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Work Package 6. Opportunities, Perspectives, Potentials and Hurdles in the enlarged EU market. Stanislaw M. Pietruszko (WUT) Winfried Hoffmmann (EPIA). Objectives. Developing actions contributing to the EU market development
Work Package 6 Opportunities, Perspectives, Potentials and Hurdles in the enlarged EU market Stanislaw M. Pietruszko(WUT) Winfried Hoffmmann (EPIA)
Objectives Developing actions contributing to the EU market development Convincing national decision makers for a PV market development at the EU level Stanislaw M. Pietruszko Wroclaw, 27.01.2006
Deliverables D6-1. Status report about the situation of PV in the NAS D6-2. Transfer possibilities/strategies of national PV programmes established in the European Union to NAS D6-3. Report and publishable executive summary
Partners • WUT • WIP • EPIA • WSTTBC • European PV Associations Stanislaw M. Pietruszko Wroclaw, 27.01.2006
D6-1. Status report about the situation of PV in the NAS WP 6 - a follow-up of PV-NAS-NET Status (2003) was prepared within PV-NAS-NET Status (2004) was prepared within PV-NAS-NET Status (2005) will be prepared within PV Catapult Stanislaw M. Pietruszko Wroclaw, 27.01.2006
PV-NAS-NET PV-NAS-NET Follow-up 2003 2004 2005
Highlights in EU-10 • Significant increase in funding • Increase in staff in PV • New regulations (feed-in tariffs nad green certificates) • ??? increase in the installed PV power WP6 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko Wroclaw, 27.01.2006
Total installed power [kW] WP6 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko Wroclaw, 27.01.2006
Number of staff working in the field of PV in the NM&CS in 2004.
Amount of funds for PV RTD and demonstration/dissemination (1996-2004)
D6-2. Transfer possibilities/strategies of national PV programmes established in the European Union to NAS • a questionnaire on types of support mechanisms (with particular attention to a feed-in-tariff) in EU countries was formulated and sent out to PV associations or to national contacts. • during the Industry Day (in Paris) the status of PV in Central and Eastern Europe was presented and discussed. • A common position paper on feed-in tariffs was drafted. Stanislaw M. Pietruszko Wroclaw, 27.01.2006
EUROPEAN PV ASSOCIATIONS’ POSITION PAPERON A FEED-IN TARIFFFOR PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR ELECTRICITY20th EU PVSC, Barcelona, June 2005 This paper discusses the advantages of FiT schemes in the market development of photovoltaics and addresses potential concerns in regarding implementation. WP6 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko Wroclaw, 27.01.2006
Meetings • 1. Staffelstein - EPIA Board members, members of the WG andrepresentatives of the Secretariat. • 2. 1st Workshop in Athens on 8 May 2004 • Representatives from National PV associations and New EU member • discussion of an harmonised strategy to push for a support schemes for PV in EU and exchanged knowledge on the PV situation in their countries. • a clear status of the market and legal situation today should be elaborated and expressed the need for a harmonised system of support mechanisms. • a questionnaire on types of support mechanisms (with particular attention to a feed-in-tariff) in EU countries was formulated and sent out to PV associations or to national contacts. • It was one of the first attempt to gather representatives from national organisations and to prepare the basis for a common strategy to support the development of national markets. Stanislaw M. Pietruszko Wroclaw, 27.01.2006
Meeting (2) 3. During the Industry Day - 8th of June in Paris the status of PV in Central and Eastern Europe was presented and discussed. The importance of demonstration projects was stressed. In the PV Catapult session the first results were disseminated. 4. A workshop and internal meeting was held 17 September 2004 in Brussels resulting in: - draft common position paper on Feed-in tariffs - consultation of a draft common position proposal with national associations - table summarising support mechanisms in EU-25 checked by each national association. WP6 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko Wroclaw, 27.01.2006
Meetings (3) 5. A workshop in Brussels on 18 March 2005 to discuss final version of the “European PV Associations’ Position Paper on a Feed-in Tariff for Photovoltaic Solar Electricity”. It was a meeting with the representatives of the European PV societies and EPIA. This common Position was published for the 20th European Photovoltaic Conference in Barcelona. 6. A workshop in Warsaw on 13.01.2006 on the promotion of EU-wide feed-in tariff. Aimed at the NMS and Polish decision makers WP6 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko Wroclaw, 27.01.2006
New proposal • The proposal was submitted to Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE), Call for proposals TREN/DIR D/SUB/05-2004: Proposal n° EIE-05-013, • "PV ASSOCIATIONS NETWORK (PV ASSOCIATIONS)". • The specific objectives of PV Associations Network were to: • Increase installation of small-scale PV applications throughout Europe and to accelerate the diffusion of successful market support instruments for grid-connected systems on the national and European level. • Through its information and promotional aspects, it will help to encourage more PV electricity production, • Ensure the coordination of PV associations activities and the exchange of experiences among them. WP6 Stanislaw M. Pietruszko Wroclaw, 27.01.2006
Next Proposal Promote PV - deadline 31 Jan. 2006
Towards common position on the EU-wide feed-in tariff for photovoltaics
EU – wide feed-in tariff disseminationstrategy for photovoltaics The dissemination of the EU-wide FIT should be an integral part of the PV market development strategy
It is necessary to reach: • decision makers • PV research community • PV industry sector • general public
Lobbying actions at the national level • presence in political circles and other bodies involved in energy-related decision making (e.g. ministries, energy utilities, NGOs) • information and know how exchange among the stakeholders via confrences, thematic seminars, discussion forum, etc. • distribution of information and studying materials to the target groups
Lobbying at the European level elaboration of a directive proposal that will commit the member states to promote the PV market development by means of relevant support schemes
Dissemination Brochure EUROPEAN PV ASSOCIATIONS’ POSITION PAPER ON A FEED-IN TARIFFFOR PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR ELECTRICITY Papers: • 19 Euro PV Paris June 2004 • 30th IEEE PV – 1 paper • 20 Euro PV Paris June 2005 • 15 PVSEC Shanghai, October 2005
Main tasks 1: Identify current status trends, opportunities, perspectives and potentials of the market 2: Identify barriers and how to solve them 3: Analysis of market programmes for PV electricity in Europe and their market impact – success stories/failures 4: Identify the situation of PV projects within the financial sector 5. Assessment to transfer successful programmes for PV electricity to these new markets 6: Working group meeting 7: Report/documentation/publications Stanislaw M. Pietruszko Wroclaw, 27.01.2006