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The Animal Alphabet . A is for Aardvark. The Aardvark, also called “Earth Pig”, has an average lifespan of 23 years. It is nocturnal Favorite food: Termites It’s thick skin protects from insect bites. The Aardvark can close it’s nostrils when invading termite mounds.
The Aardvark, also called “Earth Pig”, has an average lifespan of 23 years. • It is nocturnal • Favorite food: Termites • It’s thick skin protects from insect bites. • The Aardvark can close it’s nostrils when invading termite mounds. • Average lifespan: 23 years http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/aardvark/?source=A-to-Z
Contains a deadly venom that can be fatal to humans! • The venom attacks the nervous system, the heart and skin cells. The results are shock. If that occurs the person can drown or die of a heart attack. • 6 clusters of eyes on each side(4) of the bell . • - The eyes each contain an iris, lens and cornea. • This organism does not have a nervous system. S • Live mostly in coastal waters off Northern Australia and throughout the Indo-Pacific • Invertebrate • Carnivore • Lifespan: 1 year (picture and information) http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/box-jellyfish/?source=A-to-Z
C is for Chinchilla http://www.google.com/imgres?num=10&um=1&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=639&tbm=isch&tbnid=zqkKCf1s3GfkqM:&imgrefurl=http://www.tallahasseepetconnect.com/blog/2010/07/how-to-get-your-chinchilla-to-trust-you/&docid=WKSNjOjl-j7G8M&imgurl=http://www.tallahasseepetconnect.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/white-chinchilla.jpg&w=300&h=300&ei=L9LwTqbaFcqqgweZ_bT8AQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=492&vpy=164&dur=1618&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=137&ty=139&sig=113542677605471701938&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=122&tbnw=143&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0
Rodent • Originally found in the Andes Mountains in South America. • Odorless • Fur is so dense that people with allergies usually have no problem. • No dander • Social Animals http://www.huggablepets.com/huggablepets/chininfo.shtml
Recognized by it’s single hump. -Can store up to 80 lbs. of fat (meaning that when there is no alimentary source the camel can break down the fat into water and energy.) • Can travel up to 100 desert miles without water. • Herbivore • The Arabian camel has 2 rows of eyelashes to protect their eyes. Their nose also closes to keep sand away. • Thirsty camels can drink up to 30 gallons in 13 minutes. (Picture and Information) http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/dromedary-camel/?source=A-to-Z
Carnivore • Type of weasel • Found in Canada, Europe. Asia and Northern United States. • During winter the Ermine changes colors from brown to white. It’s black tipped tail stays the same. • Haunted by coyotes, foxes and owls. • ENDANGERED! (Picture and information) http://nature.ca/notebooks/english/ermine.htm
Smallest of world’s foxes • Omnivore • Found in Sahara desert in North Africa. • Nocturnal • The Fennec Fox has thick fur that protects it from the hot sand. • It’s large ears (6 inches) radiate body heat and aid in keeping them cool from the intense heat of the Sahara. (picture and information) http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/fennec-fox/?source=A-to-Z
Found in South America • Related to Camels • Guanacos live groups of 10 females, their young and a dominant male adult. • Stand at 3.5-4 feet high • Chulengo= Newborn http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/animals/creaturefeature/guanaco/
Carnivore • Mammal • Hibernate in cold climates. • Their size is relative to a tea cup. • Hedgehogs depend on their sense of smell because their eye sight is weak. • Hedgehogs obtained their name from the “pig-like” grunting sound they emit when hunting for food. (picture and information) http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/hedgehog/?source=A-to-Z
Reptile • Herbivore • Lifespan: 5 years • Can only be found in Galapagos. • Survives on algae and seaweed. • The Marine Iguana has special glands that clean their blood of all the extra salt they ingest. • In order to expel excess salt from the glands near the nose the marine iguanas sneeze frequently. Thus; giving them a white wig on their forehead. (picture and information) http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/reptiles/marine-iguana/?source=A-to-Z
J is Jerboa http://www.itsnature.org/ground/mammals-land/jerboa/
Rodent • Found in North Africa and China • Nocturnal • Solitary http://www.itsnature.org/ground/mammals-land/jerboa/
Mammal • Herbivore • Average lifespan: 20 years • A marsupial (pouched animal) • -female carries baby in pouch for 6 months • Lives in eastern Australia • Can sleep up to 18 hours! • The Koala has a “long gut” which enables it eat the poisonous eucalyptus leaves it so loves. • Since koalas eat twice their weight in eucalyptus, the leaves give them a distinct smell, that of cough drops! (picture and information) http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/koala/?source=A-to-Z
L is for Lionfish http://www.facts-about.org.uk/facts-about-fish.htm
Carnivore • Average lifespan: up to 15 years • Called turkey fish, dragon fish and Scorpion fish. • Native to Indo-Pacific reefs. • It’s needle like dorsal fins contain venom. • Venom can cause nausea and breathing difficulties in humans (rarely fatal). (information) http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/lionfish/?source=A-to-Z
Omnivore • 17 species of Macaws • Average lifespan up to 60 years • Live in the rainforests of Central and South America • Their tongue has a bone inside; which aids them in scrapping up food. • Can mimic human speech. • ENDANGERED (Picture and information) http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/birds/macaw/
Amphibian • Carnivore • Nocturnal • Lives in Europe • Females are larger than males • Lay about 200-300 eggs and only half develop into tadpoles • Size is relative to a tea cup • Average lifespan: up to 25 years • Can regenerate body parts. http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/amphibians/warty-newt/?source=A-to-Z
P is for Platypus (picture and information) http://www.nsf.gov/news/news_images.jsp?cntn_id=111521&org=NSF
Mammals • Males are venomous • Sharp stingers are located at the end of their heels. • When hunting folds cover the eyes and ears to prevent from water entering. The nostrils close to form a watertight seal. • Found in Australia • No teeth (the gravel they ingest helps them “chew”) • Diet consists of larva, shellfish and worms.
Q is for Quagga http://magistream.com/32-guilds-quarter/128171-the-endangered-wildlife-of-the-world.html
EXTINCT • Lived in Africa • Lifespan was about 15 years. • Subspecies of the Burchell zebra • Diet: Herbivore • “ Last known living quagga died August 12, 1883 in the Amsterdam zoo. • Zebra stripes are like human fingerprints, no other zebra has the same stripe pattern. http://www.wildinfo.net/facts/Quagga.asp
White and black Rhinoceros are actually gray. • The only difference between them is their lip shape. -The Black rhino has a pointed upper lip and the white rhino has a squared lip. • Lives in the grassy plains of Africa. • Recognized by its 2 horns. • On the verge of Extinction! (picture and information) http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/white-rhinoceros/
S is for Salamander http://breadandbutterforasmile.blogspot.com/2009/01/ooh-i-want-one.html
Amphibian • Axolotl • The strange appearance of the Mexican Salamander is due to the failure of metamorphosis. • Regenerates body parts. • Eyes are lidless! • Native to Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco(does not exist any more) in Mexico. • Endangered! (Served as food in Mexico!)
V is for Vicuna http://www.squidoo.com/vicunas?utm_source=google&utm_medium=imgres&utm_campaign=framebuster
W is for Water Buffalo http://www.planetware.com/picture/vietnam-a-water-buffalo-in-sapa-vie-vie548.htm
Domestic cattle • Originated in Asia • “Humped Cattle” • Compared to other cattle it is the smallest. • Adopts well to hot/humid cattle. • Resistant to parasites and disease. http://animals-about.blogspot.com/2011/09/zebu.html