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In the Name of “Allah” The Compassionate, The Merciful. Praise be to “Allah”, Lord of the Universe, And Peace and Prayers be upon His Prophet and Messenger. Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahamathullahi Wa Barakatuh Peace Be Upon you….
In the Name of “Allah” The Compassionate, The Merciful. Praise be to “Allah”, Lord of the Universe, And Peace and Prayers be upon His Prophet and Messenger. Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahamathullahi Wa Barakatuh Peace Be Upon you…
First of all I would like to thank Allah Subha’nanhu Wa’Ta’ala; • for giving me this opportunity to be here with you, • Making it possible for me to stand in front of youby giving me health and strength • Giving me the courage and energy to present my talk to you on ZAKAT, • Secondly I would like to thank; • The organizers for organizing this important event, • The organizers for inviting me and giving me an opportunity to be here and deliver this presentation, • Thirdly I would like to thank; • You all elders, delegates, brothers, sisters, and all who are present here today, for attending this • important event by sacrificing your most precious time for the sake of Allah’Subha’Nahu Wa’ta’Ala. • May Allah Subha’nanhu Wa’Ta’ala accept our sincere efforts and reward us with his blessings • on the day of Judgement. “Aameen”
Insha Allah I will present this presentation in three stages; • Introducing you to The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils • Introduction to Zakat and then • I will explain why we should Adopt Zakat as a Culture in Moslem Society . • What I am about to present to you is nothing new to most of you and most • of you maybe knowing more than what I am about to present. The idea of • this presentation is to remind us all of our obligations as Muslims and the • rewards for doing so to please Allah SWT. • Zakat is one of the Pillars of Islam, we want to purify our wealth and go • to Jannah, we have to fullfill this obligation.
Islamic Council Of NT Islamic Council of Christmas Islands Islamic Council of Queensland Muslim Council of NSW Islamic Council of WA Islamic Council of ACT Islamic Council of South Australia Islamic Council of Victoria Islamic Council of Tasmania
The National umbrella organization for Muslims in Australia Islamic Council of Northern Territory Islamic Council of Christmas Islands Islamic Council of Queensland Muslim Council of NSW Islamic Council of W A Islamic Council of A C T Islamic Council of South Australia Islamic Council of Victoria Islamic Council of Tasmania
The National umbrella organization for Muslims in Australia Islamic Council of Northern Territory Islamic Council of Christmas Islands Islamic Council of Queensland Muslim Council of NSW Islamic Council of W A Islamic Council of A C T Islamic Council of South Australia Islamic Council of Victoria Islamic Council of Tasmania
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO AFIC STRUCTURE AFIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE • The Federation’s Executive committee is democratically elected by the • representatives of the State Islamic Councils. These Executive members • are not on AFIC payroll and they contribute their time to AFIC Honorary. • The current Executive Committee consists; • Chairman and The CEO • Vice President • Secretary • Treasurer • Asst. Secretary • Asst. Treasurer
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO AFIC STRUCTURE CURRENT AFIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ARE; • Brother Haji Ikebal Mohammed Adam Patel - President • Sister Mariam Kawi - Vice President • Brother Ashraf Usman Ali – Secretary • Brother Adnan Sert – Treasurer • Brother Harun Abdullah - Asst. Secretary • Brother Hafez Malas - Asst. Treasurer
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO AFIC STRUCTURE AFIC EXECUTIVE MEMBERS • These members are selected by the Chairman and his team. • The current Executive Members are; Brother Abbas Ahmed Brother Hafez Kassem and Brother Mohamed Masood CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER CEO is appointed by The Chairman and his team. The Chairman Is also the current Chief Executive Officer.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO AFIC STRUCTURE STATE ISLAMIC COUNCILS • State Islamic Councils are the Head Offices in each state directly above • their local Islamic Societies in their respective states. • The representatives of these State Islamic Councils are elected by the • Local Islamic Societies at the Grass root level in their respective states. • Currently there are; • 9 Individual State Islamic Councils under the Federation. • 100 Local Islamic Councils under these State Councils.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO AFIC STRUCTURE STATE ISLAMIC COUNCILS AND LOCAL ISLAMIC SOCIETIES Name of the Islamic Council No. of Islamic Societies 1. Islamic Council of Australian Capital Territory………03 2. Islamic Council of New South Wales…………………..41 AFIC represents A total of 109 Islamic Councils & Societies In Australia 3. Islamic Council of Queensland…………………………..18 4. Islamic Council of Victoria…………………………………21 5. Islamic Council of Tasmania………………………….....02 6. Islamic Council of South Australia……………………..09 7. Islamic Council of Western Australia…………………..09 8. Islamic Council of Northern Territory………………….04 9. Islamic Council of Christmas Islands…………………..02
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO AFIC OUR VISION • To bring in structural changes in the AFIC’s administrative structure by placing the required checks and balances. • To transform AFIC into a transparent and an accountable national organisation that Australian Muslims should feel proud of. • To promote harmony and unity among the Muslim societies who have been left out of the AFIC structure. • To see AFIC leadership elected based on their character, qualifications and the ability.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO AFIC ACTION PLAN: Formulate AFIC’s Policy Making and Implementation Section to cover the following core areas: Muslim Youth & Women Affairs (This committee will focus entirely in identifying the youth and women issues and provide guidelines and strategies to tackle their problems). Interfaith Harmony (This committee will focus on the strategies and the action plans to encourage Open Days to increase more dialogue and interaction with people of other faiths and ethnic groups). Dispute Resolution (This committee will comprise of ex-AFIC presidents, representative Imams, religious scholars and Muslim legal advisors to resolve disputes between societies, state councils or AFIC.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO AFIC ACTION PLAN: Zakat Services (This committee will comprise of ex-AFIC presidents, representative Imams, religious scholars and a committee will be setup to collect and disperse the zakat. This committee will identify and channel zakat when and where required. Financial Services (This committee will be run by a team of accountants and financial services professionals. There will also be an equitable and fair income distribution policy. Loyalty Programs are being introduced to harvest the buying power of Muslim ummah in Australia in the areas of telecommunications, banking, public liability insurances (which are compulsory in Australia), power, fuel and Gas.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO AFIC OUR AIMS: The purpose for which the Federation was established is: To supervise and certify the production of Halal food/products and to promote Halal-eating habits To promote Islamic Brotherhood and better understanding and awareness of Islam in the Muslim community. To maintain and promote close contact and cooperation with and between all Muslim organizations and individual Islamic workers in all areas which do not contravene the teachings of the Quráan and Sunnah. To strive towards countering and eliminating explicit and implicit pressures hindering Muslims from fully practicing Islam.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO AFIC OUR AIMS: To manage, print and publish journals, periodicals, books, booklets or leaflets and organize lectures, seminars and conferences, which AFIC may think desirable to further the knowledge and cause of Islam. To appoint and employ officers, solicitors, accountants, auditors and other persons considered necessary for the efficient working of the Association and to pay such salaries, fees and allowances to persons so appointed and to members of the Organization engaged in furthering the objects and works of the Organization. To support and participate in the teaching and preaching activities among the Muslim community and promote the understanding of Islam among non-Muslims in general. To borrow and raise money in such a manner as the AFIC may think fit and proper.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO AFIC OUR AIMS: To collect Zakat and distribute among the most needy. To encourage and promote the teaching of Arabic and Islam to children and interested adults. To become a positive and contributing part of Islamic activities locally, nationally and internationally. To promote a good neighborly relationship, peace, harmony and friendship between Muslims and the non-Muslim community in Australia. To accept any gift or property whether subject to trust or not for anyone or more of the objects of AFIC
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO AFIC OUR AIMS: • To work towards establishing Islamic schools as needed by the Muslim community from time to time and work with the other Muslim Organizations to achieve this. • To establish trusts for the purpose of holding and safeguarding the capital assets of the Organization, and in particular to manage the funds collected (if any) for the establishment of a religious and community center and property (if any) hereafter. • To do all such things as the Organization may from time to time deem • incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects or any one of • them.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO AFIC OUR ACTIVITIES: The AFIC has numerous ongoing activities. Some of these include: HALAL SUPERVISION AND CERTIFICATION The primary role of the AFIC is to secure Halal food sources and to promote Halal eating habits. It also provides a supervisory and certifying role for the export of Halal products from Australia. CONSULTATION To provide free advise and recommendations to food producers, manufacturers, exporters and traders. This service is also provided to the Muslim community or individual.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO AFIC OUR ACTIVITIES: ISLAMIC CENTRES AND MOSQUES The AFIC provides ongoing financial support to various Islamic Centers and Mosques to help them meet their operational costs and Imam salaries. COMMUNITY FUNDING The AFIC provides ongoing financial funding to various Islamic Societies. Special consideration is given to projects devoted to the education of Muslim youth in Quranic and Arabic studies. COMMUNITY PROJECTS The AFIC provides financial support for community projects such as the construction of new Mosques, Islamic schools, the restoration of Mosques, etc…
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO AFIC OUR ACTIVITIES CHARITY The Federation is actively involved in distribution of charity as required. Some of the examples where the Chairman personally visited and distributed funds to the needy are Tsunami relief in Indonesia and Sri Lanka, Earthquake relief and collecting funds for a hospital project in Afghanistan. ZAKAT SERVICES The Federation is expanding it’s role from this year to collect ZAKAT on behalf of Australian Muslims and to distribute it to the most needy. PROMOTING ISLAM The AFIC is always seeking ways of promoting Islam by supporting Islamic conferences and seminars.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia Fasting in Ramadhan Kalimah Sahahdah Performing Hajj Daily Prayers Paying Zakat INTRODUCTION TO ZAKAT FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM The Five Pillars of Islam
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO ZAKAT ZAKAT “Take alms of their wealth, wherewith you may cleanse and purify them.”; And pray on their behalf. Verily thy prayers are a source of security for them: And Allah is One Who heareth and knoweth."[Holy Qur'an 9:103.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO ZAKAT ZAKAT “The alms are only for the poor and the needy, and for those who collect them, and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free the captives and the debtors and for the cause of Allah, and for the wayfarers.” (9:60)
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO ZAKAT "...And there are those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in the Way of Allah; announce unto them a most grievous chastisement... On the Day when it will be heated in the fire of hell, and their foreheads, and their sides, and their backs shall be branded with it. (And they shall be told), this is the treasure which you hoarded for yourself. Taste ye, then, the (treasures) you hoarded."[Qur'an 9:34-35]
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia INTRODUCTION TO ZAKAT ZAKAT The fundamental principle of Zakat as one of the pillar of Islam and a religious Obligation of every Muslim has been unanimously accepted upon by Muslims, Jurists and Muslim scholars. The payment of Zakat which is based on worship to Allah’Subha’Nahu Wa’ta’Ala, and is as an instrument to strengthen the spiritual functioning of Muslim Ummah needs to be practiced must be undertaken out of faith. Zakat is an obligation to guarantee the social welfare of the less fortunate and a mechanism for the redistribution of income and wealth, so that every Muslim is guaranteed a fair standard of living. This is practised in non-Muslim countries like Australia. Alhamdullillah in Australia, social security system still exists and it very hard to find Muslim Ummah who would accept Zakat therefore Zakat needs to be sent overseas. The development of Ummah and Zakat are closely related. Zakat is closely linked to prayer which is another pillar of Islam. The combination of these both pillars will stabilize the journey in this life and hereafter.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia ZAKAT Why should we adopt ZAKAT as culture in Muslim society These verses make the real importance of Zakat quite clear: it aims to emancipate the heart from temporal preoccupations and purifies the soul. It is an acknowledged fact that the love of material things is the real enemy of prayer. It turns a man away from Allah and the After-life. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) once said: “The root of all evil is the love of worldly things.” (Mishkat) Although temporal love includes many things the most powerful and dangerous of all is the love of material wealth. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has, therefore, regarded it as the greatest of all evils for the Muslims: “The trial for my Ummah is wealth.” (Tirmidhi) If a Muslim can save himself from the lure of wealth, he will be able to protect himself from many other vices.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia ZAKAT Why should we adopt ZAKAT as culture in Muslim society Because of its basic aim and purpose, poor-due is known as Zakat in Islam. Literally it means both purification and growth. To give a portion of one’s income to the needy for the pleasure of Allah is called Zakat because it purifies the soul. It must, however, be remembered that the aim of Zakat is achieved only when its payment is motivated by sincere desire and practical effort. The pleasure of Allah should be the first and foremost consideration while paying Zakat. It must be free from every other motive. Zakat should be paid out of the income earned only by fair and honest means. Whatever is paid should be respectable. If cheap and worthless stuff is given in Zakat it will go in vain. It will be no better than a hypocritical gesture.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia ZAKAT Why should we adopt ZAKAT as culture in Muslim society Zakat’s beneficiary should neither be made to feel grateful for it, nor should his feelings and self-respect be hurt. Otherwise, Zakat will cease to have any meaning. One secondary objective of the poor-due is to provide basic necessities to poor Muslims. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “Verily Allah has ordained the payment of Zakat on them (Muslims). It will be taken from the rich and returned to the poor.” (Muslim) These Traditions make it quite obvious that there is also a social and economic aspect of the poor-due without which its Islamic concept remains incomplete.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia ZAKAT Why should we adopt ZAKAT as culture in Muslim society Zakat (Islamic Alms Fee) "So establish regular prayers;and give regular Chairty;and obey the Messenger;That ye may receive mercy.".....Qur'an (An-Nur : 56) Zakat is one of the five Principles of Islam and is compulsory to all Muslims. It is neither a TAX or a CHARITY. It is, in fact a combination of the two - a welfare and social tax for charity, for the needy in society. It is an amount in kind or coin which every Muslim of means must distribute among the deserving, every year.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia ZAKAT Why should we adopt ZAKAT as culture in Muslim society Zakat is obligatory on all Muslims who have in their possession, for one complete year, gold of the minimum weight of seven and a half tolas or silver of the minimum weight of fifty-two and a half tolas. Islam is a religion that creates a balance among all Allah's creation. Besides being a religion that emphasises the relationship between the individual and his Creator, it is also a system that keeps the society in harmony by encouraging mutual help and understanding. Many people, however, have forgotten or refused to acknowledge that their wealth comes from Allah. They regard these possessions as rightly theirs and that they are not obliged to share it with anybody else.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia ZAKAT Why should we adopt ZAKAT as culture in Muslim society As Muslims, we would not want to invite Allah's displeasure. We would want His Blessings by practising the five basic principles (Pillars) of Islam. The implementation of Zakat, as the basic principle of Islam, is a solution to close the gap between the haves and the have-nots. It lessens the burden of the needy and instils the virtues of thankfulness, sympathy and charity in the able and in the rich through the act of sharing and giving. Allah said in Surah at-Tauba:103, "Take alms from their goods (wealth), in order to purify and sanctify them with it, and invoke Allah for them. Verily! Your invocations are a source of security for them, and Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower." Islam has decreed a law for the collection of zakat from the rich to the poor and other needy groups to "clean" the wealth that we have accumulated, for in the process of acquiring these possessions, we might have unconsciously commited some unIslamic acts.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia Why should we adopt ZAKAT as culture in Muslim community. WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE ZAKAT • The poor • The needy • Those who collect Zakah • Those whose hearts are to be reconciled • To free a captive • Those in debt • In the way of Allah • For the wayfarers
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia ZAKAT Why should we adopt ZAKAT as culture in Muslim society A valuable way to help the cause of Islamic Education, particularly in non Muslim countries and in critical circumstances, is to pay Zakah. By educating the ummah we are making them self reliant. Feesabeelillah (in the way of Allah) or Lil-Fuqara (for the poor). Such use of Zakah is approved by the major schools of Islamic thought. One condition of spending Zakah under these categories is that it should be given to the recipient in person and cannot be used for buildings, to pay maintenance, etc.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia ZAKAT Why should we adopt ZAKAT as culture in Muslim society To fulfil this condition, the Federation proposes to collect and hold Zakah under a special category fund. Parents who cannot afford school fees to educate their children Islamically and bring them up as Muslims will be identified by the Muslim schools or other educational institutions the children attend or hope to attend if the fees can be paid. The Zakah is given to them and is used to pay their fees and, if required, other basic necessities of their education. Teachers and propagators of Islam are also entitled to be paid from such a special Zakah fund.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims of Australia ZAKAT Why should we adopt ZAKAT as culture in Muslim society InshaAllah with the structure and resources The Federation currently has in place, we will be able to achieve our goals effortlessly, since The Federation is Non-profit and we have proven successfully by starting and establishing Islamic Schools in each and every state and Territory of Australia. InshaAllah by adopting ZAKAT as a culture in our Muslim Society we are not only making the present better for the Muslim Ummah who are less fortunate but we are also fulfilling our obligation to please Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta ala and get blessed by Allah’Subha’Nahu Wa’ta’Ala in this Duniya and Akhirah. O Allah you are the witness in the day of Yau’mul Qiyamah for this presentation and Please reward us for our efforts in your path. “Aameen”.
The National umbrella organization for Muslims in Australia For more information please visit our website at www.afic.com.au or email us to halal@afic.com.au Sydney office: 932, Bourke Street, Zetland-2015 Or Melbourne Office: 66-68 Jeffcott Street, West Melbourne.