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Dov Winer The Jewish Agency Initiative for Developing Jewish Networking Infrastructures. Seminar: Advanced Technologies for Archives December 6, 2005. The MINERVA Project Introduction. http://www.minervaeurope.org http://www.minervaisrael.org.il. Lund Principles and Lund Action Plan 2001
Dov WinerThe Jewish Agency Initiative forDeveloping Jewish Networking Infrastructures Seminar: Advanced Technologies for Archives December 6, 2005 The MINERVA Project Introduction
http://www.minervaeurope.orghttp://www.minervaisrael.org.il an initiative of the Jewish Agency for Israel
Lund Principles and Lund Action Plan 2001 Identified the barriers to digitisation, access and long term preservation of scientific and cultural heritage Providing rich and diverse digital resources that support education and research, tourism and creative industries Enabling digital access by all citizens to national, regional and local cultural heritage of Europe Advancing the European Digital Libraries initiative NRG – National Representatives Group A policy framework for coordination of digitisation in Europe – representatives of Members States and Observers (Israel, Russia) Dynamic Action Plan – December 2005
Dynamic Action Plan Objectives • Providing strategic leadership – changing environment • Strengthening coordination • Efforts in overcoming fragmentation and duplication • Identifying appropriate models • Promoting cultural and linguistic diversity • Improving online access
Dynamic Action Plan Action Areas • Users and Content • Technologies for digitisation • Sustainability of content • Digital preservation
Operational Secretary for the NRG MINERVA MINERVA Plus upcoming MINERVA EC Strong involvement of the Italian MiBAC – Ministry of Cultural Assets MINERVA and MINERVA Plus in the RTD Framework Program end of January 2005 MINERVA EC in the eContent Plus Call Substantial results: MICHAEL (eTEN), Quality criteria, Controlled Vocabularies, IPR, Interoperability, Multi Linguality, Technical Guidelines, intensive networking, Best practices, Cost reduction
Steering Committee for MINERVA in Israel involving all statutory institutions
WG5 User Needs and Quality Framework for Common AccessSusan Hazan WG4 Cataloguing, Metadata and Interoperability Ora Zehavi [ Dr Judit Bar Ilan, Rachel Kedar]and Amalia Keshet WG6 Identification of Good Practices and Competence CentersOrly Simon WG3 Inventories, discovery of digitized content Dr. Allison Kupietzky
Conferences Italy Israel Bi National, EVA/MINERVA 2004, 2005 Jerusalem Declaration Knesset sub committee: nomination of an economist to analyse creative industries Consultation: Coordination of Digitisation of Jewish Cultural Heritage in Europe GIS for European Jewish Cultural Heritage access Surveys Controlled Vocabularies Jewish Cultural Heritage content Several new proposals Protean – Mosaica – MINERVA EC and more