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Sacraments of Initiation. Baptism Confirmation Eucharist. What are they?. They are celebrated by all Catholics Baptism as an infant Eucharist as a child – 2 nd to 4 th grade Confirmation anytime between 6 th -10 th grade
Sacraments of Initiation Baptism Confirmation Eucharist
What are they? They are celebrated by all Catholics Baptism as an infant Eucharist as a child – 2nd to 4th grade Confirmation anytime between 6th -10th grade Adults who choose to become Catholic will take a spiritual journey to these sacraments in RCIA – Rites of Christian Initiation
Baptism - History • Water plays an important role in OT – They all so God’s saving power • Gen 1:9 – God separates water and land • Gen 6-9 – Noah and the Ark • Exodus 14:21-22 – Moses and the Red Sea • In NT Jesus submits to baptism • recorded in all 4 Gospels • no one will enter the Kingdom of God unless they are “born of water and Spirit” John 3:5
In NT Jesus submits to baptism • recorded in all 4 Gospels • no one will enter the Kingdom of God unless they are “born of water and Spirit” John 3:5 • Jesus' word to his disciples: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matt 28:19
The who, what and how… • Adults and infants can receive be baptized • Adults undergo a period of study and reflection. • Sponsors/Godparents promise to raise the baby in the faith is parents die or fail to nurture in the faith • Requires 2 sponsor (Godparents) one or both must be baptized Catholic, received all 3 Sacraments of Initiation, be practicing the Faith
Baptism of Baby – this is an example of a child’s baptism service • After the actual baptism, the parents are given a whit garment to symbolize their purity and a candle to symbolize the “light of Christ to share with the world” • Effects (gifts) of the Sacrament on a person • Removal of original sin and actual, if present • Imprint of indelible sign that consecrates person for Christian worship • Entry into Christ’s Church • Sanctifying Grace, Actual grace, assistance by God to resist Sins • Adaption by God as his child
Becoming a temple for the Holy Spirit; capable of worshipping God as he desires • Virtues of faith, hope and charity • Moral virtues to perfect the virtues of faith, hope and charity • Entry into heaven after a life lived in Christ
Confirmation • Confirmation builds on the gifts of that you have already received and moves you closer to God • “The reception of Confirmation is necessary to complete Baptismal grace.” ccc1285
Confirmation History in the Bible • Even before the Holy Spirit was know to be part of the Holy Trinity, it was know that God descended certain people for a particular mission according to the OT • Isaiah 61:1-2 • In the NT, Jesus begins his own ministry by quoting Isaiah, Luke 4:14-21 • The Spirit descends on Jesus at his own Baptism, Matt 3:16
John the Baptist tells his followers that coming after him (Jesus) “will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” Luke 3:16 • According to John 14:16-17 and 16:13-14, Jesus promises to send the Spirit to comfort and guide them after his departure • During Pentecost, the Apostles receive the Holy Spirit in a profound and moving way, Acts 2:1-13; They are “empowered with the courage to go out and preach about Jesus
REFLECTION QUESTION • Jesus basically said, “You don’t have to believe my words, but aren’t my actions obvious to you?” If someone were to watch the things you do for several days, how do you think they would describe you? • Submit using turnitin.com
Effects of Confirmation • Two primary effects: • Bond with Church is strengthened • Enriched with out pouring of Holy Spirit • Impact of the Sacrament on a person • United more firmly in Christ • Deeper participation in the Church • Strengthened to Spread the Faith • Increased Gifts of the Holy Spirit • Sacramental Character • Marks you as belonging to Christ, fully initiated into the Body of Christ
Who can be confirmed • Every baptized person, who has not been confirmed, should be be confirmed • Requirements • Be in a state of grace • Reached an age of reason • Make profession of faith • State your intentions to receive the sacrament • Accept their obligation to profess Christ in both the Church and the world
Rite of Confirmation • Confirmation according to teens • Any questions?
Eucharist • The spiritual center of the Church • We remember what God has done for us through Jesus Christ as we gather on Sundays • Celebrate the Eucharist as apart of other sacramental celebrations • Eucharist is the “heart and summit”ccc1407 of the life of the Church.
Short history of Eucharist • Roots are found in the Old Testament • story of the Exodus, Israelites flight out of Egypt • in the Passover story, Ex 11 -12, God’s plague killed all the first born male man and beast, except the Israelite families who killed a young lamb, Paschal Lamb, and spread the blood over their door way
In the Gospel according to John, the story of the loaves and the fishes, chap 6, is when Jesus goes on to teach about the Eucharist. • “Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day; for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them” John 6:54-56
During the Last Supper, Jesus shares a Passover Meal with his disciples. Knowing the time for his death was near; he wanted to leave a sign of his continued presence among them. • Jesus broke bread, passed it to them saying; “take, eat; this is my body.” He then passed a cup of wine, saying; “Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant. Which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” Matt 26:26-28.
After Jesus’ death the Apostles connected the OT’s Paschal Lamb and sacrifice with the words and action of Jesus. • He is the new Paschal Lamb (John 1:29 & 1 Corinthians 5:7) • The Church understands the Last Supper is a ritual that Jesus wanted us to repeat weekly at Mass. When we do so “he will be physically and spiritually present (1 Cor 11:23-26.)
Eucharist a gift from God, we accept that the Eucharist is… • A gift of thanksgiving and praise to the Father • Identical to Jesus’ death on the Cross • Sacrificial memorial of Christ and his body • Christ made present by the power of his Word and the Holy Spirit • A true sacrifice • A revelation of those truths to us by Jesus • Offered for the living and the dead to obtain spiritual and material benefits
Transubstantiation– unique change of the entire substance of the Eucharistic bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ • Catholics believe: • The whole Christ is present under each and every part of the Eucharist • The whole Christ is present if the parts are divided • The presence of Christ is sacramental • The presence of Christ endures as along as what remains appears to be bread and wine, recognizable as such and uncorrupted
Requirements to receive the Eucharist • Be a baptized Catholic • Have attained the age of reason (usually 7 yrs) • Have received first Reconciliation prior First Eucharist • Must fast from all food and drink, except water and medicine, one hour before • Have no mortal sin present on his soul • mortal sin is the knowing and willful violation of God's law in a serious matter, for example, idolatry, adultery, murder, slander.
Benefits of regular reception of Eucharist • Increases our closeness to Christ • Reinforces the unity of the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ • Removes sin and preserves us from sin • Diminishes sinful selfishness • Must be received at least once Ash Wednesday and Trinity Sunday ( 6/15/14, the day celebrating the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Sunday after Pentecost [last day of Easter Season])
Eucharist fulfills the 4 requirement • of the Old Testament for Sacrifice • Offered by priest • Victim is unblemished male • Offered for remission of sin • Destroyed in some manner • The sacrifice of Eucharist and of Christ on the cross are one single sacrifice • 2 basic division in the Celebration of Eucharist: Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist
Homework: due 4/24 • Submit ONE word document titled Chapter 13 Penance • Read and outline Chapter 13 Penance • Answer the following questions: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 • Use turnitin.com for outline and questions (ONE document)
Directions • Come in quietly • Book on desk • Turn in homework to turnitin.com – Chapter 13 Penance window closes at 12:30 • Be ready for prayer
Short History of Penance and Reconciliation in the Bible • Jesus was all about forgiveness: • Luke 7:36-50 the woman who washed his feet with her tears • Luke 15:11-32 the parable of the prodigal son • Luke 23:33-34 the soldiers who nailed him to the cross
History continued… • In early Church history only the most serious mortal sins were confessed • Sinners ordered to preform public fasting and prayer with an order of penitents • Monks in Ireland started private confessions as part of a monk’s formation, by the 7th century the practice of private confession was wide spread.
Today… • Penance and Reconciliation is still private, but can be practiced in 3 ways: • Private, personal confession to a priest, no public liturgy • Group prayer and Scripture, readings followed by private confession and absolution (this is what BK does) • General confession and absolution without private confession – only happens when there is more people seeking confession than priest to hear
Different name for P&R • Sacrament of Conversion • Turning away from sin and toward God • We recover graces that we lost when we turn away from God’s love • Sacrament of Confession • Confess our sins • By revealing our sins to another person, usually a priest, brings peace and a clean conscience
Sacrament of Forgiveness • God forgives our sins through the absolution given to us by priests • If a person is in mortal sin, they are freed form consequence of eternal separation from God, going to Hell • Sacrament of Penance • The cycle of conversion, forgiveness and reparation (repaying any debt) for our sins • It makes us stronger and helps us to resist sin in the future
Sacrament of Reconciliation • We are reconciled with God and the Church, the Body of Christ • Our relationships with other Christians are repaired • May need to seek forgiveness from those we hurt, make amends if possible
6 parts of a good confession • Examination of conscience • Sorrow for sin • A resolve to avoid sin in the future • Confession of sin • Make an Act of Contrition • Completing the assigned penance
Test on Thursday May 1st • Study guide directions