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After the War. Between 1940 and 44: British Immigration policy toward Jews to Palestine. Planned to create two states based on population. Limited Jewish immigration to 75,000, in effect shrinking the size of future Jewish state. Britain an U.S. developing Iranian and Saudi oil fields.
Between 1940 and 44: British Immigration policy toward Jews to Palestine • Planned to create two states based on population. • Limited Jewish immigration to 75,000, in effect shrinking the size of future Jewish state. • Britain an U.S. developing Iranian and Saudi oil fields.
In U.S. anti-Semitism was rampant • Zionism was associated with socialism, thus communism and Russia. • There were Jews in important positions in labor unions, associated with communists and anarchists. • After WWII, the Rosenberg’s were convicted and executed for selling nuclear secrets to Soviets, somewhat controversial.
Mandate to Palestine turned over to the U.N. • Created the state of Israel, Palestine, with an internationally administered city-state of Jerusalem, with equal rights guaranteed. • People were allowed to choose their citizenship, so Arabs could remain within Israel and be guaranteed equal rights. • Israel created by U.N. in 1948, Arab nations immediately attacked. Israel won, took more land.
Many Arabs fled the new Israel, rumors spread that massacres were occurring
Right of Return • In 1948 the UN General Assembly passed Resolution 194 on the Question of Palestine, which "resolves that refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return..."
Liberation Movement Spread World Wide, with Soviet Union supporting any anti-imperialist groups. • Soviet Union solidified control of Eastern Europe, the Caucuses, and Southern “-stans” on border. • Soviet Union attempted to spread communism to any and all of the newly independent countries, many who favored any non Western power and socialist tendencies. (anti Capitalists)
Containment Policy • Truman and Eisenhower developed foreign policy that wherever the Soviets went, we need to contain them. • The anti-domino theory.
Other “liberation movement in 40-60s • Iraq from Britain 1958, overthrown by Ba’ath party ’62, Saddam ‘79 • Algeria From French 1962, series of dictators • Namibia first from Britain then from South Africa 1989 • India from Britain, then Partition of India and Pakistan. 1947 • Vietnam from French 1954 (Japan during WWII) • HO Chi Minh supported by fellow communist S.U. and China independence in North • U.S. tried to prop up government in South through 1972 (Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon) 56,000 Americans died
Post War Independence • China: civil war after Japanese 1949. Taiwan established by Nationalist • Korea: civil war after Japanese occupation (1905-10). Chinese supported communists in North under Kim il Sung 1948, then taken over by son Kim Jong il 1997. • U.S. supported “democracy” in South in Korean war 1950-1953
Independence • Egypt: 1953 from Britain (King Faruk (1921), Britain’s guy overthrown), General Abdul Nasser. Biggest Arab state. Sadat from him, killed after Camp David Peace, Mubarak ever since. Totalitarian government, no dissent.
Realignment • Congo (Zaire) from Belgum1960. • Democratically elected, left-leaning Patrice Lumumba deposed with help of U.S. and Belgian, and U.S. economic players (mining, rubber etc.) replaced by military dictator Mobuto. • Horrible human rights violations • Repressive regime • Anti communist.
Realignment • Uganda (Amin vs. Obote) • Rwanda 1962 from Belgium, Hutus establish political power at expense of former power/tribe Tutsis, leading to future genocide . • Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) from Britain (1901 as white Rhodesia) Mugabe since 1980. • Communist Cuba from oligarchs 1959. • Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) 1965. after 1967 War when Israel took rest of West Bank Gaza and Sinai peninsula PLO stepped up operations.
Republic of Ireland formed in 1919 from Britain, although Britain maintained control of Protestant dominated Northern Ireland. • Recently, the British have agreed to pull out police and turn over control to a coalition of Catholics and Protestants…uh oh.
Israel • Arab countries (Egypt, Jordan, Syria,) (sometimes Lebanon, Iraq) attack in 48, 54, 67, 72. • Israel took more land every time • After 67 War took the West Bank of the Jordan river from Jordan, this was to have been Palestine, Gaza and Sinai. • After 72 War, Arab oil embargo paralyzed U.S. for support of Israel.
Six Day War 1967 • Israel implements plans to take water from Sea of Galilee to irrigate Israeli farms. • Egypt, Jordan, Syria amass troops on border. • Israel strikes preemptively winning in six days, takes West Bank from Jordan, Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, Golan Heights from Syria.
Demographics • If Israel would choose to do so, they would cease being a Jewish state. • There are currently about 6 million Jews in Israel and 8 to 9 Million Palestinians who might make claims, about 2 million Arab Muslims who live in Israel currently. • This demographic problem is the same when Israel considers incorporating the “occupied territories” of the West Bank, Jews would then be a minority by 2020.
PLO • PLO formed in 1965 to resist Israel and its occupation of what the considered Arab land. • Led by Yasser Arafat • Believed and used armed rebellion and attacks against civilian populations, hijackings and suicide bombings. • Successful in that most Americans had never heard of Palestinians and got their cause in the paper.
PLO • Black September: Palestinian group tried to orchestrate a coup in Jordan where they had been give refuge. Moved to Lebanon. • PLO orchestrated many hijackings and bombings in Europe to bring attention to their cause.
Hijacked Achilles Laro: threw Jewish man in wheel chair overboard
PLO • 1972 Munich Olympics: led attack on Israeli Olympic team killing 6.
Palestinians moved to Algeria and marginalized. Arafat still considered spokesman of Palestinians. • Not a fundamentalist. In fact, married to a Christian woman.
1973 Arab Oil embargo • Arab oil embargo in response to U.S. support of Israel in the Yon Kippur war (’72): brought Western world to its knees, OPEC asserts its power weakening Israel.
1977 Camp David Accords • Jimmy Carter facilitates a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. • Israel returns Sinai to Egypt in exchange for recognition. Anwar Sadat is President of Egypt.
Assassinations • Sadat is assassinated by the Muslim Brotherhood: Hosni Mubarak takes over, current President “for life.” • Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated for signing the Oslo Accords, another attempt at Peace orchestrated by Clinton, by radical Jewish settler.
1979 • Ayatollah Khomeni leads revolution over U.S. back Shah Pahlavi. American diplomats held hostage. (Also, U.S. had deposed an elected leader to reinstall Pahlavi in 52) • Saddam Hussein stages coup in Iraq • Saddam Hussein attacks Iran over Basra, with U.S. backing. • Soviet Union invades Afghanistan
IRAN Contra • Communist take over in Nicaraqua: U.S. backs Contras • Congress makes funding Contras illegal • Some believe Reagan made deal with Iran to keep hostages until after the election, and then he’d sell them arms.
Ollie North and Fawn Hall • After Reagan elected, North, advisor to Reagan) convicted of using Israel as conduit for American arms to Iran (to fight Iraq who has just invaded). • He then took the profits from the arms sale to Iran and, illegally, gave it to the contras to fight the communists.
1979 • Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, the U.S. supports and trains Pashtun tribes to fight the Soviets. • The Soviets withdraw, many believe this humiliation of the “Red Army” led to the Fall of the Soviet Union.
1982 • PLO moves to south Lebanon, a Shiite populated area on Israel border, launches attacks. • Israel invades southern Lebanon and occupies it, causing a great deal of civil unrest and destruction. • PLO expelled.
Sabra and Shatila massacre by Phalangist militia backed by Israel
Iraq • "One of those messages, delivered in late July by U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie to Saddam in a private meeting, said that the United States did not take a position ''on Arab-Arab'' disputes. Saddam understood that to mean that the United States would not react to his invasion of Kuwait." • UPI reported on Novermber 9, 1990
Intifada • A spontaneous uprising of Palestinians youth, who basically through rocks at Israeli tanks in the West Bank. • This marks the beginning of a turn in world opinion against Israel. • A 2nd Intifada arose after Ariel Sharon, Israeli military leader who invaded Lebanon, and then Prime Minister, Spoke at Al Aqa, the Temple mount.
Intifada ’87 then again in 2000, after Sharon spoke at Al Axa
The Settlements • Israel has encouraged the development of suburban type neighborhoods in the West Bank. Current about 400k Jews live in these settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. • Fueled by some who believe it is a religious right. • Others were offered low interest loans and it was a way for Israel to begin to secure sovereignty and to provide places to live for new immigrants from the Soviet Union and other places.
Demographic Issues • . • There are currently about 6 million Jews in Israel and 8 to 9 Million Palestinians who might make claims to “return.” • 2 million Arab Muslims already live in Israel currently. • This demographic problem is the same when Israel considers incorporating the “occupied territories” of the West Bank, Jews would then be a minority by 2020.
The Settlements • The settlements require • An Israeli military presence. • Settlers to carry automatic weapons. • Checkpoints • The Wall • Roads that can only be used by Israelis.
Settlements • Recently, Israel has agreed to freeze new settlements. • But they want to allow existing settlements to grow naturally, a non starter for Palestinian authority.
View of Tel Aviv from the West Bank: Israel has real survival issues.