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<br>Software regression testing should be performed and taken up as soon as the programmer adds new functionality to an application. This is because of the dependency between the newly added and previous functionality that is critical for the software to function according to the requirements defined.<br><br>https://www.testingxperts.com/blog/regression-testing<br>
HowtoSelectaRegression TestingAutomationTool UNDERSTAND THE PROJECT REQUIREMENTS 01 Aregressiontestisperformedtoensurethatthe codechangeinthesoftwaredoesnotaffectthe existingfunctionalityoftheproduct. FIND PROBLEMS WITH EXISTING TOOLS AND SET A BENCHMARK 02 Findouttheproblemsinyourcurrentprocesses andseehowautomationcanhelpyouovercome thesechallenges. EVALUATE CRITERIA FOR SELECTING THE BEST AUTOMATION TOOL 03 Therearesomemorecriteriathatyoushould considerwhileselectingtherightregression testingautomationtool. 1 2 3 4 Automated scheduling of test Ease of use and access Cross- browser testing Detailed reports itshould Thetool Software Easyto automaticallyrun shouldbeeasy needstowork understand thetestinspecific tolearnand fineonall andprovides andregular use. browsers. valuable intervals. insights. COMPARE THE POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVE AND PICK THE BEST TOOL 04 Onceyouhaveselectedtoolsthatmeetallthe criteria,chooseonetoolthatbestsuitsyour businessandprojectrequirements. THANK YOU