U.S. that “you’ve forgotten your beginnings”
Philippines • Revolt in the Philippines resulted in a war that killed 4,000 U.S. troops & 20,000 Philippine natives & 200,000 Philippine civilians too • 1902- U.S. set up a government similar to that in Puerto Rico & finally granted the Philippines independence in 1946