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All responses. Total of 1,446 Trust responses. Aggregate Index Score is derived from the % of respondents agreeing with questions (with exclusions indicated on following pages). Maximum of 1,000. Overview.
All responses Total of 1,446 Trust responses. Aggregate Index Score is derived from the % of respondents agreeing with questions (with exclusions indicated on following pages). Maximum of 1,000. Overview Response rates are unavailable: scores should be validated within specific services/functions The trust receives an Amber overall rating (broadly equivalent to an average of 69% agreement in each question), just below the 700 threshold for a Green rating Responses to the series of questions on p.2 receive 5 Green ratings Responses to the series of questions on p.3 receive 2 Green ratings, 2 Amber ratings and 4 Red ratings Responses to the series of questions on p.4 receive 4 Green ratings, 4 Amber ratings and 2 Red ratings)
10. We work in crisis mode trying to do too much, too quickly 1. Taking everything into consideration, I am satisfied with my job at the Trust 9. We use more agency/temporary staff than is best for patient care 2. I would recommend the Trust as a place to work 8. Staff in this department work longer hours than is best for patient safety 3. Within my directorate, care of patients/service users is the top priority 7. We have patient safety problems in this department 4. I am satisfied with the quality of care I give to patients/service users 6. In the last month, I have seen an error, near miss or incident that could have hurt staff or patients 5. If a friend or relative needed treatment, I would be happy with the standard of care provided by the Trust On or above target (70%+ agreement) Questions 6-10 have been excluded from the overall index calculation on p.1 given wording and likely approaches to targeting acceptable scores. Close to target (60% - 69.9% agreement) Below target (<60% agreement) Areas for enhancement Strengths Question 3 has increased by 12% points from 2010 ChatBack (with slight rewording) Question 5 has increased by 8% points Question 1 has increased by 4% points Question 2 has increased by 2% points Question 6 has decreased by 8% points from 2010 ChatBack (taken as a positive finding) No negative changes from 2010 ChatBack, although further review is required to understand scores received in questions 6-10 2
18. I understand what the trust's values mean for me in my role 11. In my directorate, communication between senior management and staff is effective 17. I am aware of the trust's values 12. I am made aware of what is going on in my directorate 16. I understand what the trust's vision means for me in my role 13. I am made aware of what is going on in the Trust 15. I am aware of the trust's current vision for how we will work as an organisation 14. I know how my role contributes to what my directorate is trying to achieve On or above target (70%+ agreement) Close to target (60% - 69.9% agreement) Below target (<60% agreement) Areas for enhancement Strengths Question 13 has increased by 5% points from 2010 ChatBack Questions 11 and 12 have increased by 3% points Question 14 has declined by 1% point from 2010 ChatBack (although retains a Green rating Further review is required to understand scores receiving Red ratings (i.e. where close to half of all respondents are not able to agree) 3
30. I am aware that the Trust occupational health department offers services to support my wellbeing 19. My immediate manager provides me with the support I need to work effectively 29. I often work beyond my contracted hours 20. I am able to make suggestions to improve the work of my team / department 28. Within my directorate, managers are committed to helping staff balance their work and home life 21. I am involved in decisions that affect my daily work 27. Within my directorate, I have appropriate access to flexible working options (e.g. flexi-time, reduced hours) 22. In general, I feel valued by my colleagues for the job I do 26. My directorate acts fairly with regard to career progression / promotion, regardless of ethnic background, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability or age 23. Team work in my immediate group of colleagues is effective 25. Within the last 12 months, I have had received training that raised my understanding of equality and diversity issues (e.g. in recruitment, sickness management, harassment) 24. Within the last 12 months, I have received training to support me in my job (incl. mandatory training) On or above target (70%+ agreement) Questions 29 and 30 have been excluded from the overall index calculation on p.1 given wording and likely approaches to targeting acceptable scores. Close to target (60% - 69.9% agreement) Below target (<60% agreement) Areas for enhancement Strengths Question 28 has increased by 7% points from 2010 ChatBack Questions 19 and 27 have increased by 5% points Question 21 has increased by 3% points Questions 20 and 24 have increased by 2% points Question 29 has decreased by 9% points from 2010 ChatBack (taken as a positive finding) Question 26 has declined by 20% points relative to 2010 ChatBack, requiring further review Further review is required to understand scores receiving Red ratings (i.e. where close to half of all respondents are not able to agree) 4