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Mrs Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!”. Jamestown , Virginia, the first permanent English settlement, was founded in 1607. Jamestown. Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts
MrsKlos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” • Jamestown, Virginia, the first permanent English settlement, was founded in 1607. Jamestown
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” • The Declaration of Independence was signed July 4, 1776 (Written by Thomas Jefferson). Declaration of Independence
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 3. The Constitution of the United States was written in 1787- James Madison is the “Father” Constitution
Sold! To the United States for $15 million! Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 4. President Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803. Louisiana Territory
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 5. The Civil War was fought from 1861-1865. Civil War Union Confederates
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 6. The ___House of Burgesses was the first representative assembly in the new world. VA Are you reading COMIC BOOKS?!?
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 7. The first battle of the American Revolution was at Lexington and Concordin April 1775. Lexington and Concord That’s good stuff! Hey Ralph! I bet they hear this shot ‘round the world!
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 8. The Battle of Saratoga was the turning point of the American Revolution (French entered the war). Saratoga
http://www.britishbattles.com/battle-yorktown.htm Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 9. The British defeat in 1781 at Yorktown, Virginia by George Washington’s troops signaled the end of the American Revolution. Yorktown
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 10. Mercantilism is an economic system in which the mother country controls the trade of its colonies. Mercantilism
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 11. A tariff is a tax on goods brought into a country (designed to protect home industries). tariff Foreign Merchant
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 12. Republicanismis a system of representative government in which voters elect representatives to make laws for them. Republicanism
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 13. The Three Branches of Government are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches. Legislative, Executive and Judicial
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 14. Checks and Balances is a system set up by the Constitution in which each branch of the federal government has the power to check, or control, the actions of the other branches. Checks and Balances
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 15. Federalism is the sharing of power between the states and the national government. Federalism
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 16. The Legislative Branch makes the laws. The Executive Branch enforces the laws. The Judicial Branch interprets the meaning of the laws. Legislative Executive Judicial My name is Bill Lawmaker. I veto you You are SO guilty!!!
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 17. The Magna Carta, signed in 1215 by King John, was the first document that limited power of the ruler. Magna Carta Magna Carta, 1215 “No freeman shall be seized … except by the lawful judgment of his peers (equals), or by the law of the land.”
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 18. The - an agreement signed in 1620 by the Pilgrims in Plymouth. It is the 1st representative government in America. Mayflower Compact
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 19. The Proclamation of 1763limitedthe colonies fromexpanding west of the Appalachian Mountains Proclamation Do not walk this way, by order of the British
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 20. The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended the French and Indian War. The debt from the war led to increased British taxation of the colonies. Treaty of Paris of 1763 ‘Ere’s your tea, MATE! Your Coercive Acts are Intolerable!
King James II Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 21. The English Bill of Rights of 1689 protected the rights of English citizens and became the basis for the American Bill of Rights. English Bill of Rights “That it is the right of the subjects to petition the king” William& Mary
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 22. These acts following the French & Indian War ticked off the Colonies and eventually led to the Revolution! Sugar 1764 Tea 1773 Stamp 1765 Quebec 1774 Quartering Act 1765 Intolerable or Coercive 1774 Townshend 1767
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 23. Common Sense - a pamphlet by Thomas Paine that convinced many colonists to support independence from Great Britain. Common Sense It is “Paine-ful” to not use Common Sense. Get it? Ha ha!
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 24. Thomas Paine wrote pamphlets like Common Sense and The Crisis to encourage American independence and resolve. Thomas Paine These are the times that try men’s souls The Crisis Common Sense
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” Albany Plan of Union 25. Ben Franklin wrote the Albany Plan of Union – “Join or Die!” He also signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Energy and persistence conquer all things. He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals. He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today. I am in the prime of senility. Well done is better than well said. Creditors have better memories than debtors. Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 26. Sam Adams, a member of the Sons of Liberty and leader of the Boston Tea Party, stirred public support for American independence. Sons of Liberty
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 27. The fiery orator, patriot and Anti-FederalistPatrick Henrycalled for American independence and later opposed the Constitution because it did not protect individual liberties. Patrick Henry “Give me liberty or give me death!”
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 28.George Washingtonwas the leader of the Continental Army who later became the first President of the United States . George Washington
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 29. A patriot is someone who supported American independence during the Revolution. patriot I’m a Patriot, too! TOUCHDOWN!
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” loyalist 30. A loyalist is someone who supported maintaining British rule over the colonies during the Revolution.
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 31. King George III of England: He offended the colonies with his taxes and abuses of our rights as Englishman. King George III King George III – Statue being pulled down
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 32. The Declaration of Independence - a list of grievances against King George III - was written by Thomas Jefferson-July 4, 1776. It declared the colonies independent from England. Declaration of Independence Dear Georgie, You stink. Love, Tom
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 33. Unalienable rights are rights that cannot be given up, taken away or transferred. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, are some of those rights. Unalienable Rights Arf! I am the King of this kennel, and I will take them If I want! Bark!! Grrrrr… My Rights are God-given, natural rights and you can’t take them from me!! Woof!
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 34. The Articles of Confederation – Our 1st National government with one branch (legislative). The states have most of the power. It would be replaced by the Constitution in 1787. Articles of Confederation • Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation • No executive branch • No levying of taxes • No judicial branch • No regulation of trade
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 35. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 established the procedures for the expansion of the United States and explains that new states are admitted to the Union equal to existing states. Northwest Ordinance Congress appoints governor To rule territory MN With 5,000 free adult males, elect a territorial legislature WI MI 60,000 total free population, write a constitution IL IN OH Congressional approval of Constitution means statehood
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 36. The Treaty of Paris of 1783 ended the American Revolution and forced Britain to recognize the United States as an independent nation. Treaty of Paris of 1783
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” Shays’ Rebellion 37. Shays’ Rebellion highlighted the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation & convinced many Founders of the need for a stronger national government.
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 38. Alexander Hamilton: a leader of the Federalists, first Treasurer of the United States, and creator of the Bank of the U.S. - killed in a duel by the V. P. of the U. S. Alexander Hamilton Elastic Clause
House of Representatives (435) Senate -2 for each state Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” Great Compromise 39. The Great Compromise created a bi-cameral (2 House) Legislature we call Congress. Representation in the House of Representatives: population; the Senate: each state gets 2.
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 40. The Constitution (our written plan of government) - Created: Philadelphia, 1787. Provides a strong national government with power balanced between the 3 branches. Constitution Power Executive Power Power Legislative Judicial
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” I should win “Father of the Year” for this. 41. James Madisonis considered to be the “Father of the Constitution”. Madison #1 Dad! Baby Constitution
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” Separation of Powers 42. Separation of Powers: system in which each branch of government has its own powers. Judicial Executive Legislative Interprets Laws Executes Laws Makes Laws
YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 43. Ratify means to approve by vote. Sweet! Now the Constitution is RATIFIED! Great. Now that we have all signed the Constitution, will the states vote for it?
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 3/4 44. Amend means to change. As in amend the Constitution so it works better. Amendment = change to the Constitution Amend I can amend the Amendments! amend 2/3 Amendment
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 45. The Bill of Rights - 1st ten amendments to the Constitution --designed to protect our individual liberties. Bill of Rights
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 46. The First Amendment • Protects the freedom of… • Religion • Assembly • Press • Petition • Speech
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 47. The 2nd Amen – “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 2nd Amendment
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 47. The 2nd Amendment – “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 2nd Amendment
3rd Amendment Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 48. The 3rd Amendment - "No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law." 3rd Amendment This place looks great!! I think I’ll move in.
Mrs. Klos’s Super 100 Greatest American History Facts Colonization Through the Civil War “It’s cooler than ICE!” 49. Due process – how laws are enforced fairly… For example… Due process 4th Amendment - no illegal search or seizure. 5th Amendment - no self-incrimination, no double jeopardy, and no loss of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. 6th Amendment - the right to a speedy trial, a lawyer, to cross examine witnesses, and the right to force witnesses at a trial to testify. 7th Amendment - the right to a jury trial in civil suits. 8th Amendment - “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”