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UFLA Conference

UFLA Conference. 11 November 2010. Strategies and Ideas for Recruiting World Language Students. Strategies and Ideas for Recruiting World Language STudents. Kaye Rizzuto Stephen Van Orden rizzutovanordenuflapresentation.wikispaces.com. Our Core Recruiting Principles.

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UFLA Conference

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UFLA Conference • 11 November 2010

  2. Strategies and Ideas for Recruiting World Language Students

  3. Strategies and Ideas for Recruiting World Language STudents • Kaye Rizzuto • Stephen Van Orden • rizzutovanordenuflapresentation.wikispaces.com

  4. Our Core Recruiting Principles • There is plurality of best practices. • We want to advocate for all languages. • Successful recruiting is grounded in quality instruction. • We want to build full scope and sequence programs. • Recruiting is best when departments work together. • Bridging the communication gap takes time. • A shot-gun approach is most effective. • We are ultimately responsible for our own programs.

  5. Ideas from Presentation • Do the recruiting activities every year, think all during the year about how you should go about doing it • Go meet the kids yourself. Especially in Jr. High they’ll sign up for teachers’ classes that look fun (“That teacher is funny, I’ll take her class...”) • Jr. High kids tend to be more interested in what is fun/sociable and not as much interested in their future as high school kids might be • Language clubs - what do you do in a language club? • National Language Honors Society???? • Combined activities with other school’s language classes • Have your students teach elementary classes • Make a flier explaining how they can make room for Spanish in their schedule • Use cell phones as computers? Kids love using their cell phones in class • http://www.polleverywhere.com/ • http://wiffiti.com/ • googlevoice.com • Interesting idea: Students should be able to do more than what we can handle to give feedback. “If we only give them the amount of work that we can grade, we are limiting their potential with our time.” • Foreign language Bowl - competition • Every kid is inspired by different activities, the soccar tournament, the technology, the Spanish choir, etc.

  6. Top Ten Tricks of the Trade Stacy Thackeray

  7. Stuff from Presentation • Her wikis: • www.srathackeray.wikispaces.com • www.fhmsforeignlanguage.wikispaces.com • Always have ways to save time • Empezador - have written instructions on board for everything they need to do before class starts • Have a place for where you put stuff with no name, etc. • Also have a place for stuff that absent kids missed • Quizes at the door while everyone else is doing the starter, quick oral quizes • Snowball quiz, no names, 2 minutes to answer, they crunch it up throw it in middle, then switch and correct add answers etc.

  8. Music: a complex pedagogical tool in the classroom Dr. Isabel Asesnsio

  9. Stuff from the Presentation • Beneficios del uso de la música en el aula • Crea un buen ambiente en el aula • Los estudiantes se relaccionan con la música en cuanto a la edad, los artistas y los temas • Desde el punto de vista didáctico, las canciones muestran el ritmo de la lengua y cómo funciona ésta • Didácticamente, también ayudan a comprender la cultura del páís • ¡Cuidado! • A veces se ua una gramática que no es la estándar • Papel del instructor: para evitar la confusión del estudiante, el instructor debe estar listo para explicar cualquier uso de la lengua fuera del estándar • Papel del estudiante: es importante que también esté familiarizado con la lengua de la calle porque el uso de la lengua de la calle es muy común en el habla cotidiana de los hablantes nativos • Se tiene la idea de que la música popular no es seria • Papel del instructor: éste debe elegir canciones apropiades • ¿Qué tipo de ejercicios puedes hacer? • Cultura • Investigación del país de origen del cantante o del grupo musical • Investigación sobre la carrera musical del cantante o grupo musical • Investigación sobre el tipo de música/baile • Vocabulario • “Background Knowledge” • Vocabulario nuevo • Memorización de las palabras nuevas

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