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Christ Jesus, Our Hope Strategic Planning in the Diocese of Brooklyn

Christ Jesus, Our Hope Strategic Planning in the Diocese of Brooklyn. Purpose of Process. Address issues facing the Church in the present through restructuring, mergers, closures and new collaborations Finances Buildings Priest Shortage Demographic shifts

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Christ Jesus, Our Hope Strategic Planning in the Diocese of Brooklyn

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  1. Christ Jesus, Our HopeStrategic Planning in the Diocese of Brooklyn

  2. Purpose of Process • Address issues facing the Church in the present through restructuring, mergers, closures and new collaborations • Finances • Buildings • Priest Shortage • Demographic shifts • Continue pastoral planning in each parish with renewed emphasis on financial planning to compliment mission planning • Renewal of institutions and ministry

  3. Connecting it all together • Build upon Parish Pastoral Planning Process • Parish Pastoral Council • Utilize tools and builds upon discernment • Consultation with parishioners • Encourages collaboration with Parish Finance Council and Trustees • Encourages healthy practices of annual reporting, feedback and critical reflection • Establishes sustainability in preparation for larger conversation on ongoing vibrancy

  4. Steps of Diocesan Strategic Planning Process for Parishes 1. Parish Data Report 4. Send in Self-Study Report 2. Parish Assembly 5. Summary Self-Study for parish 3. 6. Bishop reviews and responds Planning Questionnaire

  5. Parish Data Report • Financial Data and Pastoral Data • Pre-populated drafts are sent to the pastor for review • Revisions due March 13 • Final Reports are published for all parishioners on March 21 • Format with Introductory Materials is included in Resource Manual

  6. Engagement Ratio • Measures Participation in parish life beyond mass attendance • New measurement – No diocesan averages • Worksheet included with Parish Data Report • Complete and return to Planning Office by March 13. We will tabulate and return • Provides invitation list for parish assembly

  7. Parish Assembly • Open to all parishioners to provide comment on data reports • Could be limited to parish leadership • Organized by PPC, FC and Trustees • Follows same process as pastoral planning assembly • Occurs between April 13-24

  8. Planning Questionnaire Meeting • Pastor, Staff, PPC, FC, Trustees • Critical Reflection on data report and consultation from parish assembly • Address 12 questions • Break-up in workgroup • Questions summarized and finalized by Pastor, PPC chair and FC chair • Use responses for future planning

  9. Self-Study Report • 2 parts: data report, engagement ratio and questionnaire • Due May 18,2010 • Electronic Submissions • May require redaction by pastor and chairs due to character limitations.

  10. Summary of Self-Study published to parish • Summary of questionnaire required. • Summary answers are published to parish • Best time may be around Pentecost

  11. Bishop/Diocesan Commission reviews and responds • Commission made up of local parish leaders and diocesan staff • Looks at individual parishes as well as macro issues (# of clergy, demographics) • Bishop will decide on any mergers, closures, consolidations of parishes • Commission will respond to pastoral priorities

  12. Timeline Ongoing Pastoral Planning to encourage Vibrancy of Catholic Life will begin in Fall 2010

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