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Haskell and Cryptography. Jay-Evan J. Tevis, Ph.D. Department of Computer Science Western Illinois University www.wiu.edu/users/jjt107. Overview. Imperative and Function Programming Paradigms Implementation of the CAST-128 Encryption Algorithm in C and Haskell Results from Student Projects.
Haskell and Cryptography Jay-Evan J. Tevis, Ph.D. Department of Computer Science Western Illinois University www.wiu.edu/users/jjt107
Overview • Imperative and Function Programming Paradigms • Implementation of the CAST-128 Encryption Algorithm in C and Haskell • Results from Student Projects
Syntax Data Types Expressions Lexical Structure Procedures Semantics Ada Scheme C/C++ Haskell Prolog Java Imperative Denotational Object-oriented Axiomatic Functional Operational Logic Programming Languages
Major Features of Imperative Programming • Assignment • Control loops • Environment state • Array indexing • Memory addresses • Functions and procedures • Side effects
Major Features of Functional Programming • Functions with parameters and results • Binding of parameters • Recursive calls • Referential transparency • Functions as first-class values • Higher-order functions • Pattern matching
Other Features of Functional Programming • Strong typing (both static and dynamic) • Arbitrary length of numbers • Polymorphic data typing • Normal order evaluation
Brief Summary of Haskell • Based on lambda calculus, which was invented by Alonzo Church • Named after the mathematician Haskell Curry • Purely functional programming language • Started out in the 1980s as a research language • Stable version of the language is Haskell 98 • Source code is usually translated by an interpreter but can also be compiled • Main website: www.haskell.org
Implementations of the CAST-128 Encryption Algorithmin C and Haskell
Description of CAST-128 • Invented by Carlisle Adams and defined in RFC 2144, May 1997 • Belongs to the class of encryption algorithms known as Feistel ciphers • Uses a 12- or 16-round approach with a block size of 64 bits and a key size up to 128 bits • Creates 32 subkeys from the initial 128-bit key • Uses eight substitution boxes with 256 entries each • Uses three different permutation functions based on the round number
Software Development Environment • 1.3Ghz, 256MB RAM, Windows XP • C programming • jGRASP IDE • Borland C compiler • GNU C compiler • Haskell programming • HUGS interpreter • Glasgow Haskell compiler
Software Development Process • Requirements analysis: Based on RFC 2144 • Software architecture (High-level design) • Four modules arranged in a call-and-return architecture • Incremental development for each module (done in tandem for both C and Haskell) • Low-level design of functions • High-level and low-level implementation • Black box , white box, and integration testing
Software Architecture • Read text file • Write text file • Convert chars to block • Convert block to chars • Extract a byte from a word • Create subkey schedule • Encrypt a block • Decrypt a block • Permute a 32-bit word (three functions) • Rotate a word to the left • Define eight arrays for the substitution boxes
Software Testing Strategy • Used the same input test values for the similar functions in C and Haskell; compared returned results • Compared the 32 subkeys created in both the C and Haskell implementations of the key schedule • Used the test vectors supplied in RFC 2144 • 128-bit key, 64-bit plaintext block, 64-bit ciphertext block • Encrypted/decrypted documents of various byte lengths • Text files contained either C source code or HTML • Decrypted files were tested for byte errors by compiling or browser viewing
Building the output file (in C) void buildEncryptedOutputFile(FILE *inputFilePtr, FILE *outputFilePtr) { // Declarations were removed to fit the code on the slide createSubkeySchedule(key128Bits, subKeySchedule); while (!EOF_Found) { EOF_Found = readBlockOfCharacters(inputFilePtr, block.array); plainBlock[0] = block.pair.left; plainBlock[1] = block.pair.right; encryptBlock(subKeySchedule, plainBlock, cipherBlock); block.pair.left = cipherBlock[0]; block.pair.right = cipherBlock[1]; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BYTES; i++) fputc(block.array[i], outputFilePtr); } // buildEncryptedOutputFile
Building the output file (in Haskell) buildOutputFile:: Handle -> Handle -> [Char] -> IO () buildOutputFile inFile outFile direction | (direction == "-e") = do buildEncryptedOutputFile inFile outFile (createSubKeySchedule test128BitKey) buildEncryptedOutputFile:: Handle -> Handle -> KeyScheduleType -> IO () buildEncryptedOutputFile inFile outFile keySchedule = do (inString, endOfFile) <- readUpTo8Characters inFile block <- charsToBlock inString outString <- blockToChars (encryptBlock keySchedule block) hPutStr outFile outString if (inString!!7 == '\0') then putStr "End of file detected\n" else buildEncryptedOutputFile inFile outFile keySchedule
Implementation Lessons Learned (1) • Overall, the C implementation of the basic CAST-128 algorithm was straightforward because RFC 2144 contains C pseudocode • For any mathematical expressions, the ease or difficulty of implementation in C or Haskell was the same (except for the need to code the rotate left function in C) • The driver software in both C and Haskell are not tied to the CAST-128 algorithm; consequently, they can be used when implementing other 128-bit key and 64-bit block ciphers • Use of the array data structure in Haskell greatly simplified the creation of the subkey schedule • Pattern matching in Haskell relieved the need for condition checking on many of the function input values and permitted a different algorithm approach for subkey creation than the one used in C
Implementation Lessons Learned (2) • Exception handling in Haskell simplified the need to check for end-of-file when reading the text file • Strong typing in Haskell ensured that the function interfaces were correct • Recursion in Haskell made the iterative algorithms much easier and quicker to code, debug, and understand • C implementation required the use of unsigned numeric types (unsigned long and unsigned char); otherwise, the key building and the encryption/decryption will not work properly • Both C and Haskell automatically perform modulo 32 arithmetic on the types of unsigned long (in C) and Word32 (in Haskell) • Source code size for executable statements is nearly the same between C and Haskell; what makes the C code larger are the data declarations
Comparison of Implementations in Haskell and Java/C++ • RSA encryption algorithm • Quicksort using temporary files • HTML to ASCII file converter • Regular expression evaluation • C/C++ source code formatter • String tree-searching algorithm • Solving a Sudoku puzzle
Advantages of using Haskell instead of Java/C++ • The algorithms coded in Haskell are much shorter than those in Java/C++ • Haskell functions are easier to test individually because of their inherent referential transparency • Haskell syntax “forces” a programmer to write more modular code • It is simpler to locate and correct errors in a Haskell program • Haskell code was shorter, more elegant, and easier to test • Haskell detects and helps prevent type errors • Haskell lists can be used in lieu of arrays in Java/C++ • Recursive algorithms are straightforward to implement in Haskell
Disadvantages of using Haskell instead of Java/C++ • Haskell abstractions do not consider the limits of the computer’s architecture • Haskell I/O is more difficult to program with than that of Java/C++ • Haskell could not do exponentiation of larger numbers • Java/C++ loops are easier to follow than Haskell’s recursion • Java/C++ code is easier to read and understand than Haskell code
Summary • It is time for functional programming to prove its worth • It is possible to build a complete encryption program in Haskell • Need to move from the von Neumann paradigm into a mathematically based paradigm…a functional paradigm • Functional programming may hold the key to building software that is more secure
Major References • Adams, C. RFC 2144: The CAST-128 Encryption Algorithm. (May 1997). www.ietf.org. • Bird, R. Introduction to Functional Programming using Haskell, 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall, 1998. • Graff, M. and van Wyk, K. Secure Coding. O'Reilly, 2003. • Howard, M. and LeBlanc, D. Writing Security Code. Microsoft Press, 2002. • Hoyte, D. Haskell Implementation of Blowfish. www.hcsw.org. 2002. • Hudak, P. The Haskell School of Expression. Cambridge University Press, 2000. • Jones, P. and Hughes. J. Report on the Programming Language Haskell 98. Journal of Functional Programming, Jan 2003. • Schildt, H. C: The Complete Reference. McGraw-Hill, 2000. • Viega, J. and McGraw, G. Building Secure Software. Addison-Wesley, 2002. • Viega, J. and Messier, M. Secure Programming Cookbook. O'Reilly, 2003.
Questions? www.wiu.edu/users/jjt107
Building the output file (in C) void buildEncryptedOutputFile(FILE *inputFilePtr, FILE *outputFilePtr) { // Declarations were removed to fit the code on the slide createSubkeySchedule(key128Bits, subKeySchedule); while (!EOF_Found) { EOF_Found = readBlockOfCharacters(inputFilePtr, block.array); plainBlock[0] = block.pair.left; plainBlock[1] = block.pair.right; encryptBlock(subKeySchedule, plainBlock, cipherBlock); block.pair.left = cipherBlock[0]; block.pair.right = cipherBlock[1]; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BYTES; i++) fputc(block.array[i], outputFilePtr); } // buildOutputFile
Building the output file (in Haskell) buildOutputFile:: Handle -> Handle -> [Char] -> IO () buildOutputFile inFile outFile direction | (direction == "-e") = do buildEncryptedOutputFile inFile outFile (createSubKeySchedule test128BitKey) buildEncryptedOutputFile:: Handle -> Handle -> KeyScheduleType -> IO () buildEncryptedOutputFile inFile outFile keySchedule = do (inString, endOfFile) <- readUpTo8Characters inFile block <- charsToBlock inString outString <- blockToChars (encryptBlock keySchedule block) hPutStr outFile outString if (inString!!7 == '\0') then putStr "End of file detected\n" else buildEncryptedOutputFile inFile outFile keySchedule
Creation of key schedule (in C) void createSubkeySchedule(unsigned long key128Bits[], unsigned long subKeys[]) { // 128-bit key separated into four 32-bit words unsigned long x0x1x2x3 = key128Bits[0]; unsigned long x4x5x6x7 = key128Bits[1]; unsigned long x8x9xAxB = key128Bits[2]; unsigned long xCxDxExF = key128Bits[3]; unsigned long z0z1z2z3, z4z5z6z7, z8z9zAzB, zCzDzEzF; // Temp 128-bit key unsigned long x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,xA,xB,xC,xD,xE,xF; unsigned long z0,z1,z2,z3,z4,z5,z6,z7,z8,z9,zA,zB,zC,zD,zE,zF; (Shows the function signature and the variable declarations)
Creation of key schedule (in C) z0z1z2z3 = x0x1x2x3 ^ S5[xD] ^ S6[xF] ^ S7[xC] ^ S8[xE] ^ S7[x8]; extractBytes(z0z1z2z3, &z0,&z1,&z2,&z3); z4z5z6z7 = x8x9xAxB ^ S5[z0] ^ S6[z2] ^ S7[z1] ^ S8[z3] ^ S8[xA]; extractBytes(z4z5z6z7, &z4,&z5,&z6,&z7); z8z9zAzB = xCxDxExF ^ S5[z7] ^ S6[z6] ^ S7[z5] ^ S8[z4] ^ S5[x9]; extractBytes(z8z9zAzB, &z8,&z9,&zA,&zB); zCzDzEzF = x4x5x6x7 ^ S5[zA] ^ S6[z9] ^ S7[zB] ^ S8[z8] ^ S6[xB]; extractBytes(zCzDzEzF, &zC,&zD,&zE,&zF); subKeys[1] = S5[z8] ^ S6[z9] ^ S7[z7] ^ S8[z6] ^ S5[z2]; subKeys[2] = S5[zA] ^ S6[zB] ^ S7[z5] ^ S8[z4] ^ S6[z6]; subKeys[3] = S5[zC] ^ S6[zD] ^ S7[z3] ^ S8[z2] ^ S7[z9]; subKeys[4] = S5[zE] ^ S6[zF] ^ S7[z1] ^ S8[z0] ^ S8[zC]; (Shows a portion of the code to create four keys)
Creation of key schedule (in Haskell) createSubKeySchedule mainKey = array (1,32) ( k1k2k3k4 ++ k5k6k7k8 ++ k9k10k11k12 ++ k13k14k15k16 ++ k17k18k19k20 ++ k21k22k23k24 ++ k25k26k27k28 ++ k29k30k31k32 ) where (xzA, k1k2k3k4) = createK1K2K3K4 (mainKey, [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0]) (xzB, k5k6k7k8) = createK5K6K7K8 xzA (xzC, k9k10k11k12) = createK9K10K11K12 xzB (xzD, k13k14k15k16) = createK13K14K15K16 xzC (xzE, k17k18k19k20) = createK17K18K19K20 xzD (xzF, k21k22k23k24) = createK21K22K23K24 xzE (xzG, k25k26k27k28) = createK25K26K27K28 xzF (xzH, k29k30k31k32) = createK29K30K31K32 xzG (Shows how the complete key schedule is brought together)
Creation of key schedule (in Haskell) createK1K2K3K4 :: XZKeysPairType -> (XZKeysPairType, [(Word32,Word32)]) createK1K2K3K4 ((xAlpha:xBeta:xGamma:xOmega:[]),(zAlpha:zBeta:zGamma:zOmega:[])) = ( ((xAlpha:xBeta:xGamma:xOmega:[]),(nzAlpha:nzBeta:nzGamma:nzOmega:[])), (1,k1):(2,k2):(3,k3):(4,k4):[]) where nzAlpha = xAlpha `xor` (sBox5!(xOmega#2)) `xor` (sBox6!(xOmega#4)) `xor` (sBox7!(xOmega#1)) `xor` (sBox8!(xOmega#3)) `xor` (sBox7!(xGamma#1)) nzBeta = xGamma `xor` (sBox5!(nzAlpha#1)) `xor` (sBox6!(nzAlpha#3)) `xor` (sBox7!(nzAlpha#2)) `xor` (sBox8!(nzAlpha#4)) `xor` (sBox8!(xGamma#3)) k1 = (sBox5!(nzGamma#1)) `xor` (sBox6!(nzGamma#2)) `xor` (sBox7!(nzBeta#4)) `xor` (sBox8!(nzBeta#3)) `xor` (sBox5!(nzAlpha#3)) (Shows how each subkey is built)
Read up to 8 characters (in C) int readBlockOfCharacters(FILE *inFilePtr, unsigned char buffer[]) { int i = 0, j, symbol, EOF_Detected = FALSE; while (i < MAX_BYTES) { symbol = fgetc(inFilePtr); if (symbol == EOF) { EOF_Detected = TRUE; break; } buffer[i] = symbol; i++; } // End while for (j = i; j < MAX_BYTES; j++) buffer[j] = 0; } // End readBlockOfCharacters (Some code was removed to save space)
Read up to 8 characters (in Haskell) readUpTo8Characters:: Handle -> IO ([Char], Bool) readUpTo8Characters inputFile = do (c1,b1) <- getCharOrNull inputFile; (c2,b2) <- getCharOrNull inputFile (c3,b3) <- getCharOrNull inputFile; (c4,b4) <- getCharOrNull inputFile (c5,b5) <- getCharOrNull inputFile; (c6,b6) <- getCharOrNull inputFile (c7,b7) <- getCharOrNull inputFile; (c8,b8) <- getCharOrNull inputFile return ( (c1:c2:c3:c4:c5:c6:c7:c8:[]), b8) where getCharOrNull:: Handle -> IO (Char,Bool) getCharOrNull inputFile = do catch (do symbol <- hGetChar inputFile return (symbol, False) ) (\error -> do return ('\0', True) ) (Show exception handling for end-of-file in Haskell)
8 chars to a 64-bit word (in C) typedef struct { unsigned long left; unsigned long right; } wordPairType; typedef unsigned char byteBlockType[MAX_BYTES]; typedef union { wordPairType pair; byteBlockType array; } blockType; Conversion is done implicitly in both directions in C by means of a union data structure
8 chars to 64-bit word (in Haskell) charsToBlock :: [Char] -> IO [Word32] charsToBlock (b1:b2:b3:b4:b5:b6:b7:b8:[]) = return [wordLeft, wordRight] where wordLeft = ((intToWord32 (fromEnum b1)) `shiftL` 24) `xor` ((intToWord32 (fromEnum b2)) `shiftL` 16) `xor` ((intToWord32 (fromEnum b3)) `shiftL` 8) `xor` (intToWord32 (fromEnum b4)) wordRight = ((intToWord32 (fromEnum b5)) `shiftL` 24) `xor` ((intToWord32 (fromEnum b6)) `shiftL` 16) `xor` ((intToWord32 (fromEnum b7)) `shiftL` 8) `xor` (intToWord32 (fromEnum b8))
64-bit word to 8 chars (in Haskell) blockToChars :: [Word32] -> IO [Char] blockToChars [wordLeft, wordRight] = return [c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8] where c1 = toEnum (word32ToInt (wordLeft#1)) c2 = toEnum (word32ToInt (wordLeft#2)) c3 = toEnum (word32ToInt (wordLeft#3)) c4 = toEnum (word32ToInt (wordLeft#4)) c5 = toEnum (word32ToInt (wordRight#1)) c6 = toEnum (word32ToInt (wordRight#2)) c7 = toEnum (word32ToInt (wordRight#3)) c8 = toEnum (word32ToInt (wordRight#4))
Encryption Algorithm (in C) newLeft = plainBlock[0]; newRight = plainBlock[1]; for (roundCount = 1; roundCount <= MAX_ROUNDS; roundCount++) { oldLeft = newLeft; oldRight = newRight; newLeft = oldRight; if ( (roundCount % 3) == 0) newRight = oldLeft ^ type3Function(oldRight, subKeys[roundCount], subKeys[roundCount + 16]); else if ( (roundCount % 3) == 1) newRight = oldLeft ^ type1Function(oldRight, subKeys[roundCount], subKeys[roundCount + 16]); else if ( (roundCount % 3) == 2) newRight = oldLeft ^ type2Function(oldRight, subKeys[roundCount], subKeys[roundCount + 16]); } // End for cipherBlock[0] = newRightSide; cipherBlock[1] = newLeftSide;
Encryption Algorithm (in Haskell) encryptBlock :: KeyScheduleType -> [Word32] -> [Word32] encryptBlock keySchedule plainList = auxEncryptBlock keySchedule plainList 1 auxEncryptBlock :: KeyScheduleType -> [Word32] -> Word32 -> [Word32] -- swap left and right auxEncryptBlock keySchedule (leftHalf : rightHalf:[]) 17 = (rightHalf : leftHalf : []) auxEncryptBlock keySchedule (leftHalf : rightHalf:[]) counter = auxEncryptBlock keySchedule (rightHalf : newRightHalf : []) (counter + 1) where newRightHalf = leftHalf `xor` (fChoice rightHalf (keySchedule!counter) (keySchedule!(counter + 16)) counter) fChoice :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 fChoice halfBlock maskingKey rotatingKey roundNbr | (roundNbr `mod` 3) == 1 = type1Function halfBlock maskingKey rotatingKey | (roundNbr `mod` 3) == 2 = type2Function halfBlock maskingKey rotatingKey | otherwise = type3Function halfBlock maskingKey rotatingKey
Permute Function (in C and Haskell) unsigned long type1Function(unsigned long halfBlock, unsigned long maskingKey, unsigned long rotatingKey) { unsigned long Iword, Ia, Ib, Ic, Id, ls5bits, result; ls5bits = (rotatingKey << 27) >> 27; Iword = rotateLeft( (maskingKey + halfBlock), ls5bits); extractBytes(Iword, &Ia,&Ib,&Ic,&Id); result = ((S1[Ia] ^ S2[Ib]) - S3[Ic]) + S4[Id]; return result; } type1Function :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 type1Function halfBlock maskingKey rotatingKey = ((sBox1!(word#1) `xor` sBox2!(word#2)) - sBox3!(word#3)) + sBox4!(word#4) where word = ( (maskingKey + halfBlock) `rotateL` (word32ToInt ls5bits)) ls5bits = ((rotatingKey `shiftL` 27) `shiftR` 27)
Extract bytes (in C and Haskell) void extractBytes( unsigned long word, unsigned long *byte1, unsigned long *byte2, unsigned long *byte3, unsigned long *byte4) { *byte1 = word >> 24; *byte2 = (word << 8) >> 24; *byte3 = (word << 16) >> 24; *byte4 = (word << 24) >> 24; } (#) :: Word32 -> Int -> Word32 (#) word position | position == 1 = word `shiftR` 24 | position == 2 = (word `shiftL` 8) `shiftR` 24 | position == 3 = (word `shiftL` 16) `shiftR` 24 | position == 4 = (word `shiftL` 24) `shiftR` 24 | otherwise = error "Error with extraction operator (#): position invalid"
Rotate bits to the left (in C) unsigned long rotateLeft(unsigned long word, unsigned long nbrBitPositions) { unsigned long result, i; result = word; for (i = 1; i <= nbrBitPositions; i++) { // Check if the most significant bit is a one if (result & MSB_SET_ONLY_NUMBER) // Bitwise AND the result with 2**31 result = (result << 1) + 1; else result = (result << 1); } return result; } // End rotateLeft (Note: rotateL is a library-supplied function in Haskell)