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Provided the economic basis for Middle Age society. Manorialism. Manor life. Manor – piece of land under a lord’s control Given land due to service during war time by King/overlord If big enough – divided land into manors run by vassals Life of a lord – fighting to protect land

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  1. Provided the economic basis for Middle Age society Manorialism

  2. Manor life • Manor – piece of land under a lord’s control • Given land due to service during war time by King/overlord • If big enough – divided land into manors run by vassals • Life of a lord – fighting to protect land • Never home, so vassal ran the lord’s manor

  3. Manor life • Self-supporting • Supplied economic needs • Cattle – meat & milk • Sheep – wool • Crops – grains and veggies • Layout – • Castle • Chapel w/ rectory • Mill • Pasture land • Forest • Fields • Vassal housing • Peasant huts

  4. Life of Serfs and Peasants • Largest work load • Serf life • considered property • could not leave manor w/out permission • Pay – hut and small piece of land to farm • Always poor • Difficult life • paid taxes • Peasant life • freeman lived in village • Worked extremely hard • Difference between peasant and serf- peasant could move • Jobs: smiths, carpenters, millers, baker, weavers, cobblers • Paid heavy taxes • Provide military service and fieldwork • Often left freedom to live on the manor because life was too hard

  5. Decline of Manorialism • Reasons: • Industry – demanded larger volumes of products • Conversion to single crop farming • Commercial towns • Based on commerce – goods produced for sale instead of immediate use • Return of money • Replaced bartering • Emancipation of serfs • No more free labor

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