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Pathology Programme News 27 th March 2009. National Pathology Programme Board The Pathology Modernisation Project will formally conclude on 31 st March 2009. The project team would like to thank to all those in the service who have contributed to the work of
Pathology Programme News 27th March 2009 National Pathology Programme Board The Pathology Modernisation Project will formally conclude on 31st March 2009. The project team would like to thank to all those in the service who have contributed to the work of the project. We are sure you will agree that considerable progress has been made and the profile of Pathology has been raised significantly. The Minister for Health has approved continuation of the Diagnostic Services Programme enabling arrangements to be put in place to allow the transformation from the current Pathology Modernisation Project to a National Pathology Forum / Body whose role and responsibilities will be integral to the new national planning arrangements for Wales. Whilst detailed work to clarify future national planning processes takes place, a National Pathology Programme Board will be established to ensure that momentum and continuity are maintained. The National Pathology Programme Board will be chaired by Bob Hudson, Director of Strategic Direction and Planning in WAG, and will take a lead role in the ongoing planning and delivery of Pathology services in Wales. The Board will also be responsible for establishing appropriate structures which will continue to support the delivery of an integrated approach to the planning and delivery of Pathology services. The National Pathology Programme Board will meet for the first time on Thursday 18th May.
Pathology Programme NewsNo. 106th April 2010 National Pathology Programme Board The National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB), which includes Clinical Directors of Pathology and Directorate Managers from all Health Boards and national services, will meet next on 15th April 2010. The Board’s work programme for 2010 / 2011 reflects the following priorities: Quality, including the design of services to meet appropriate accreditation and regulatory requirements such as CPA, Blood Bank MHRA and HTA Workforce, including an All Wales approach to the design of an appropriate workforce to underpin future service planning and delivery Information standards that will support reporting Pathology KPIs and benchmarking Development of appropriate standardisation to reduce variation and support configuration and implementation of the new LIMS Accreditation Requirements Laboratory, Quality, POCT, Blood Bank Managers and HTA Designated Individuals continue to collaboratively develop resources and share good practice relating to CPA accreditation and compliance with MHRA and HTA regulatory requirements. Resources currently under development by the HTA group include All Wales consent forms and accompanying guides for Post Mortem examinations. Resources currently under development by the Pathology Quality Management Forum include Identification and Control of Non-Conformities guidance and guidance for the Content of a Service Level Agreement between a Pathology Department and a User / Customer. Printing of the All Wales Blood Transfusion Request form is currently out to tender. Completed resources are posted on the Pathology Community website on www.nliah.com/portal. Please contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, on 20920 207615 or by emailing margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk if you have any queries or issues accessing the website. User Satisfaction Survey Colleagues in A&E departments throughout Wales have completed an on-line survey of user satisfaction. A draft interim report at All Wales level is currently available – Health Board and site level reports will be available shortly. The purpose of this first exercise in carrying out an online survey on a variety of sites in a variety of Health Boards was to try out the idea and assess whether the concepts of All Wales surveys and user satisfaction indices have potential for the future. From the interim report, that certainly appears to be the case. Even though this initial sample of users is a small one, it is clear from the report that such surveys can be a tremendously useful vehicle to stimulate valuable engagement with users and support future service planning. The survey also provides a really good insight into what requesters consider to be the important aspects of Pathology services and those areas where there is clearly potential for educating users. There is no doubt that this first All Wales user survey is a very important step toward measuring user satisfaction in a manner that enables it to truly be a robust indicator of quality of which the service can feel genuine ownership. IM&T The LIMS Full Business Case has been submitted to WAG for final approval. A number of workshops are currently being held as part of the work by Pathology disciplines to develop the standardisation detail required to inform configuration of the new LIMS. Please contact Margie Fielden if you have any queries about who to contact if you are not already engaged in your discipline’s activity. Portfolios of standardisation are being quality assured by the discipline SSAGs and issued through the NPPB. This will enable services to begin to take advantage of the opportunities these All Wales standards provide for future service planning and delivery across Health Boards and national services. For further information on the National Pathology Programme, please go to howis.wales.nhs.uk/pmuw
Pathology Programme NewsNo. 114th May 2010 National Pathology Programme Board The National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) work programme for 2010 / 2011 reflects the following priorities: Quality, including the design of services to meet appropriate accreditation and regulatory requirements such as CPA, Blood Bank MHRA and HTA Workforce, including an All Wales approach to the design of an appropriate workforce to underpin future service planning and delivery Information standards that will support reporting Pathology KPIs and benchmarking Development of appropriate standardisation to reduce variation and support configuration and implementation of the new LIMS The NPPB comprises Clinical Directors of Pathology and Directorate Managers from all Health Boards and national services and will meet next on 10th June 2010. IM&T The LIMS Full Business Case has been submitted to WAG for final approval. A number of workshops are currently being held as part of the work by Pathology disciplines to develop the standardisation detail required to inform configuration of the new LIMS. Portfolios of standardisation are being quality assured by the discipline SSAGs and issued through the NPPB. This will enable services to begin to take advantage of the opportunities these All Wales standards provide for future service planning and delivery across Health Boards and national services. LIMS work streams in which the service is directly involved include: Benefits Readiness and standardisation, including sample numbering, screen configuration and business intelligence Legacy data Design, build and configuration Testing and validation Dependency management Service management Training Implementation Accreditation Requirements Laboratory, Quality, POCT, Blood Bank Managers and HTA Designated Individuals continue to collaboratively develop resources and share good practice relating to CPA accreditation and compliance with MHRA and HTA regulatory requirements. The HTA group will hold a workshop for Coroners and Pathologists on 14th May. Resources currently under development by the group include All Wales consent forms and accompanying guides for Post Mortem examinations. Resources currently under development by the Pathology Quality Management Forum include Identification and Control of Non-Conformities guidance and guidance for the Content of a Service Level Agreement between a Pathology Department and a User / Customer. Printing of the All Wales Blood Transfusion Request form is currently out to tender. Completed resources are posted on the Pathology Community website on www.nliah.com/portal. Please note: The HTA recently issued general directions requiring all post mortem establishments to submit a report on compliance with HTA standards by 30th June. Their form is based upon that developed by Tim Von Pokorny and the All Wales Pathology Quality Managers Forum. The HTA have stated that if hospitals in Wales have completed that form within the past 6 months, they will accept that rather than requiring that the HTA compliance form be completed and submitted. For further information on the National Pathology Programme, please go to howis.wales.nhs.uk/pmuw Please contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, on 20920 207615 or by emailing margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk if you have any queries or issues accessing the Pathology Community website. For further information on the LIMS Programme, please visit http://howis.wales.nhs.uk/ihc
Pathology Programme NewsNo. 121st June 2010 National Pathology Programme Board The National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) work programme for 2010 / 2011 reflects the following priorities: Quality, including the design of services to meet appropriate accreditation and regulatory requirements such as CPA, Blood Bank MHRA and HTA Workforce, including an All Wales approach to the design of an appropriate workforce to underpin future service planning and delivery Information standards that will support reporting Pathology KPIs and benchmarking Development of appropriate standardisation to reduce variation and support configuration and implementation of the new LIMS The NPPB comprises Clinical Directors of Pathology and Directorate Managers from all Health Boards and national services and will meet next on 10th June 2010. IM&T The Minister for Health has approved the LIMS Full Business Case, which is very good news indeed. A number of workshops are currently being held as part of the work by Pathology disciplines to develop the Standardisation detail required to inform configuration of the new LIMS. Portfolios of standardisation are being quality assured by the discipline SSAGs and will be issued through the NPPB. This will enable services to begin to take advantage of the opportunities these All Wales standards provide for future service planning and delivery across Health Boards and national services. LIMS work streams in which the service is directly involved include: Benefits Readiness and standardisation, including sample numbering, screen configuration and business intelligence Legacy data Design, build and configuration Testing and validation Dependency management Service management Implementation and Training Accreditation Requirements Laboratory, Quality, POCT, Blood Bank Managers and HTA Designated Individuals continue to collaboratively develop resources and share good practice relating to CPA accreditation and compliance with MHRA and HTA regulatory requirements. The HTA group held a workshop for Coroners and Pathologists on 14th May. Resources currently under development by the group include All Wales consent forms and accompanying guides for Post Mortem examinations. Resources currently under development by the Pathology Quality Management Forum include Identification and Control of Non-Conformities guidance and guidance for the Content of a Service Level Agreement between a Pathology Department and a User / Customer. Printing of the All Wales Blood Transfusion Request form is currently out to tender. Completed resources are posted on the Pathology Community website on www.nliah.com/portal. Please note: The HTA recently issued general directions requiring all post mortem establishments to submit a report on compliance with HTA standards by 30th June. Their form is based upon that developed by Tim Von Pokorny and the All Wales Pathology Quality Managers Forum. The HTA have stated that if hospitals in Wales have completed that form within the past 6 months, they will accept that rather than requiring that the HTA compliance form be completed and submitted. For further information on the National Pathology Programme, please go to howis.wales.nhs.uk/pmuw Please contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, on 20920 207615 or by emailing margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk if you have any queries or issues accessing the Pathology Community website. For further information on the LIMS Programme, please visit http://howis.wales.nhs.uk/ihc
Pathology Programme NewsNo. 131st July 2010 National Pathology Programme The National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) comprises Clinical Directors of Pathology and Directorate Managers from all Health Boards and national services. The National Pathology Programme comprises three major workstreams. Service planning and delivery includes: - The continued implementation of the recommendations contained in The Future Delivery of Pathology Services in Wales - Achievement of accreditation and regulatory requirements - Development of Key Performance Indicators for Pathology - Benchmarking Workforce includes: - All Wales Pathology workforce planning - Accredited training units for support staff accessible to all - All Wales engagement with Modernising Scientific Careers - Leading and Delivering Change in Pathology programme IM&T and Information includes: - LIMS readiness and standardisation to inform configuration of the new LIMS - All Wales information sets for workload, staffing and finance Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) The new national Laboratory Information Management System is being delivered in partnership with Informing Healthcare and with extensive input from Pathology service colleagues from all disciplines throughout Wales. The Minister for Health approved the LIMS Full Business Case in June and, following a period of detailed competitive dialogue with the three shortlisted suppliers, the contract with Intersystems was signed on 29th June. Intensive work is currently being undertaken in all disciplines to develop the standardisation detail required to inform configuration of the new LIMS. Discipline portfolios of standardisation are being quality assured by the SSAGs and will be issued through the NPPB. This will enable services to begin to take advantage of the opportunities these All Wales standards provide for future service planning and delivery within and between Health Boards and National services as well as opportunities for future workforce development. LIMS workstreams currently being delivered with intensive input from Pathology services include: LIMS design, build and configuration Legacy data Sample numbering Screen configuration Reference data Business intelligence Testing and validation Dependency management Service management Implementation and Training Do Once and Share Laboratory, Quality, POCT, Blood Bank Managers and HTA Designated Individuals continue to collaboratively develop resources and share good practice relating to CPA accreditation, MHRA and HTA regulatory requirements. The All Wales Blood Transfusion Request Form is currently being implemented in Health Boards and the HTA group has developed All Wales consent forms and accompanying guides for Post Mortem examinations. The most recent resources developed by the Pathology Quality Management Forum address Identification and Control of Non-Conformities and guidance for the Content of a Service Level Agreement between a Pathology Department and a User / Customer. Completed resources are posted on the Pathology Community website on www.nliah.com/portal. Further information can be obtained by visiting http://howis.wales.nhs.uk/pmu or by contacting Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, on 20920 207615 or margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk
National Pathology Programme Board At recent meetings of the Executive Directors Team and Chief Executives of NHS Wales organisations, chaired by Paul Williams, it was confirmed that the National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) will in future approve standards and protocols relating to Pathology services and report progress with key workstreams directly to the EDT. The NPPB comprises Clinical Directors of Pathology and Directorate Managers from all Health Boards and national services. Key workstreams are: Service planning and delivery Workforce IM&T and Information Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) The contract for the new All Wales LIMS has been signed with Intersystems, the successful supplier. Procurement has been carried out in partnership with Informing Healthcare and with extensive input from Pathology service colleagues from all disciplines throughout Wales. An intensive period of build, configuration and testing of the national solution is now underway with the first Health Board planned to go live in summer 2011. The All Wales LIMS provides Pathology services in Wales with an opportunity to harmonise practice, improve clinical governance and increase capacity and flexibility to meet future demand and new service developments. Further information is available on the Informing Healthcare website www.wales.nhs.uk/ihc Do Once and Share Pathology services throughout Wales remain committed to reducing duplication of effort by collaboratively developing resources and sharing good practice relating to CPA accreditation, MHRA and HTA regulatory requirements. Clinical Pathology Accreditation (CPA) Phil Shred and Jan Chatfield from CPA attended the recent meeting of the Pathology Quality Management Forum (PQMF) to provide an update and answer Questions on standards relating to POCT services. Point of Care Testing Education modules developed by the POCT Coordinators for competence assessing end users of a series of POCT devices have been recommended for adoption UK-wide and will be available through the Open College Network. Currently the modules are available through the Welsh division of the OCN Agored Cymru on www.agored.org.uk Human Tissue Authority (HTA) At a recent inspection of a Post Mortem establishment, the HTA rated the consent forms and guide booklets developed collaboratively by colleagues in Wales as the best they have seen. The first All Wales training in consent taking based upon these forms was held in July with a further session planned for September. Blood Transfusion Request Form Procurement of the All Wales Blood Transfusion request forms with attached sample bags has been carried out in partnership with Welsh Health Supplies. Details of how to order against the call-off contract have been provided to all Health Boards. Further PQMF resources The most recent resources address: Guidance for establishing an SLA Change control template for upgrading of Q-Pulse from version 4 to 5 Resources are posted on the Pathology Community website on www.nliah.com/portal. Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, 02920 207615 or margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk Pathology Programme NewsNo. 142nd August 2010
Pathology Programme NewsNo. 151st September 2010 National Pathology Programme Board At recent meetings of the Executive Directors Team and Chief Executives of NHS Wales organisations, chaired by Paul Williams, it was confirmed that the National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) will in future approve standards and protocols relating to Pathology services and report progress with key workstreams directly to the EDT. The NPPB comprises Clinical Directors of Pathology and Directorate Managers from all Health Boards and national services. Key workstreams are: Service planning and delivery Workforce IM&T and Information Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) The contract for the new All Wales LIMS has been signed with Intersystems, the successful supplier. Procurement has been carried out in partnership with Informing Healthcare and with extensive input from Pathology service colleagues from all disciplines throughout Wales. An intensive period of build, configuration and testing of the national solution is now underway with the first Health Board planned to go live in summer 2011. The All Wales LIMS provides Pathology services in Wales with an opportunity to harmonise practice, improve clinical governance and increase capacity and flexibility to meet future demand and new service developments. Further information is available on the Informing Healthcare website www.wales.nhs.uk/ihc Do Once and Share Pathology services throughout Wales remain committed to reducing duplication of effort by collaboratively developing resources and sharing good practice relating to CPA accreditation, MHRA and HTA regulatory requirements. Clinical Pathology Accreditation (CPA) Phil Shred and Jan Chatfield from CPA attended the recent meeting of the Pathology Quality Management Forum (PQMF) to provide an update and answer Questions on standards relating to POCT services. Point of Care Testing Education modules developed by the POCT Coordinators for competence assessing end users of a series of POCT devices have been recommended for adoption UK-wide and will be available through the Open College Network. Currently the modules are available through the Welsh division of the OCN, Agored Cymru, on www.agored.org.uk Human Tissue Authority (HTA) HTA Designated Individuals have developed consent forms and guide booklets for hospital and Coroner post mortem examinations of adults and babies. The second All Wales training in consent taking based upon these forms will be held on 23rd September. Blood Transfusion Request Form Procurement of the All Wales Blood Transfusion request forms with attached sample bags has been carried out in partnership with Welsh Health Supplies. Details of how to order against the call-off contract have been provided to all Health Boards. Further PQMF resources The most recent resources address: Guidance for establishing an SLA Change control template for upgrading of Q-Pulse from version 4 to 5 All resources are posted on the Pathology Community website on www.nliah.com/portal. Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, 02920 207615 or margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk
Diagnostic Services Programme Lindsey Davies will be leaving the Programme on 8th October to take up a post in Aneurin Bevan Health Board. Lindsey’s expertise and drive will be sorely missed and we thank her for her energetic leadership of the Programme since April 2006. Lindsey’s replacement will be Jane Fitzpatrick. Jane is Head of the Programme Management Unit and Portfolio Manager for the NHS Reform Programme. National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) In June2010 the Executive Directors Team (EDT) and Chief Executive (CEO) Group chaired by Paul Williams, agreed that in future the NPPB would report to the EDT/CEO Group. It was also agreed that the NPPB would be responsible for overseeing development and consensus approval of standards and protocols relating to Pathology services on behalf of NHS bodies represented by members. The NPPB comprises Clinical Directors of Pathology and Directorate Managers from all Health Boards and national services. Laboratory Information Management System The contract for the new All Wales LIMS has been Signed. The successful supplier, Intersystems, has begun working in partnership with NHS Wales Informatics Services (which includes Informing Healthcare) and with extensive input from Pathology service colleagues from all disciplines throughout Wales. An intensive period of build, configuration and testing of the national solution is now underway with the first Health Board planned to go live in summer 2011. The All Wales LIMS provides Pathology services in Wales with an opportunity to harmonise practice, improve clinical governance and increase capacity and flexibility to meet future demand and new service developments. Further information is available on the Informing Healthcare website www.wales.nhs.uk/ihc Pathology Diploma level 3 Skills for Health confirm that the level 3 Pathology Diploma has been approved and will be available from January 2011. Jill Manley from Hywel Dda HB and Victoria Bradley from ABMUHB have been pivotal to the development of the diploma. View it on http://www.accreditedqualifications.org.uk/qualificatio n/50117622.seo.aspx Point of Care Testing Education modules developed by the POCT Coordinators for assessing competence of end users of a series of POCT devices have been recommended for adoption UK-wide and will be available through the Open College Network. Currently the modules are available through the Welsh division of the OCN, Agored Cymru, on www.agored.org.uk Post Mortem Establishments HTA Designated Individuals have developed consent forms and guide booklets for hospital and Coroner post mortem examinations of adults and babies. The second All Wales training in consent taking based upon these forms was held on 23rd September. Clinical Pathology Accreditation (CPA) Phil Shred and Jan Chatfield from CPA attended the recent meeting of the Pathology Quality Management Forum (PQMF) to provide an update and answer questions on standards relating to POCT services. Further PQMF resources The most recent resources address: Mapping of CPA, HTA and MHRA requirements against Doing Well, Doing Better: Standards for Health Services in Wales Guidance for establishing an SLA All resources are posted on the Pathology Community website on www.nliah.com/portal. Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, 02920 207615 or margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk Pathology Programme NewsNo. 161st October 2010
Pathology Programme NewsNo. 171st November 2010 Diagnostic Services Programme Lindsey Davies has left the Programme to take up a post in Aneurin Bevan Health Board. Lindsey’s expertise and drive will be sorely missed and we thank her for her energetic leadership of the Programme since April 2006. Lindsey’s replacement will be Jane Fitzpatrick. Jane is Head of the Programme Management Unit and Portfolio Manager for the NHS Reform Programme. National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) In June2010 the Executive Directors Team (EDT) and Chief Executive (CEO) Group chaired by Paul Williams, agreed that in future the NPPB would report to the EDT/CEO Group. It was also agreed that the NPPB would be responsible for overseeing development and consensus approval of standards and protocols relating to Pathology services on behalf of NHS bodies represented by members. The NPPB comprises Clinical Directors of Pathology and Directorate Managers from all Health Boards and national services and is chaired by Bob Hudson, Chief Executive Public Health Wales. Laboratory Information Management System The contract for the new All Wales LIMS has been signed. The successful supplier, Intersystems, has begun working in partnership with NHS Wales Informatics Services (which includes Informing Healthcare) and with extensive input from Pathology service colleagues from all disciplines throughout Wales. An intensive period of build, Configuration, demonstration and testing of the national solution is now underway with the first Health Board planned to go live in summer 2011. The All Wales LIMS provides Pathology services in Wales with an opportunity to harmonise practice, improve clinical governance and increase capacity and flexibility to meet future demand and new service developments. Further information on the LIMS and related IT projects is available on the NWIS website www.wales.nhs.uk/ihc Pathology Diploma level 3 Skills for Health confirm that the level 3 Pathology Diploma has been approved and will be available from January 2011. Jill Manley from Hywel Dda HB and Victoria Bradley from ABMUHB have been pivotal to the development of the diploma. View it on http://www.accreditedqualifications.org.uk/qualificatio n/50117622.seo.aspx Point of Care Testing Education modules developed by the POCT Coordinators for assessing competence of end users of a series of POCT devices have been recommended for adoption UK-wide and will be available through the Open College Network. Currently the modules are available through the Welsh division of the OCN, Agored Cymru, on www.agored.org.uk Post Mortem Establishments HTA Designated Individuals have collaborated to develop consent forms and guide booklets for hospital and Coroner post mortem examinations of adults and babies which meet HTA requirements. All Wales training in consent taking based upon these forms is currently underway. Clinical Pathology Accreditation (CPA) A recent meeting of the Pathology Quality Management Forum (PQMF) was attended by representatives from CPA to provide an update and Answer questions on standards relating to POCT. Further PQMF resources The most recent resources address: Mapping of CPA, HTA and MHRA requirements against Doing Well, Doing Better: Standards for Health Services in Wales Guidance for establishing an SLA View other resources on the Pathology Community www.nliah.com/portal Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, 02920 207615 or margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk
Pathology Programme NewsNo. 181st December 2010 Diagnostic Services Programme Jane Fitzpatrick, who is Head of the PMU and Portfolio Manager for the NHS Wales Service, Workforce and Financial Framework Portfolio, has taken up the role of Diagnostic Services Programme Director. The SWaFF Portfolio includes a number of National Service Programmes, each with a Health Board CEO as Lead. These include Unscheduled Care, Acute Care, Long Term Conditions and Medicines Management. Enabling Programmes including Informatics and Workforce Modernisation are also included in the Portfolio and it is being recommended that Diagnostics be established as a further enabling programme, which would be a very positive development for both the Pathology and Imaging Programmes. National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) The NPPB comprises Clinical Directors of Pathology and Directorate Managers from all Health Boards and national services and is chaired by Bob Hudson, Chief Executive Public Health Wales. At their meeting on 11th November 2010, the Board formally approved the adoption of the All Wales Consent Forms and Information Booklets relating to hospital post mortem examinations of adults and children. These and other resources to assist HTA Designated Individuals, Quality Managers, POCT Coordinators and Laboratory Managers are available on the Pathology Community website at www.nliah.com/portal Laboratory Information Management System Configuration of the All Wales LIMS is currently underway with colleagues from NWIS, Intersystems and Pathology working in partnership to provide Pathology services in Wales with an opportunity to harmonise practice, improve clinical governance and increase capacity and flexibility to meet future demand and new service developments. Workshops will be held to demonstrate and obtain feedback on the build at key points. Further information on the LIMS and related IT projects is available on the NWIS website www.wales.nhs.uk/nwis All Wales User Survey An All Wales survey of internal users of Pathology services will be undertaken in January 2011. The questionnaire has been developed by the Pathology Quality Management Forum and will be available online. Responses will enable an index of satisfaction to be calculated for individual sites, Health Boards and on an All Wales level. All Wales Training Events In order to reduce duplication of effort and maximise access to local expertise within Pathology departments in Wales, All Wales training events are being planned to take place during 2011 as follows: Training in carrying out audit for those with responsibility for Quality Management within their organisation Training in taking consent for hospital post mortem examinations of adults Details will be circulated through the Quality Management Forum and HTA Designated Individuals Group respectively. Pathology Diploma level 3 Skills for Health formally launched the Pathology Diploma level 3 qualification on 24th November. Details of the diploma and awarding organisation are available through Ofqual at the following link: http://register.ofqual.gov.uk/Qualification/Details/501_1762_2 Point of Care Testing Education modules developed by the POCT Coordinators for assessing competence of end users of a series of POCT devices have been recommended for adoption UK-wide and will be available through the Open College Network. Currently the modules are available through the Welsh division of the OCN, Agored Cymru, on www.agored.org.uk Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, 02920 207615 or margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk
Pathology Programme NewsNo. 191st January 2011 National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) The NPPB meets next on 26th January 2011 and the other All Wales groups will be meeting during the period January to March as follows: 12th January Laboratory Managers’ Group 4th February POCT Coordinators’ Group 11th March HTA Designated Individuals Group 15th March Quality Managers’ Group 16th March Laboratory Managers’ Group 30th March NPPB Colleagues from all Health Boards and national services are welcome to participate in programme activities and attend the various meetings, workshops and training events which take place regularly. Your representatives on the NPPB and other All Wales groups, including those involved in discipline standardisation for the LIMS, will provide feedback at your local department meetings. Please get in touch if you have any queries. The level of service engagement in National Pathology Programme activities is excellent with opportunities to collaborate with colleagues and save duplicating effort being one of the major benefits participants derive from their involvement. Laboratory Information Management System Configuration of the All Wales LIMS is currently underway with NWIS, Intersystems and Pathology colleagues working in partnership. Please look out for and make every effort to attend the workshops which will be held to demonstrate and obtain feedback on the build at key points. Further information on the LIMS and related IT projects is available on the NWIS website www.wales.nhs.uk/nwis 10th January LIMS Clinical Strategy Group 11th January LIMS Implementation Board 3rd February LIMS Implementation Board 3rd March LIMS Implementation Board All Wales Training Events In order to reduce duplication of effort and maximise access to local expertise within Pathology departments in Wales, a number of All Wales training events are being planned to take place during 2011. Dates secured so far are as follows: 18th March Anatomical Pathology Technician training day 25th March Adult Post Mortem Consent training 5th April APT training day (repeat of 18/03) Training in carrying out audit for those with responsibility for Quality Management within their organisation is also being arranged. Details of this will be circulated through the Quality Managers’ Group. All Wales User Survey An All Wales survey of internal secondary care users of Pathology services will be undertaken during January 2011. The questionnaire has been developed by the Pathology Quality Managers’ Group and will be available online. The link will be distributed through Quality Managers. Please encourage colleagues who request tests to complete the survey as User Satisfaction is a vital indicator of service quality and survey results will be valuable to you and your colleagues both to inform future service planning and delivery and to help identify where there are communication and education needs amongst your service users. Survey responses will enable an index of satisfaction to be calculated for individual sites, Health Boards and on an All Wales level. “Do Once and Share” Please visit www.nliah.com/portal to access the Pathology Community website, where you’ll find resources, case studies and other material contributed by colleagues to reduce duplication of effort and help stimulate ideas for further sharing, learning and collaboration. Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, 02920 207615 or margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk On this first day of the New Year, this comes with every good wish for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2011
Pathology Programme NewsNo. 201st February 2011 National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) The NPPB meets next on 30th March 2011 and the other All Wales groups will be meeting during the period February / March as follows: 4th February POCT Coordinators’ Group 11th March HTA Designated Individuals Group 15th March Quality Managers’ Group 16th March Laboratory Managers’ Group 30th March National Pathology Programme Board Colleagues from all Health Boards and national services are welcome to participate in programme activities and attend the various meetings, workshops and training events which take place regularly. Your representatives on the NPPB and other All Wales groups, including those involved in discipline standardisation for the LIMS, will provide feedback at your local department meetings. Please get in touch if you have any queries. The level of service engagement in National Pathology Programme activities is excellent with opportunities to collaborate with colleagues and save duplicating effort being one of the major benefits participants derive from their involvement. Laboratory Information Management System Configuration of the All Wales LIMS is currently underway with NWIS, Intersystems and Pathology colleagues working in partnership. Please look out for and make every effort to attend the workshops which will be held to demonstrate and obtain feedback on the build at key points. Further information on the LIMS and related IT projects is available on the NWIS website www.wales.nhs.uk/nwis The LIMS Implementation Board meets next on Thursday 3rd February. LIMS implementation project leads from All Health Boards and national services form the core membership of the LIMS Implementation Board and will provide feedback at your local Pathology service meetings. The flexible nature of the new LIMS provides exciting opportunities to integrate services and do things in new ways. Please take every opportunity to participate in your local LIMS readiness project and help shape the future service in your organisation. All Wales Training Events In order to reduce duplication of effort and maximise access to local expertise within Pathology departments in Wales, a number of All Wales training events are being planned to take place during 2011. Please speak to your service manager if you would like to attend any of the training events. Dates secured so far are as follows: 18th March Anatomical Pathology Technician training day 25th March Adult Post Mortem Consent training 5th April APT training day (repeat of 18/03) Training in carrying out audit for those with responsibility for Quality Management within their organisation is also being arranged. Details of this will be circulated via the Quality Managers’ Group. All Wales User Survey An All Wales survey of internal secondary care users of Pathology services is currently underway. The questionnaire has been developed by the Pathology Quality Managers’ Group and is available online at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RN3Q9FM. The link has been distributed through Quality Managers. Please encourage colleagues who request tests to complete the survey as User Satisfaction is a vital indicator of service quality and survey results will be valuable to you and your colleagues both to inform future service planning and delivery and to help identify where there are communication and education needs amongst your service users. Survey responses will enable an index of satisfaction to be calculated for individual sites, Health Boards and on an All Wales level. “Do Once and Share” Please visit www.nliah.com/portal to access the Pathology Community website, where you’ll find Resources, case studies and other material contributed by colleagues to reduce duplication of effort and help stimulate ideas for further sharing, learning and collaboration. Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, 02920 207615 or margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk
National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) The National Pathology Programme Board is chaired by Mr Bob Hudson, Chief Executive of Public Health Wales NHS Trust and comprises Clinical Directors and Directorate Managers of Pathology from all Health Boards and national services. The NPPB reports to the NHS Wales Chief Executives’ Group and is the body with responsibility for approving protocols and standards relating to pathology in Wales. The scope of the National Pathology Programme includes three major workstreams; Service Planning and Delivery, Information (including IM&T) and Workforce. The NPPB meets next on 30th March 2011 and other All Wales groups will be meeting during March as follows: 11th March HTA Designated Individuals Group 15th March Quality Managers’ Group 16th March Laboratory Managers’ Group 30th March National Pathology Programme Board Please get in touch if you have any queries. The level of service engagement in National Pathology Programme activities is excellent with opportunities to meet and collaborate with colleagues and save duplicating effort being one of the major benefits participants derive from their involvement. All Wales Antenatal Blood Group and Antibody Form To support delivery of the Revised Policy, Standards and Protocols to Support Antenatal Screening in Wales published in May 2010, an All Wales form has been developed and approved by the NPPB. An All Wales procurement has been carried out through Welsh Health Supplies and request forms with sample bags attached are available through a call-off contract. “Do Once and Share” Please visit www.nliah.com/portal to access the Pathology Community website, where you’ll find Resources, case studies and other material contributed by colleagues to reduce duplication of effort and help stimulate ideas for further sharing, learning and collaboration. All Wales User Survey An All Wales survey of internal secondary care users of Pathology services was undertaken during January / February 2011. The online questionnaire was developed by the Pathology Quality Managers’ Group and attracted well over 300 responses. Analysis of the responses is currently underway and will enable an index of satisfaction to be calculated for individual sites, Health Boards and on an All Wales level. User Satisfaction is a vital indicator of service quality and survey results will be valuable to you and your colleagues both to inform future service planning and delivery and to help identify where there are communication and education needs amongst your service users. Laboratory Information Management System Configuration of the All Wales LIMS is currently underway with NWIS, Intersystems and Pathology colleagues working in partnership. Please look out for and make every effort to contribute to your discipline standardisation activity and to attend the workshops being held to demonstrate and obtain feedback on the build at key points. Further information on the LIMS and related IT projects is available on the NWIS website www.wales.nhs.uk/nwis All Wales Training Events In order to reduce duplication of effort and maximise access to local expertise within Pathology departments in Wales, a number of All Wales training events are being planned to take place during 2011. Dates secured so far are as follows: 18th March Anatomical Pathology Technician training day 25th March Adult Post Mortem Consent training 5th April APT training day (repeat of 18/03) Training in carrying out audit for those with responsibility for Quality Management within their organisation is also being arranged. Details of this will be circulated via the Quality Managers’ Group. Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, 02920 207615 or margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk Pathology Programme NewsNo. 211st March 2011
National Pathology Programme Board The National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) is chaired by Mr Bob Hudson, Chief Executive of Public Health Wales NHS Trust and comprises Clinical Directors and Directorate Managers of Pathology from all Health Boards and national services. The NPPB reports to the NHS Wales Chief Executives’ Group and is the body with responsibility for approving protocols and standards relating to pathology in Wales. The scope of the National Pathology Programme includes three major workstreams; Service Planning and Delivery, Information (including IM&T) and Workforce. For further information on NPPB activities and records of Board meetings, please visit http://howis.wales.nhs.uk/pmuw The NPPB is currently approving and signing off the LIMS discipline standardisation portfolios as at 28th February 2011. The portfolios have been developed and reviewed by colleagues from all Health Boards, QA’d by the relevant SSAGs and will inform the baseline configuration of the LIMS. Laboratory Information Management System Configuration of the Trak Care Lab All Wales LIMS is currently underway with NWIS, Intersystems and Pathology colleagues working in partnership. Please make every effort to contribute to your discipline standardisation activity and to attend the workshops being held to demonstrate and obtain feedback on the build at key points. Further information on theLIMS and related IT projects is available on the NWIS website www.wales.nhs.uk/nwis All Wales User Survey An All Wales survey of internal secondary care users of Pathology services was undertaken During January / February 2011. The online Questionnaire was developed by the Pathology Quality Managers’ Group and attracted well over 200 responses. Responses have been analysed and indices of satisfaction have been Calculated for individual departments, sites, Health Boards and on an All Wales level. Please contact your Pathology Directorate or Quality Manager to access the reports for your department, site or Health Boards. Survey results will be valuable to you and your colleagues both to inform future service planning and delivery and to help identify where there are communication and education needs amongst your service users. All Wales Training Events In order to reduce duplication of effort and maximise access to local expertise, a number of All Wales training events are taking place during 2011. The inaugural training day for Anatomical Pathology Technicians was held in Llandrindod Wells on 18th March. Feedback from those who attended was universally positive and it is planned for this to become an annual event. Further dates and topics are as follows: 5th April Anatomical Pathology Technician training day April, date tbc Adult Post Mortem Consent Date tbc Conducting Quality Audits To access further shared resources please visit the Pathology Community at www.nliah.com/portal or for further information contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk Pathology Programme NewsNo. 221st April 2011
National Pathology Programme Board The National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB), chaired by Mr Bob Hudson, Chief Executive of Public Health Wales NHS Trust, comprises Clinical Directors and Directorate Managers of Pathology from all Health Boards and national services. The NPPB reports to the NHS Wales Chief Executives’ Group and is the body with responsibility for approving protocols and standards relating to pathology in Wales. The NPPB will meet next on Wednesday 25th May 2011. For further information on NPPB activities and records of Board meetings, please visit http://howis.wales.nhs.uk/pmuw The NPPB is currently approving and signing off the LIMS discipline standardisation portfolios as at 28th February 2011. The portfolios have been developed and reviewed by colleagues from all Health Boards, QA’d by the relevant SSAGs and will inform the baseline configuration of the LIMS. Laboratory Information Management System Configuration of the Trak Care Lab All Wales LIMS is currently underway with NWIS, Intersystems and Pathology colleagues working in partnership. Please make every effort to contribute to your discipline standardisation activity and to attend the workshops being held to demonstrate and obtain feedback on the build at key points. Further information on the LIMS and related IT projects is available on the NWIS website www.wales.nhs.uk/nwis All Wales User Survey An All Wales survey of internal secondary care users of Pathology services was undertaken during January / February 2011. The online Questionnaire was developed by the Pathology Quality Managers’ Group and attracted well over 200 responses. Responses have been analysed and indices of satisfaction have been calculated for individual departments, sites, Health Boards and on an All Wales level. Please contact your Pathology Directorate or Quality Manager to access the reports. Survey results will be valuable to you and your colleagues both to inform future service planning and delivery and to help identify where there are communication and education needs amongst your service users. Quality Management Training Events In order to reduce duplication of effort and maximise access to local expertise, a number of All Wales training events are taking place during 2011. Feedback from those who have attended events to date has been universally positive. Training for Quality Managers in conducting quality audit has been successfully piloted and this will be made available to all organisations shortly. The course has been developed in partnership with NLIAH. Details will be communicated through the Pathology Quality Management Forum. To access further shared resources developed by Quality Managers, POCT Coordinators, the Better Blood Transfusion Team and other colleagues, please visit the Pathology Community at www.nliah.com/portal or contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk Pathology Programme NewsNo. 231st May 2011
National Pathology Programme Board The National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB), chaired by Mr Bob Hudson, Chief Executive of Public Health Wales NHS Trust, comprises Clinical Directors and Directorate Managers of Pathology from all Health Boards and national services. The NPPB reports to the NHS Wales Chief Executives’ Group and is the body with responsibility for approving protocols and standards relating to pathology in Wales. The NPPB will meet next on Wednesday 13th July 2011. The NPPB is currently approving and signing off phase 1 discipline standardisation portfolios. These have been developed and reviewed by colleagues from all Health Boards, QA’d by the relevant SSAGs and will inform the baseline configuration of the All Wales Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). Configuration of the Trak Care Lab All Wales LIMS is currently underway with NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS), Intersystems and Pathology colleagues working in partnership. Colleagues are encouraged to make every effort to contribute to ongoing discipline standardisation activity and to attend the workshops being held to demonstrate and obtain feedback on the build at key points. Further information on the LIMS and related IT projects is available on the NWIS website www.wales.nhs.uk/nwis To access records of NPPB meetings, please visit http://howis.wales.nhs.uk/pmuw To access shared resources developed by other National Pathology Programme groups including Laboratory Managers, Quality Managers, POCT Coordinators and HTA Designated Individuals, please visit the Pathology Community at www.nliah.com/portal All Wales Training Events In order to reduce duplication of effort and maximise access to local expertise, a number of All Wales one-day training events are taking place during 2011. Feedback from those who have attended to date has been universally positive and we plan to continue to run similar events. The following courses including the listed topics have taken place to date: Anatomical Pathology Technicians An overview of the post mortem consent process Infection control in the mortuary Consent for an Adult Post Mortem Examination Post Mortem consent process including HTA codes of practice Grief, bereavement and ritual Changes to the death certification process Quality Audit Training for Quality Managers Designing a quality audit Conducting a laboratory-based audit Writing Business Cases for POCT Coordinators These courses are open to all colleagues and details of future courses and dates can be obtained through the Quality, POCT and HTA DI groups or contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, on 02920 207615 or margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk Diary dates 2nd June LIMS Implementation Board 16th June HTA Designated Individuals’ Group 22nd June Quality Managers’ Forum 24th June POCT Coordinators’ Group 12th July LIMS Implementation Board 13th July National Pathology Programme Board 20th July Laboratory Managers’ Forum Pathology Programme NewsNo. 241st June 2011
National Pathology Programme Board In June the All Wales Chief Executives’ Group approved the National Pathology Programme Board 2011 / 12 work programme. Projects and activities which will therefore continue to be progressed through the All Wales Laboratory Managers’ Group, Pathology Quality Management Forum, POCT Coordinators’ Group, HTA DI Group, LIMS Clinical Strategy Group and regional collaborative groups include: Local and regional projects to continue to implement the recommendations contained in the Future Service Delivery document regarding service integration and reconfiguration Support as appropriate for LIMS user acceptance testing and implementation Accreditation – Development of shared resources and sharing experiences and lessons learnt to enable more rapid adoption of good practice Standardisation by discipline to inform configuration of the new LIMS Healthcare Standards for Wales mapping to ISO 15189, CPA, MHRA and HTA standards All Wales user satisfaction surveys All Wales Quality Audit training Post Mortem standardised documents and processes for recording consent (adult and paediatric / perinatal) All Wales APT training POCT Governance Policy audit All Wales POCT Business Case writing training POCT Procurement Framework KPIs for Pathology Business intelligence requirements to inform LIMS configuration Leading and Delivering Change Programme in partnership with NLIAH Links with WAG MSC implementation programme All Wales Training Events This year, the following All Wales training utilising local expertise and at no cost to Health Boards has taken place to date: Anatomical Pathology Technicians – 24 delegates over 2 days Adult Post Mortem Consent – 21 delegates including a representative from the HTA Quality Audit for Quality Managers – one cohort has completed the training with further training being made available on a Health Board basis throughout the year POCT Business Case writing – a scoping exercise has been completed with the training course to be delivered in October Feedback from those who have attended has been universally positive. These courses are open to all colleagues and details of future courses and dates can be obtained through the Quality, POCT and HTA DI groups or contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, on 02920 207615 or margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk To access shared resources developed by the various All Wales groups please visit the Pathology Community at www.nliah.com/portal To access records of NPPB meetings, please visit http://howis.wales.nhs.uk/pmuw Diary dates 4th July South East Wales Histopathology Modernisation Project Option Appraisal 12th July LIMS Implementation Board 13th July South East Wales Pathology Collaborative 20th July Laboratory Managers’ Forum Pathology Programme NewsNo. 251st July 2011
National Pathology Programme Board In June the All Wales Chief Executives’ Group approved the National Pathology Programme Board work programme for 2011/12. Current projects and activities will therefore continue through a number of All Wales collaborative groups which have been active for a number of years. Groups are open to all and continue to be well attended by service colleagues from all Health Boards and NHS Wales organisations. Activities currently being undertaken by these All Wales groups include the following: Regional Collaboratives and Pathology Laboratory Managers Forum Local and regional projects to continue to implement the recommendations contained in the Future Delivery of Pathology Services in Wales and the Review of Histopathology Services in Wales regarding service integration and reconfiguration Support as appropriate for local implementation of Modernising Scientific Careers in line with the WAG MSC Implementation Programme Support as appropriate for local implementation of the new LIMS, WCP and EMPI Leading and Delivering Change Programme in partnership with NLIAH LIMS Clinical Strategy Group comprising discipline leads who facilitate groups of colleagues from all NHS Wales organisations Standardisation by discipline to inform configuration of the new LIMS and Wales Pathology Handbook Support as appropriate for LIMS user acceptance testing and local implementation Point of Care Testing Coordinators POCT Governance Policy audit POCT Business Case writing training delivered making use of local expertise at no cost to NHS Wales organisations POCT Procurement Framework Pathology Quality Management Forum Accreditation – Development of shared resources and sharing experiences and lessons learnt to enable more rapid adoption of good practice Mapping of ISO 15189, CPA, MHRA and HTA standards to the Healthcare Standards for Wales All Wales user surveys to deliver a reliable KPI based on user satisfaction as a robust indicator of service quality All Wales Quality Audit training delivered making use of local expertise at no cost to NHS Wales organisations HTA Designated Individuals Group HTA Regulatory Requirements – Development of shared resources and sharing experiences and lessons learnt to enable more rapid adoption of good practice Post Mortem standardised documents and processes for recording consent (adult and paediatric / perinatal) including All Wales training meeting HTA requirements Input to UK-wide reforms to death certification procedures and Coroner / Pathologist interface All Wales training for Anatomical Pathology Technicians and Bereavement Services colleagues delivered making use of local expertise at no cost to NHS Wales organisations To access shared resources developed by the various All Wales groups please visit the Pathology Community at www.nliah.com/portal For further details on how to access training contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, on 02920 207615 or margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk To access records of NPPB meetings, please visit http://howis.wales.nhs.uk/pmuw Diary dates 4th Aug LIMS Implementation Board 5th Sept POCT Coordinators Group 7th Sept Laboratory Managers’ Forum 8th Sept LIMS Implementation Board 20th Sept Perinatal PM Consent Training Pathology Programme NewsNo. 261st August 2011
National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) In June the All Wales Chief Executives’ Group approved the National Pathology Programme Board work programme for 2011/12. The full work programme can be found along with all NPPB meeting records and papers at http://howis.wales.nhs.uk/pmuw Projects and activities currently underway include the following: Standardisation by discipline to inform configuration of the new LIMS and Wales Pathology Handbook Support as appropriate for LIMS user acceptance testing and local implementation This is being carried out by the LIMS Clinical Strategy Group comprising discipline leads who facilitate groups of colleagues from all NHS Wales organisations Accreditation – Development of shared resources and sharing experiences and lessons learnt to enable more rapid adoption of good practice Mapping of ISO 15189, CPA, MHRA and HTA standards to the Healthcare Standards for Wales All Wales Quality Audit training delivered making use of local expertise at no cost to NHS Wales organisations This is being carried out by the All Wales Pathology Quality Management Forum. To access shared resources developed by the Quality Managers and other All Wales groups, please visit the Pathology Community at www.nliah.com/portal POCT Governance Policy audit (in collaboration with the All Wales Quality Managers’ Forum POCT Business Case writing training delivered making use of local expertise at no cost to NHS Wales organisations POCT Procurement Framework This is being carried out by the Point of Care Testing Coordinators’ group. Local and regional projects to continue to implement the recommendations contained in the Future Delivery of Pathology Services in Wales and the Review of Histopathology Services in Wales. Support as appropriate for local implementation of Modernising Scientific Careers in line with the WAG MSC Implementation Programme Support as appropriate for local implementation of the new LIMS This is being carried out by the Regional Collaboratives and Pathology Laboratory Managers Forum. Regions are actively reviewing current service models and under- taking projects to identify, cost and appraise options for service delivery in a variety of disciplines having been mandated to do so by Chief Executives. Engagement from Pathology colleagues to identify and appraise options is excellent and support is being obtained from colleagues in Finance, HR and Estates as appropriate. HTA Regulatory Requirements – Development of shared resources and sharing experiences and lessons learnt Post Mortem standardised documents and processes for recording consent including All Wales training events All Wales training for Anatomical Pathology Technicians and Bereavement Services colleagues This is being carried out by the HTA Designated Individuals group. For further details on how to access training contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, on 02920 207615 or margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk Diary dates 5th Sept POCT Coordinators Group 7th Sept Laboratory Managers’ Forum 8th Sept LIMS Implementation Board 20th Sept Perinatal PM Consent Training 26th Sept HTA DIs Group 28th Sept NPPB 28th Sept South East Wales Pathology Collaborative Pathology Programme NewsNo. 271st September 2011
National Pathology Programme Board (NPPB) The Welsh Labour Manifesto states that Health Boards will be required to continue to work collaboratively to modernise Pathology services. The National Pathology Programme Board reports progress to the NHS Wales Chief Executives’ Group. The full NPPB 2011/12 work programme, meeting records and papers are available at http://howis.wales.nhs.uk/pmuw Projects and activities currently underway include the following: Standardisation by discipline to inform configuration of the new LIMS and Wales Pathology Handbook LIMS user acceptance testing This is being coordinated by the LIMS Clinical Strategy Group comprising discipline leads who facilitate groups of colleagues from all NHS Wales organisations Accreditation – Development of shared resources and sharing experiences and lessons learnt to enable more rapid adoption of good practice Mapping ISO 15189, CPA, MHRA and HTA standards to the Healthcare Standards for Wales All Wales Quality Audit training delivered making use of local expertise at no cost to NHS Wales organisations This is being carried out by the All Wales Pathology Quality Management Forum. To access shared resources developed by the Quality Managers and other All Wales groups, please visit the Pathology Community at www.nliah.com/portal POCT Governance Policy audit (in collaboration with the All Wales Quality Managers’ Forum POCT Business Case writing training delivered making use of local expertise at no cost to NHS Wales organisations POCT Procurement Framework This is being carried out by the Point of Care Testing Coordinators’ group. Local and regional projects to continue to implement the recommendations contained in the Future Delivery of Pathology Services in Wales and the Review of Histopathology Services in Wales and to deliver against the Welsh Labour Manifesto Support as appropriate for local implementation of Modernising Scientific Careers in line with the WAG MSC Implementation Programme Support as appropriate for local implementation of the new LIMS This is being carried out by the Regional Collaboratives and Pathology Laboratory Managers Forum. Regions are actively reviewing current service models and under- taking projects to identify, cost and appraise options for service delivery in a variety of disciplines having been mandated to do so by Chief Executives. Engagement from Pathology colleagues to identify and appraise options is excellent and support is being obtained from colleagues in Finance, HR and Estates as appropriate. HTA Regulatory Requirements – Development of shared resources and sharing experiences and lessons learnt Post Mortem standardised documents and processes for recording consent including All Wales training events All Wales training for Anatomical Pathology Technicians and Bereavement Services colleagues This is being carried out by the HTA Designated Individuals group. For further details on how to access training contact Margie Fielden, Pathology Programme Manager, on 02920 207615 or margie.fielden@wales.nhs.uk Diary dates 6th Oct LIMS Implementation Board 6th Oct LIMS Change Advisory Board 14th Oct Modernising Scientific Careers Implementation Board 19th Oct Adult PM Consent Training 9th Nov Laboratory Managers’ Forum 10th Nov LIMS Implementation Board Pathology Programme NewsNo. 281st October 2011