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Learning Disabilities

Learning Disabilities. Specific Learning Disabilities. Becomes evident by the age of . Average. Above Average. A student with SLD usually has an intelligence level of . Students with SLD may have problems with:. Disorganization Following directions Poor coordination

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Learning Disabilities

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  1. Learning Disabilities

  2. Specific Learning Disabilities • Becomes evident by the age of

  3. Average Above Average A student with SLD usually has an intelligence level of

  4. Students with SLD may have problems with: • Disorganization • Following directions • Poor coordination • Problems with short-term memory • Perceptual problems • Limited concentration • Speech deficits • Inadequate verbal skills • Problems with frustration

  5. Three Academic Areas of SLD Language-based

  6. PL 94-142 was historic legislation passed in the U.S. to ensure the rights of children with disabilities in the year 1975

  7. Definition and Identification A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in ____________________or in___________ ______________, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations. using understanding language

  8. Definition and Identification Includes such conditions as perceptual handicaps, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction,________________, and developmental aphasia. dyslexia

  9. Definition and Identification Does not include children who have learning problems that are a primary result of visual, hearing, or motor handicaps, of_____________ _____________, of emotional disturbance, or of____________________, culture or economic disadvantage. intellectual disabilities environmental

  10. Definition and Identification is usually left up to each state; however, usually two or more years below grade level is considered severe. Some states use 3 years or more below grade level. Severe discrepancy

  11. Definition and Identification Discrepancy Model IQ Two standard deviations Performance

  12. Definition and Identification Response to Intervention (RtI) • Schools need to use scientific, _______________teaching methods as an intervention. If there is no progress, a determination of LD is acceptable. • Schools are ________________________to take severe discrepancy into consideration. researched not required

  13. Prevalence • There are more students with LD reported each year than any other special education category. They constitute over ________of students placed in sp.ed. services • There has been an ____________ in the number of students identified as LD due to broad wording of the definition; social acceptance of LD; and differing criteria from state to state 50% increase

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