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The City of God : How the Good and the Bad Equally Share God’s Divine Mercy

The City of God : How the Good and the Bad Equally Share God’s Divine Mercy. b y Chris Pacheco. Augustine of Hippo. Bishop of Hippo Regius (present-day Annaba, Algeria) Latin philosopher and theologian From African Province of the Roman Empire

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The City of God : How the Good and the Bad Equally Share God’s Divine Mercy

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  1. The City of God: How the Good and the Bad Equally Share God’s Divine Mercy by Chris Pacheco

  2. Augustine of Hippo • Bishop of Hippo Regius (present-day Annaba, Algeria) • Latin philosopher and theologian • From African Province of the Roman Empire • Considered as one of the greatest Christian thinkers • Writings were very influential in the development of Western Christianity

  3. Hippo Regius (Annaba, Algeria)

  4. City of God • At the time, Western Roman Empire was crumbling • Augustine develops concept of Catholic Church as spiritual City of God, separate from the temporal Earthly City • Wrote to restore confidence of Christians after Visigoth sacking of Rome in 410 • While Rome was in strife, reassured Christians that the City of God promised everlasting peace

  5. Objectives • Why does God’s divine mercy extend itself to the Bad and the Good? • How could one put to use the ideas of God’s blessings and the concept of evil? • How does God dole out his blessings equally to the Good and the Bad

  6. Overview • The Good and the Bad appear to be equal because they share the blessings and disasters given by God • God placed worldly goods and evils for His children to obtain. The Good and Bad individuals have the same chances of befalling under these certain temptations • The Good and the Bad are equally afflicted because no one is exempt from sin and wrongdoings

  7. Results • God repays the Good with blessings that the Bad will not be able to experience. • God offers the Bad opportunities to redeem themselves in order to receive the blessings • Even the Good could be drawn into worldly temptations • Although the Good and the Bad suffer similarly, they are still different people

  8. Relevance • It explains the purpose of blessings and evils • Sheds light to how one’s actions influences how God treats that individual • Shows the process behind God’s divine actions

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