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<br><br>Accessibility Testing is one of the important software testing practice that is performed before planning to launch the application for the end-users. Enterprises ensure to practice this because it is one of the important factors to grant the quality of the application. Accessibility testing ensures that the developed application is accessible for all the users, including the ones with disabilities too.<br><br>https://dev.to/jagdeep24459971/accessibility-testing-5-tricks-you-can-do-right-3bok
5 ACCESSIBILITY TESTING TRICKS YOU CAN DO IT RIGHT 1 Accessibility Testing is one of the important software testing practice that is performed before planning to launch the application for the end-users. A l w a y s M a k e S u r e t o F o l l o w W e b A c c e s s i b i l i t y S t a n d a r d s There are a number of accessibility standards introduced by governments to ensure a web app is accessible for all people 2 E n s u r e t o a d d l a b e l s t o F o r m F i e l d s In order to help the screen readers, it is essential to use the HTML label element as it can label or prompt in identifying which label is associated with the form field. 3 A l w a y s p l a n f o r s i t e n a v i g a t i o n t h r o u g h t h e k e y b o a r d The purpose of accessibility testing is to ensure barrier-free and error-free navigation for all of its users including the ones with disabilities. 4 5 M a k e s u r e t o t u r n d y n a m i c c o n t e n t t o a c c e s s i b l e When planning to embed gifs or videos, it is very essential to provide test alternatives or closed captions to benefit the users having visual or hearing problems. E n s u r e a c c e s s i b l e d e s i g n p a t t e r n s While building a web application, it is important for the interface components to be accessible for the users. T H A N K Y O U