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New Licensing System for Nuclear Reactor in Indonesia

New Licensing System for Nuclear Reactor in Indonesia. Ai Melani¹*, Soon Heung Chang¹ ¹KAIST, *BAPETEN KNS Autumn Meeting,October 30, 2008. Contents. Introduction.

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New Licensing System for Nuclear Reactor in Indonesia

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  1. New Licensing System for Nuclear Reactor in Indonesia Ai Melani¹*, Soon Heung Chang¹ ¹KAIST, *BAPETEN KNS Autumn Meeting,October 30, 2008

  2. Contents

  3. Introduction the Presidential Regulation No. 5 Year 2006 on National Energy Policy 2025 national electricity plan up to 2025 includes 2% nuclear energy options. one out of four NPPs be operated in the year 2016/2017.

  4. Background B A P E T E N SOCIETY REGULATION • Safety • Healt • Peacefull ACT No. 10/1997 LICENSING ENVIRONMENT INSPECTION • assure the welfare, the security and the peace of people; • assure the safety and the health of workers and public, and the environmental protection; • maintain the legal order in implementing the use of nuclear energy; • increase the legal awareness of nuclear energy user to develop a safety culture in nuclear field; • prevent the diversion of the purpose of the nuclear material utilisation; and • assure for maintaining and increasing the worker discipline on the implementation of nuclear energy utilisation. Function

  5. Why Should We Re-New? • The Nuclear Reactor Licensing System Based on Chairman of BAPETEN No. 06 year 1999. • It’s not match with Act No. 10 year 1997 require. • Indonesia Plan to build Nuclear Power Plant first NPP plant Will be operate on year 2017. • The Nuclear Reactor License Should be Renew. LAW Government regulations Presidential Decree Regulations of Chairman of Bapeten

  6. What is New on GR No. 43/2006 • 5 (Five) Step License : 1.Site License, 2. Construction License, 3. Commissioning License, 4. Operating License, 5. Decommissioning License • 3 (Three) Step License: 1.Site License, 2. Combined Operating License, 3.Decommissioning License

  7. Owner BAPETEN Other Agency Application to other Agency License from Other Agency PET & PJM-ET Evaluation Site Evaluation Permit Site Feasibility Studies LET DIQ dll. Evaluation Next Step Site License Site License Note : PET : Quality Assurance Program PJM-ET : QA Program for Site LET : Feasibility Studies Report DIQ : Information Quisionare

  8. Owner BAPETEN Ministry of Environment Site License from BAPETEN Review by Ministry Env. Env. Report LAKP LAKPr DID PJM-K dll. Environmental License Evaluation Construction Started Construction License Construction License Note: AMDAL : AnalisisMengenaiDampakLingkungan KPPA : KomisiPusatPenilai AMDAL LAKP : LaporanAnalisisKeselamatanPendahuluan LAKPr : LaporanAnalisisKeselamatanProbabilistik DID : DaftarInformasiDesain PJM-K : Program JaminanMutuKonstruksi

  9. Owner BAPETEN Construction Finished PKS ABD PKN PJM-KS BJF dll. Evaluation Commissioning License Commissioning started Commissioning License Note: PKS : Program Komisioning ABD : As-Built Drawing PKN : Program KesiapsiagaanNuklir PJM-KS : Program JaminanMutuKomisioning BJF : BuktiJaminanFinansial

  10. Owner BAPETEN Commissioning Finished LAKA LF-SBN PJM-O dll. Evaluation Operating License Operation Started Operating License Note: LAKA : LaporanAnalisisKeselamatanAkhir LF-SBN : LampiranFasilitas - Safeguard BahanNuklir PJM-O : Program JaminanMutuOperasi

  11. Owner BAPETEN Ministry of Environment Site License from BAPETEN Riview by Min. Env Env. Report SD LAK LAKPr DID PJM-KKO PKN dll. Environmental License Evaluasi Construction, Commisioning, and Operation Started Combined Operating License Combined Operating License Note: AMDAL : AnalisisMengenaiDampakLingkungan KPPA : KomisiPusatPenilai AMDAL SD : SertifikatDesain LAK : LaporanAnalisisKeselamatan LAKPr : LaporanAnalisisKeselamatanProbabilistik DID : DaftarInformasiDesain PJM-KKO : Program JaminanMutuKonstruksi s/d Operasi PJM-KKO : Program KesiapsiagaanNuklir

  12. Owner BAPETEN License is over/terminate PD PJM-D Evaluation Decommissioning Started Decommissioning License Decommissioning License Note: PD : ProgramDekomisioning PJM-D : Program JaminanMutuDekomisioning

  13. Termination of License • The termination of license, which is not applied for the site and decommissioning license, is subject to: • the expiration of the license; • the nuclear employer go bankrupt; • license revoking by BAPETEN; or • an application by the nuclear employers.

  14. Registration License Application Administrative Evaluation N Y Fulfill Administative requirement? Fulfill the Requirement Announcement Letter Y Technical review Verification N Y Further Improvement Evaluation Report Cost Payment Information to Pay License Cost License Accepted License Stipulated / Licensing Process LICENSE APPLICANT BAPETEN Fulfill Technical requirement?

  15. Conclusions • Indonesia is already prepares the new licensing system for nuclear reactor by issued Government Regulation No. 43 Year 2006. • Facing the first nuclear power plant construction, BAPETEN as soon as possible accelerates the establishment of regulations and guide to support the government regulations No. 43 Year 2006.

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