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State Performance Plan Indicator #8: Parent Survey Cohort 8 2013-2014

State Performance Plan Indicator #8: Parent Survey Cohort 8 2013-2014. A Webinar presented by The New Jersey Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs November 19 and November 20, 2013. Agenda. Overview of the survey Data collection process and tools

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State Performance Plan Indicator #8: Parent Survey Cohort 8 2013-2014

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  1. State Performance Plan Indicator #8: Parent Survey Cohort 8 2013-2014 A Webinar presented by The New Jersey Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs November 19 and November 20, 2013 NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  2. Agenda Overview of the survey Data collection process and tools District responsibilities NJDOE/OSEP support Use of survey results Public Reporting NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  3. State Performance Plan Indicator #8: Parent Survey Cohort 8 – 2013-2014 • Percent of parents with a child receiving special education services who report that schools facilitated parental involvement as a means of improving services and results for children with disabilities. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  4. Annual RequirementFederal State Performance Plan (SPP)Annual Performance Report (APR) Stakeholder process Survey Methodology Annual Targets Census vs sampling Randomly selected sample of districts each year; entire state surveyed by 2011 Continuation of survey NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  5. Federal OSEP SPP extension (includes Indicator #8) Recalculated districts based on sampling calculator Each Cohort is representative of New Jersey Annual RequirementFederal State Performance Plan (SPP)Annual Performance Report (APR) NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  6. Parent Survey Methodology • Survey families of students with disabilities • enrolled in school-age programs (K-12) • enrolled in preschool programs • Two NCSEAM survey instruments • School-age survey • Preschool survey NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  7. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  8. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  9. Parent Survey Methodology NJDOE/OSEP collecting mailing addresses Partnering with Rutgers University -Bloustein Center Mail surveys and post on-line response option in May, 2014 (H-2) Surveys returned in June/July 2014 Collaborate in the analysis of results – Winter, 2015 NJDOE/OSEP Reports - APR (federally) and Districts NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  10. Cover Letter NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  11. Analysis Representativeness Response Rate Parental Involvement NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  12. Results by Cohort Response Rates NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  13. Results by CohortFacilitation of Parental Involvement NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  14. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  15. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  16. Use of the Survey Results Federal Reporting Public Reporting- NJDOE/OSEP website Technical Assistance and Training Information for districts NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  17. Outcomes NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  18. Student Data Verification Complete the student data verification form (H-3) for the number of students with disabilities: Enrolled in preschool programs Enrolled in school age programs (K-12) Total number of students with disabilities enrolled in preschool + school age programs As of October 15, 2013 Indicate contract decision FAX by December 2, 2013 to: Maryann Joseph at (856) 582-4323 NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  19. Date Verification Form This form, H-3, was attached to your registration email. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  20. District Responsibilities Provide NJDOE/OSEP with two EXCEL files of mailing addresses for parents of students with disabilities: One set for parents of students with disabilities enrolled in preschool programs; and One set for parents of students with disabilities enrolled in school-age programs, (K-12). NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  21. District Responsibilities for Submission of Parent Mailing Information Directions will be provided by NJDOE/OSEP (H-4). Upload ONLY parent mailing information. DO NOT SEND STUDENT NAMES. Check to verify the format of parent addresses and the number of students before submitting Compare the number of students on file submitted to the number on the data verification form, submitted earlier to NJDOE/OSEP. (H-3) NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  22. Directions for Completing EXCEL files NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  23. Registration for EXCEL Training This form, H-10, was attached to your registration email. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  24. District Responsibilities for Submission of Parent Mailing Information Submit the two completed EXCEL files to NJDOE/OSEP Website will be available by December 6, 2013 Upload to the secure website byFebruary 3, 2014. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  25. Submission of Parent Mailing Information NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  26. NJDOE OSEP Support to Cohort 8 • Encourage participation (H-5) The better the response rate, the better the results NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  27. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  28. NJDOE OSEPSupport to Cohort 8 Provide families of students with disabilities with advanced notice to expect the NJDOE survey in the mail during May, 2014. District prepared announcement (H-6) Spanish version available upon request NJDOE/OSEP website information http://www.nj.gov/education/specialed/ NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  29. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  30. NJDOE OSEPSupport to Cohort 8 Contract (H - 7, 8 & 9), if needed, to create the two EXCEL parent address files using preset format and directions. Requested contracts will be provided to you before the end of December, 2013. Return signed contract byJanuary 31, 2014. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  31. Contract NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  32. NJDOE OSEP Support to Cohort 8 • NJDOE/OSEP will reimburse allowable expenses up to a maximum amount as specified in the contract. • For reimbursement, provide an invoice and supporting documentation following submission of the two EXCEL files. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  33. Reimbursement Amounts NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  34. Allowable Expenseswith Supporting Documentation Invoice: Personnel costs – overtime costs to complete address compilation to input the 2 files into EXCEL Announcements to alert parents Postage Print Mailing supplies NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  35. Invoice NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  36. Key Timelinesfor the Parent Survey By December 2, 2013 - Return Data Verification form and contract decision. ByDecember 6, 2013 – Website available for upload. By January 31, 2014 - Board approval and return the contract, if needed. By February 3, 2014– submit/upload the two EXCEL files with parent mailing information. By March 31, 2014– submit the invoice with all supporting documentation. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  37. Key Timelinesfor the Parent Survey May 2014 – Surveys sent June 2014 – Second mailing June 2014 – Electronicpayments to districts who request contracts and provide invoices Winter 2015 –Report sent to districts, then posted on website. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  38. Registration for EXCEL Training This form, H-10, was attached to your registration email. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  39. NJDOE OSEPSupport to Cohort 8 Training Opportunity on EXCEL (H – 10) Explain the format of the EXCEL template Explain how to complete the two parent files Explain how to upload files to the secure site Training format: Teleconference for directors and data input personnel – 1 hour Training Dates: December 12, 2013 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. January 15, 2014 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Registration Form (H-10) NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  40. Upload Files • Upload of two address files to secure website by February 3, 2014 • Access to Student Records (H-11) NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  41. Access to Student Records Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:6-36-19, the New Jersey Department of Education is empowered to enact regulations with respect to maintaining and accessing student records by all public school districts in the State. In accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:32-7.5(e)9, the Commissioner of Education and members of the New Jersey Department of Education staff who have assigned responsibility which necessitates the review of such records are entitled to access to student records. Pursuant to this legal authority, staff of the Office of Special Education Programs, in order to conform to the reporting requirements for the State Performance Plan, SPP, Indicator #8 as set forth above, is entitled to access to the student records (names and addresses) in order to conduct the survey mandated by Federal law. In addition, the information obtained from your school districts, as well as the survey responses, will be securely maintained and kept confidential, as is required by the student record law and regulations. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  42. Contracts Mailcontracts by January 31, 2014 to: • MaryAnn Joseph • Learning Resource Center – South • New Jersey Department of Education • Office of Special Education Programs • 107 Gilbreth Parkway Suite 200 • Mullica Hill, New Jersey 08062 • Phone (856) 582-7000 NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  43. Contact Information MaryAnn Joseph LRC South Consultant maryann.joseph@doe.state.nj.us Phone (856) 582-7000 x 106 FAX (856) 582-4323 Dr. Charlene Staley-Evans Manager, Bureau of Program Development Office of Special Education Programs NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

  44. State Performance Plan Indicator #8: Parent Survey Cohort 8 2013-2014 A Webinar presented by The New Jersey Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs November 19 and 20, 2013 Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this important NJDOE/OSEP project. NJDOE - OSEP Presentation Parent Survey

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