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The personality and policies of President Johnson

The personality and policies of President Johnson. Learning Objectives: To consolidate our knowledge of JFK and his involvement in Vietnam up until November 1963. To explore the personality and policies of President Johnson.

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The personality and policies of President Johnson

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  1. The personality and policies of President Johnson Learning Objectives: To consolidate our knowledge of JFK and his involvement in Vietnam up until November 1963. To explore the personality and policies of President Johnson. To discuss how Johnson as the President of the USA will react to the situation in Vietnam.

  2. JFK and US Involvement in Vietnam • JFK expanded US commitment in Vietnam – saw it as a communist aggression within the Cold War. • Kennedy’s initial concerns were with Laos in 1959 – Civil War – US and USSR supplied opposing forces. • In Vietnam US support for Diem increased even as popular support for him declined. • JFK shifted emphasis towards COUNTER INSURGENCY – Army special forces – The Green Berets – trained the ARVN in guerrilla warfare.

  3. JFK and US Involvement in Vietnam • Kennedy also endorsed the Strategic Hamlets programme. By 1962 nearly 3,000 fortified villages. USA agreed that without MORE help the Communists would seize control of the South. • 15th October 1961 – JFK sends General Maxwell Taylor to Vietnam to report on the potential impact of sending US troops in. Taylor reports that despite a crisis existing this could be turned around by introducing military advisers. • 22nd November 1961 – Kennedy provides aircraft, intelligence equipment, training for ARVN and additional economic aid.

  4. JFK and Involvement in Vietnam • Diem was failing to achieve a mass following – many of his family members in governmental positions. • Ngo DinhNhu – brother and closest adviser – trouble! • Diem continues to resist military efforts that might lead to casualties. • 1962 – advisers undecided about the success of the situation in Vietnam. • Several American doubted the success of the strategic hamlets programme. • 1963 – Situation in Saigon (South) worsened – American officials intensified their efforts.

  5. JFK and Involvement in Vietnam • 2nd Jan 1963 – ApBac– ARVN refused to take the initiative of the Advisers – disunity and loss of faith. • By mid 1963 2,600/3,700 strategic hamlets had been destroyed by the NLF. Controlled a large proportion of South Vietnamese villages and the population. • Diem’s relationship with the Buddhists had been contentious for years – culminated in a revolt in Summer 1963. • 8th May 1963 – troops in Hue attacked Buddhist demonstrators and killed several people. Diem failed to acknowledged their demands to end his repressive regime. • Madame Nhu: “Buddhist barbecues”

  6. JFK and Involvement in Vietnam • 22nd August 1963 – Ambassador Lodge informed of a military coup against Diem. • JFK publically expressed unhappiness with Diem and Nhu. What role did he play? • 1st November 1963 – military coup – execution of brothers. USA did support however did not expect murder and struggled to adapt. • Challenge of Vietnam became even more complicated on 22nd November 1963 – JFK assassinated. • Johnson inherited US military force of 16,000 in Vietnam and commitment to a war that was not going well…

  7. JFK had avoided, as had Eisenhower, making the ultimate decision to leave Vietnam or to introduce combat troops. • JOHNSON WOULD NOT HAVE THIS LUXURY…

  8. 7 minute Challenge: • Using the large sheet of paper in the middle of the room, as a class you must create a detailed mind map on the situation in Vietnam before Johnson comes to power. • Note down the key points from the mini-lecture. • Use all your prior knowledge to create a mind map that is as detailed as possible. • EVERYBODY MUST CONTRIBUTE 

  9. Who was Lyndon B Johnson?

  10. Who was Lyndon B. Johnson? • Remained committed to Vietnam as a battle in the Cold War. • Johnson believed that failure in Vietnam would have serious political repercussions from Republicans who used Democratic presidents in the past as scapegoats for communist advances in Asia. • Johnson remained committed to Kennedy’s policy – he found it easy necessary to increase involvement in order to preserve the Saigon regime. • He came to realise there was no easy option. • WWJD?.. What would Johnson do?

  11. Facebook Profile • Your task is to create a Facebook profile for Lyndon B. Johnson. • You need to research: • His background • His education • Early career • Political career • Likes and dislikes • Leadership pros and cons

  12. History Sessions  • Monday after school – UNLESS I HAVE MEETINGS  but room still free. • Wednesday after school • Friday lunch time • This week: Friday lunch – questions/issues/exam help • After half term: Wednesday after school/Friday lunch: timeline, catch up on topics so far.

  13. A Socratic Summary • Find somebody else in the room to sit with. • You need to pair up – but with somebody NOT on your table! • You need to discuss what you think Johnson will be like as the President of the United States and predict what will happen next in Vietnam. • Take it in turns to discuss – USE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES FROM YOUR RESEARCH! • You must listen to each other and take notes on the key points which are raised. • We will review as a class.

  14. What is next for Vietnam?...

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