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Public Space in Post-Socialist City Transformation

Explore the evolution of public spaces in post-socialist Poland, from political control to private influence, examining the impact on urban development and citizen engagement.

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Public Space in Post-Socialist City Transformation

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  1. 18thAnnualERES ConferenceEindhoven, 15th-18th June 2011Public space in postsocialist and postindustrial city – the new role of private and public actors dr Magdalena Załęczna Katarzyna Malecka, PhD - student

  2. Theaim of theresearch: • to define the factors responsible for takingoverthepublic space by private operatorsin Poland, • to findifthereis a possibility of creating a new public space during the revitalization of brownfields, • To present a casestudyaboutManufacturainLodz Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  3. The public space – the problem of definition • Beforethedemocratic state was establishedtheopenspace served as anillustration ofthe authority’s powerand wealth. • The modern and democratic statecreatedconditions for thepublic space for the society, the place of social expression. • Thereare many definitions and continousdiscussionaboutthemeaning of this term. The emergence of new sub-categories, and the new definitions aretheeffect of thisdispute. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  4. The past significance of public spacein Poland • In the utopia of socialist system the public space was of great importance. The collective objectives and joint action, the widespread availability wereunderlined as the basis for, among others the creation of cities. • In the socialist city public space played not only socio-economic but also political role. The authorities controlled and monitored this kind of area and used it for own purposes. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  5. The past significance of public spacein Poland • In Poland the most important decisions for the functioning of the State, amongothersthe creation and transformation of urban and rural areas stem from a policy of the government, controlled to a large extent from the outside. • Theurbanplanners and architects had the opportunity to play a significant role, however, in practice, theyneeded to followthe political direction. Theycouldusetheirimagination not taking into account the price of land, construction costs andthefunctionality of space. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  6. The past significance of public spacein Poland • There was no self-government, no theplanning at the local level, all decisions were centralised. • In the socialistperiod the public space, as well as in the feudal period, there was the place of emanations of political power, and not the wishes of the citizens. • Therewas a specific policy for its creation and control. Often this space had a dimension of the monumental public buildings, monuments withpoliticalmeaning, parkswithrestricteduse. The public space, which was designed "for the people" in practice could be usedin limited and controlledway. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  7. Transformationchanges • Thepoliticalchanges initiated at the end of the 1980s in Poland, resulting in the ongoing process of transformation of the system, influenced also on actors taking part in the "game of space" and the rules of this "game". • Therestoration of the role of regional and local authoritieshad place and caused the displacement of the decision relating to the use of urban space from the central to local level. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  8. Transformationchanges • There was the significant increase in the number of players competing for space in the city –due to the change of the criteria for the allocation of the spatial locations of residence from quasi-political economic, transformation of the structure of employment from industry to services sector. • There was a significant transformation of urban planning and architecture; change in the sphere of symbols by replacing the many politicalmanifestations by other functions and symbols. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  9. Whoisresponsible for public space? • At the beginning of the transformationthe public space started to be takenover by privateactorson different objectives, practically without restriction. Therewereestablishedsmallshops, servicepoints, parking lotsinthe public space. • The hugespatial chaos togetherwithgraffiti (often in the form of a vulgar inscriptions)createdthe feelingthat public spaceisthespace without affiliation and protection. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  10. Whoisresponsible for public space? • The local authoritystarted only learning its role, and did not feelresponsible, people – localcitizens were busy with their own activity. • At the same time, in connection with the structuralchangesintheeconomy, emergedtheproblem of directions of further development of the cities concentrated around specific – not profitableanymore - industries. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  11. Chart 1 Powers influencing the urban space in Poland Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  12. Whoisresponsible for public space? • Path dependence for the development of Polish society and the economy stems from the history, the lack ofthe stateby the 123 years, a brief period of freedom and the socialist reality generated very negative consequences for the relationship citizen-authority. These relationships are extremely important for the functioning of the democratic State, for the sense of responsibility of citizens and desire for cooperation and trust. These values build social capital. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  13. Whoisresponsible for public space? • Theresult of verylowlevel of social capital in Poland isthe lack of trust to self-government. • In the field of planning and land-use policyithasresulted in a lack of acceptance of the local citizens for manydecisions taken by the local council. • In addition, thereisthe low level of knowledge and awareness (often amonglocalpoliticians) aboutthe rules and meaning of the planning and land use policy, in particular the lack of understanding for the need to create conditions for sustainable development. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  14. Whoisresponsible for public space? • Theowners want to obtain the maximum profit from real estate in a short period of time, regardless of the long-term effects for the local community. In addition, the recovery of the full importance of property rights after a period of years of restrictions producedtheeffectthat the citizens identified these rights with the absoluterights, unlimited and havingpriorityoverthe public interest. Załęczna M., Maleckas K., Public space...

  15. Whoisresponsible for public space? • Nowadays Polish citizens free from the external pressure of socialist culture neither respect nor protect public space. In the Polish mentality there is the belief that public space due to the fact that it does not belong to a specific person or group of people, is a waif. • The strong position of local developers and investors with their desire to obtainas soon as possible a return on investmentproduce the newprojects with minimalpublic space. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  16. Whoisresponsible for public space? • The great number of GC isdelivered on the market. Theaccess to somestreets, playgrounds, greenareasis limited. • The role of local self-government as the host of a public space is takenby an informal group of citizens who seek to maintain the function of public space. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  17. Theregeneration of brownfields • Postsocialist and postindustrialcitiesareoftenunattractive due to the lack of aesthetic amenities, dirt, negligence and a small range of attractions. • As a result of the industrycollapse, optimizing public transport and elimination of many military units thereisenormousnumber of abandon buildings and unused land, unsecureareasinthecities. • Thesesites impact negatively on neighbouring areas. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  18. Isitthepossibility to createthenew public space? Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  19. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  20. Manufacturacasestudy Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  21. Manufacturacasestudy • By the end of the 19th century in the area of almost 30 ha wasbuilt a complex of textile industry buildingswithvolunteer fire department, warehouses, the Palace of theowner and residential buildings for workers. • In times of real socialism, with 12 000 working people the place was the "city in the city". Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  22. Manufacturacasestudy • In the1990s the collapse of the Eastern export contributed to the collapse of the company. Production stopped, the assets of the company were gradually sold out. Buildings were abandoned and gradually deteriorating. Due to its climate, the place from the mid-1990s it has become an object of interest of foreign investors. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  23. Manufacturacasestudy • Finally the French company APSYSboughtit and began development and the modernisation. As a result the transition of 27 ha of historic factoryarea was produced. In the complex, in addition to more than 300 shops, you can find Museum of art, the Museum of the Factory, Theatre, interactive Science Museum,cinema, and leisure activities (fitness, bowling, climbing wall, ice skating etc.). In addition, thereareoffices for rent and a 4-star hotel with 278 rooms. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  24. Manufacturacasestudy Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  25. Manufacturacasestudy • The results of research showManufaktura as a place, which integrates, show that it took the role of an important venues in Lodz. In social perception provides a singular substitute for city centre. Creation of so many features in one place, constitutes a "magnet" for people. The complex creates the illusion of thebetterworld, however, in the "shadow" of commercial gallery. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  26. Manufacturacasestudy Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  27. Manufacturacasestudy • Social demand for diverse forms of consumption and the corresponding place of the implementation of such requirements constitute a new dimension in the area of the city. Manufacturacreates thefeeling that people experience a "better world", which you can "touch" and "discover". • Manufacturagottheprize for thebest public space. • Itistheludicspacecreatingtheimpressionthatitisthe public space. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  28. Conclusions: • The change of thepublic space in the city is the fact, this phenomenon is commonly observed. There is no clear direction of the transition, because in addition to the reduction of public space thereisthecreation of newspace by revitalization of brownfields. This space, in the assumption to some extent - the public one -has thefunction of entertainment space(ludicspace).Thisspace is not available for all, itis not a goodarea for the manifestations of political views, protests, etc. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  29. Conclusions: • Isit is possible that the ludicspace will assume the role of public space and private investors – the role of local authorities? • The actor responsible for the management of spaceinthe city is a municipality. Thisactorshouldpreparetheground for rational, sustainable development and protect the public space. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  30. Conclusions: • Citizenschoosetheareatheyfeelgood, safe. Theordinarymandoes not thinkaboutthenecessity of public space, themunicipalityshouldpreparethisspace and be responsible for . • CallingManufacturathe public spaceismisleading and shiftstheburden on privateinvestor. Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

  31. Thankyou for yourattention dr Magdalena Załęczna mzaleczna@uni.lodz.pl Załęczna M., Malecka K., Public space...

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