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P r e - K i n d e r g a r t e n. Teachers Ms. Littlejohn Julie.littlejohn@killeenisd.org Ms. Tarrant Sarah.tarrant@killenisd.org Ms. Dibble Amber.dibble@killeenisd.org Ms. Petersen Sarah.petersen@killeenisd.org. Pre-Kindergarten Aides Mrs. Allen Ms. Young. Table of contents. Clothes
Pre-Kindergarten Teachers Ms. Littlejohn Julie.littlejohn@killeenisd.org Ms. Tarrant Sarah.tarrant@killenisd.org Ms. Dibble Amber.dibble@killeenisd.org Ms. Petersen Sarah.petersen@killeenisd.org Pre-Kindergarten Aides Mrs. Allen Ms. Young
Table of contents • Clothes • Planners • Attendance • Parent Conferences • Report Cards • Grading Procedures • Grading Rubric • Behavior Management Plan • Behavior Expectations • Birthdays • How to get involved • Things you can do at home to help your child succeed • Access Teacher webpage • Pre-K Parents: Important things to remember
Clothes • Please follow the dress code policy. It is in the student hand book, which is available on line. • Please send an extra change of clothes with your child in case of an accident.Change of clothes needs to follow the dress code. If your child has an accident, soiled clothes will be sent home in a bag. • Please keep the weather in mind when dressing your child. • Please write your child’s name on the inside of her/his clothing.
Planners • Please remember to check your child’s planner every day. • Please check for important papers from your teacher and school. • Please make sure if you send lunch money that it is in an envelope, and clip securely inside the planner. Please write you child’s name and amount on the envelope. • If you have some one picking up your child, that is not on the pick up you must contact the office before pick up time.
Attendance • Please remember school starts promptly at 7:30 a.m. • Breakfast is from 7:00 to 7:20 a.m. • If your child is late and you bring them into school make sure you stop by the office and sign in. • When we release our students please be patient and understand that we like for all our students to sit down so they can be accounted for and we make sure they are being released to the correct person.
Parent Conferences • Our first parent conference will be held October 3rd-14th, 2011. You will receive information in your child’s planner.
Report Cards • A parent supplement will be sent home at the beginning of each nine weeks. • The 1st nine weeks you will receive a parent conference report and a copy of your child’s circle test. • The 2nd, 3rd and 4th nine weeks you will receive a report card.
Grading Procedures • The grading scale for the Pre-K report card is:
Grading Rubric • Each grading period has different standards (please see parent supplement for each nine weeks) • Student’s score may be lower due to increased student expectations for each nine weeks. • Example: Your student may be able to count to 5. The 1st nine weeks student is expected to count to 4, they would receive a 3+. The 2nd nine weeks student is expected to count to 10 (and they still count to 5), they would receive a 2.
Behavior management chart Each teacher will have a behavior chart in their classroom. We will be using a color system: Blue- Exceptional role model behavior Green- May have needed a reminder about my choices or actions (All students begin the day on green) Yellow- Repeated occurrences of disruption (Pre-reminded, Cued) Red- Continued misbehavior despite teacher’s support (moved to refocus, buddy class, or office to call home)
Behavior Expectations Learning Choices • 1. Pre-minder – students will be “pre-minded” of expectations before they get off task. • 2. Cue – students will be positively cued through verbal warning to refocus. • 3. Learn from the refocus area – students will be moved to an area in the classroom that is separate from other students so that they may refocus. • 4. Learn from a buddy class – the student will spend up to thirty minutes learning from another classroom. • 5. Call home – the student has been continuously disruptive and parents need to be notified. • 6. Office referral Montague Village Elementary Longhorn Expectations • 1. Follow directions the first time given. • 2. Keep hands, feet, mouth, and objects to yourself. • 3. Demonstrate respect towards others. • 4. Be prepared for class. • 5. Always engage in appropriate behavior. • 6. School Expectations- students will be sent to the office for: • Fighting or threatening to fight • Damaging teacher or school property (Student or parent will be expected to pay restitution for the damage). • Engaging in behavior that creates an unsafe situation, or shuts down the teacher’s ability to teach. Recognition for Positive Learning • I will keep notes on positive behavior, as well as off task behavior. Positive behavior will receive affirming gestures (praise, cheers, stickers, positive notes and phone calls home, and treasure box). • Students will be expected to abide by the classroom, school, and district expectations. Be sure to review the Student Code of Conduct with your child.
Birthdays • We all love to celebrate our child’s birthday, but we have to follow the school’s nutrition rules. Items must be store bought. They will be passed out at the end of the day. Here are a few ideas: party favor bags, Debbie’s snack cakes or brownies, individually wrapped store bought items. • If you have invitations for a birthday party please hand them out after school as the children are coming out of the building.
How to get involved • Please check your child’s planner for upcoming events that will be held at the school. • You can complete a form with the school counselors to volunteer in the school. • Thank you for providing snack at the beginning of each month.
Things you can do at home to help your child succeed! • Ask your child about his/her day. • Listen to your child. • Read to your child as much as you can. • Get your child on a good routine and be consistant. • Encourage your child to have a great day every day. • Help your child with school projects.
Access Teacher Webpage • First go to Killeenisd.org • Next look under the schools (elementary) and click on Montague Village • Next when you get Montague’s webpage, you will click on the teacher Webpages which are located on the left side of the page. • Then you will click on Pre-K homepage • Last you will click on your child’s teacher and you can find more information on their web page.
Pre-K Parents: Important things to remember! • Clothes • Please send a change of clothes that are dress code appropriate. • Please write your child’s name on the inside of their clothes. • Please send another change of clothes if you child has an accident. • Dress code stickers will be placed in the planner if you child is not in dress code. • Planners • It is important to check your child’s planner everyday and sign upon returning. • Please make sure if you are sending lunch money or any money for events that you put it in an envelope with you child’s name on it, and attach to the inside of the planner or on your child. • We will send home a Wednesday folder every Wednesday, with the students papers and other information. Please return these folders every Thursday. • Pick up and Dismissal • If you have someone picking up your child that is not on the list. Please contact the office and email the teacher. We will ask for 100% ID. If they are not on the list a guardian will be contacted. • Please be patient with us at dismissal we are releasing four classes and need to make sure each student is given to the the correct person. • We dismiss at 2:40p.m. Your child will be taken to the office by 2:55p.m. if not picked up and a parent will be called. • Please no cell phone while picking up your child, and follow the rules of parking in the parking lot upon picking up your student. • Attendance/Tardies • School starts promptly at 7:30 a.m. • Breakfast is from 7:00 a.m. to 7:20 a.m. • Students are tardy at 7:35 a.m. • How to get involved • Check your child’s planner for up coming events held at school. • You can fill out paper work with the school counselor to volunteer in the school. • Please send snack at the beginning of each month. Please bring enough for the entire class 22 students. • Birthdays • We love to celebrate you child’s birthday, but we have to follow the school’s nutritional rules. If you want to send something please keep in mind they will be passed out at the end of the day. • If you have invitations for a birthday party, please hand them out after school as the students are coming out of the building. • Some good ideas are the Little Debbie’s snack cakes or brownies. • Behavior Expectations • Each student and parent will sign a code of conduct, and a classroom management plan to follow school rules and classroom rules. • Parents will be given a list of expectations for their child in Pre-K. • It is important for parents and teachers to work together to help a student with behavior needs. Teachers will e-mail and call parents as needed. • Things to do at home with your child • Have your child on a good routine and be consistant. • Help your child with the family projects that will be sent home, and homework. • Read to your child as much as you can. • Ask your child about their day, and listen to your child.
Thank you for all you do!We can achieve more by working together!Please feel free to ask any questions.