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15. Regression testing

15. Regression testing. Tom Verheyen, Jelle Slowack , Bart Smets, Glenn Van Loon. Outline. Introduction What , why , when , how Regression faults Test automation Test suite maintenance Reducing a test suite Patterns Test All Test Risky Use Cases Test by Profile

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15. Regression testing

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  1. 15. Regressiontesting Tom Verheyen, Jelle Slowack, Bart Smets, Glenn Van Loon

  2. Outline • Introduction • What, why, when, how • Regressionfaults • Test automation • Test suite maintenance • Reducing a test suite • Patterns • Test All • Test RiskyUse Cases • Test by Profile • Test ChangedSegments • Test Within Firewall

  3. What is regressionstesting? • Baseline version: component/system passed test suite • Delta version: component/system not passed regression test • Delta build: executable configuration SUT containing baseline and delta components • Regression test case: test case baseline passed, expected to pass on delta build • Regression test suite: composition of regression test cases • Regression fault: revealed by test case that no longer passes

  4. Whyshould we regression test? Ariane 5 • First test flight: crash! • Data conversion from 64-bit floating point to 16-bit signed integer • Software (Ada) reused from Ariane 4 • No regression tests done • Estimate cost: $350 million - $2,5 billion

  5. Whencan we useregression test? • What kind of errorscanbefound? • Delta sideeffects • Delta - baseline incompatibilities • Undesirable feature interactions baseline - delta • Bad fixes • IBM: bad fixesinjectionrates 2% - 20%

  6. Whenshould we run a regression test? • When a newsubclass has been developed • When a superclass is changed • When a server class is changed • When a bug fix has been completed • When a new system build has been generated • When a newincrement is generatedfor system scope integrationtesting • When a system has stabilized and the final release build has been generated

  7. How to run a regression test? • Basic procedure samefor all situation • Removebroken test cases • Choose a regression test suite (full/reduced: seeRegressionpatterns) • Set up test configuration • Run the regression test suite • Do somethingwith the results

  8. Regressionfaults • Combination of baseline B and delta D fails • D has side effect on B • C is client/server of B • D is incompatible with B (Ariane 5!) • D’s and B’s contract specifications differ • ... (Extended list of errors: Binder p. 761-762) • Faults at intercomponent, subsystem and system scope

  9. Test automation • Manualtesting is not a goodthing • Person must reenterit and judgeresult • Ifnumber of tests and time to rerun increases: • Rerunfewer baseline test cases + focus on tests to validatefinalrequirements • Add more people to enter test cases and judgeresults (usuallynotpossible) • Time to shipdecrease  # regressions tests approaches 0

  10. Test automation: requirements • Effective automated RT requires capabilities: • Version control, compare baseline–delta results, smart comparator, ... • Want to know more? Binder p.764 • Test environment should be controllable • Some variable factors can result in less-than identical test configurations • Test environment itself, generator with clock as seed, ... • Extended list of factors: Binder p.765

  11. Test suite maintenance • A regression test suite canrapidlygrowlarge • Test decay is inevitable • Broken testcase, redundant test cases, … • Example: aerospacemanufacturer • Test suite of 165.000 test cases • +/- 90% test cases: redundant • Documentation inadequate • Somepartsnottested: 3000 new test cases  only 18.000 test cases remained

  12. Test suite maintenance: procedure • Run baseline test suite on delta build. Removebroken test cases. • Correct relevant bugs. • Merge delta component scope tests with baseline test suite. • Use a coverageanalyzer. • Rerun the test suite (to knowcoverage) • Analyze tests withsameentry-exitpaths (stillnecessary?) • If code is nottested: developnew test case. • Rerun test suite again. • Check revised baseline test suite as new baseline test suit.

  13. Reducing a test suite • Even with maintance, tests can become too large • Use reduced regression test, with selected tests • How to “safely” reduce a regression test? • Safe: all tests that could possibly exhibit different output when run on the delta build

  14. Reducing a test suite • 4 criteria • Inclusiveness: percentage of BL tests that may show regression faults and are in the RT suite • Safe RT suite is 100% inclusive • Precision: percentage BL tests in a RT that cannot reveal regression faults and are not selected in the reduced RT suite • 100 test cases: 1 cannot reach changed code  99% precise • Precise RT suite: no tests that cannot produce different output • Efficiency: cost of identifying a reduced RT suite • Generality: range of application for the selection strategy

  15. Test patterns • Retest All: default • RetestRiskyUse Cases • Retestby Profile • RetestChangedSegments • RetestWithin Firewall

  16. 1. Retest All • Rerunentire baseline test suite • Context • Any scope • Fault model • Failuresbecause of incompatibility, sideeffects, undesirable feature interaction

  17. 1. Retest All • Strategy • Test model: baseline test suite is reused • Test procedure: rerun after removing broken tests • Oracle: should be same results as previous run • Automation: see slides 12-13 • Entry criteria • Delta components pass component scope testing • Suitable baseline test suite exists • Test environment has same configuration as previous runs (see slide 13)

  18. 1. Retest All • Exit criteria • No pass test cases reveal bugs that are acceptable • Remaining test cases pass • Consequences • Inclusiveness, precision, efficiency, generality • See further slides

  19. 2. Retest Risky Use Cases • Use risk-based metrics to select partial RT suite • Context • Too few time, personnel or equipement • Fault model • Failuresbecause of incompatibility, sideeffects, undesirable feature interaction

  20. 2. Retest Risky Use Cases • Strategy • Test model: risk criteria to select test cases • Suspicious use cases: unstable, complex use cases • Critical use cases: necessary for safe, effective operation • Test procedure: Identify, develop en run test suite • Oracle: should be same results as previous run • Automation: see slides 12-13 • Entry criteria • Same as “Retest All” pattern

  21. 2. Retest Risky Use Cases • Exit criteria • Same as “Retest All” pattern • Consequences • Inclusiveness, precision, efficiency, generality • See further slides

  22. 3. Retest by profile Intent • Partial regression test • Budget-constrained Context • Too few time, personnel or equipement • Greatest dependability within budget? • Applicable at any scope

  23. 3. Retest by profile Fault model • Allocate tests by profile:frequency-based testing vs reliability Strategy: Test model • # test cases for each use case? => total budget

  24. 3. Retest by profile Example • Total budget 6000 mins • Run 1 test case 5 mins • Chance on bug reveal 0.5 % • Bug fix requires 200 mins • Baseline test suite 20 000 test cases How many of test cases (T) can we run?6000 = 5T + (0.005 x 200) 5=> T ≈ 5000

  25. 3. Retest by profile Allocation of Regression Test Time by Use Case frequency

  26. 3. Retest by profile Strategy: Test procedure • Identify, develop, run reduced test suite • Verify: critical use cases & use case variants included Strategy: Oracle • should be same results as previous run

  27. 3. Retest by profile Strategy: Automation • Slides 12-13 • Automate selection in prev. example: • 5 000 of 20 000 test cases=> ¼ test random selector(each test 25% chance of being selected) Entry & exit criteria • Same as “Retest All” pattern

  28. 3. Retest by profile Consequences • Inclusiveness, precision, efficiency, generality • See further slides

  29. 4. Retest Changed Code Intent • Partial regression test • Code-change analysis Context • Too few time, personnel or equipement • Applicable at class, cluster or subsystemscope

  30. 4. Retest Changed Code Fault model • See pattern “Retest All” Strategy: Test model • Select all baseline tests that have reached: • A changed code segment • Or a deleted code segment -> “Graph walk technique” (Rothermel and Harrold)

  31. 4. Retest Changed Code Strategy: Test model (2) • Basic model does NOT consider: • Inheritance • Dynamic binding • Data flow • Control flow • Other dependenciesarising from state-based behaviour, iteration or recursion

  32. 4. Retest Changed Code Strategy: Test procedure • Obtain a report from coverage analyzer, that lists codesegments by testcase

  33. 4. Retest Changed Code Strategy: Test procedure • Extract pairs with each segment and testcase

  34. 4. Retest Changed Code Strategy: Test procedure • Use a version control tool to generate a report on the changes between baseline & delta

  35. 4. Retest Changed Code Strategy: Test procedure • Concatenate test (step 2) & change file (step 3). Sort!

  36. 4. Retest Changed Code Strategy: Test procedure • Selection rules for tests: • Tests under same skip • Tests under delete include • Tests under changed include • Tests under new skip

  37. 4. Retest Changed Code Strategy: Oracle • Same as “Retest All” pattern Strategy: Automation • see slides 12-13 Entry & exit criteria • Same as “Retest All” pattern Consequences • See further slides

  38. 5. Retest Within Firewall Intent • Partial regression test • Code-dependency analysis Context • Too few time, personnel or equipement • Applicable at class, cluster or subsystemscope

  39. 5. Retest Within Firewall Fault model • See pattern “Retest All” Strategy: Test Model • Firewall = set of components whose test cases will be included in a regression test • Firewall set is identified by analysis of changes to each component in the SUT and its dependencies.

  40. 5. Retest Within Firewall Strategy: Test Model (2) • Each pair of components (A,B) is analyzed • Either or both may be changed: • Contract changealters external interface and/or externally visible contract(eg. alteration of public methods, ..) • Implementation changeother changes that are not visible to clients

  41. 5. Retest Within Firewall Strategy: Test Model (3) • Dependency relationship between each pair is used to select test cases • 4 Relationships: • B uses A • B is a subclass of A • B overrides A • B is a server of A

  42. 5. Retest Within Firewall Strategy: Test Model (4) • For each relationship: baseline testcase that apply to A,B or AB may be reused in one of 4 ways: Level 0 No testcases can be rerun Level 1 The state setup and test messages can be rerun. Expected results must be redeveloped. The sequence of testcases may need to be reworked. Level 2 The state setup, test messages and expected results can be rerun. The sequence of testcases may need to be reworked. Level 3 The test cases can be rerun as is.

  43. 5. Retest Within Firewall Strategy: Test Model (5) • Example • Class Account (A) and class Money (B) • Account uses a variable amount of type Money • Implementation change to account • Relationship: Money is a server of Account • ..

  44. 5. Retest Within Firewall • Level 2 reuse of the test cases for Account • (decision table for selecting regression tests 15.7 p 791)

  45. 5. Retest Within Firewall Strategy: Test procedure • Develop a dependency matrix • Apply the decision rules (table 15.7) • Rerun tests according to the testing levels

  46. 5. Retest Within Firewall Strategy: Oracle • Same as “Retest All” pattern Strategy: Automation • see slides 12-13 Entry & exit criteria • Same as “Retest All” pattern Consequences • See next slide!

  47. Pattern Comparison Inclusiveness All: Safe, all tests selected Risky: Unsafe, selection of testcases not by analysis / dependencies Profile: Unsafe, same as Risky Use Case Changed: Safe, all baseline tests that can produce a different result are selected Firewall: Safe

  48. Pattern Comparison Precision All: no tests are skipped, least precise Risky: some tests that could be skipped Profile: ditto Changed: few tests that could be skipped most precise of the white box partial regression strategies Firewall: few tests that could be skipped

  49. Pattern Comparison Efficiency All: lowest analysis & setup cost high run cost Risky: time and cost are constrained (budget) selection based on use cases (<-> implementation)=> analysis can be done without code analyzers / technical knowledge of SUT Profile: Same as Risky Use Case but if the operational profile is established, then low cost of selection analysis

  50. Pattern Comparison Efficiency (2) Changed: High setup cost Run cost = size of deltasCost can be greater than Retest All: reselection Firewall: Highest setup cost Run cost = size of firewall

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