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£1 Million

50:50. 15. £1 Million. 14. £500,000. Welcome to… Who Wants to be a Millionaire?. 13. £250,000. 12. £125,000. 11. £64,000. 10. £32,000. 9. £16,000. 8. £8,000. 7. £4,000. 6. £2,000. 5. £1,000. 4. £500. 3. £300. 2. £200. 1. £100. This game is strictly for fun.

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£1 Million

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 50:50 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 Welcome to…Who Wants to be a Millionaire? 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

  2. This game is strictly for fun. No money can be won. Hosted by: Food Technology Department

  3. Play 100 Today’s Game… Food Technology 15 £ 1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 Play for £100 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

  4. 15 Q1 £1 Million 1) What is a symptom of food Poisoning? 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Laughing B:Burping C: Sickness D Constipation

  5. Final Answer? FA1 YES NO

  6. Final Answer? FAW1 YES NO

  7. P 200 WELL DONE YOU HAVE WON £100 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 PLAY FOR £200 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

  8. 15 Q 2 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 2) A high risk product contains a lot of… 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Protein and moisture B:Carbohydrates and moisture C:Protein and sugar D: Fats and vitamins

  9. FA2 Final Answer? YES NO

  10. Final Answer? FAW2 FAW1 YES NO

  11. P 300 WELL DONE YOU HAVE WON £200 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 PLAY FOR £300 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

  12. 15 Q3 £1 Million 14 £500,000 3) Which of these is not a wellknow pathogenic bacteria? 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Salmonella B: Campylobacter C: Staphlococcus aureus D: Trandophospherous

  13. FA3 Final Answer? YES NO

  14. Final Answer? FAW 3 FAW1 YES NO

  15. P 500 WELL DONE YOU HAVE WON £300 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 PLAY FOR £500 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

  16. 15 Q4 £1 Million 4) Which of the following can be frozen successfully in a domestic freezer? 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Strawberries B: lettuce D: whipped cream C: Bread

  17. Final answer 4 Final Answer? FA1 YES NO

  18. Final Answer? FAW 4 FAW1 YES NO

  19. Play £1000 WELL DONE YOU HAVE WON £500 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 PLAY FOR £1000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

  20. 15 Q5 £1 Million • What temperature is a freezer/ fridge at? 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: -20’C/ 6’C B: -18’C/ -2’C C: -18’C/ 0’C D: 29’C/0’C

  21. Final Answer 5 Final Answer? FA1 YES NO

  22. FAW 5 Final Answer? YES NO

  23. Play £2000 WELL DONE YOU HAVE WON £1000 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 PLAY FOR £2000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

  24. 15 Q6 £1 Million 14 £500,000 • At what temperature are bacteria most likely to reproduce? 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A:38’C B: 37’C C: 36’C D: 37’F

  25. Final Answer 6 Final Answer? FA1 YES NO

  26. Final Answer? FAW 6 Final answer wrong 2 YES NO

  27. Play £4000 WELL DONE YOU HAVE WON £2000 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 PLAY FOR £4000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

  28. 15 Question 7 £1 Million 7) Which of the following is not renown for preserving and extending shelf-life? 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Removal of liquid B: Removing a preservative C: Alteration of temperature D: Removal of air

  29. Final Answer 7 Final Answer? FA1 YES NO

  30. Final Answer? FAW 7 Final answer wrong 2 YES NO

  31. Play £8000 WELL DONE YOU HAVE WON £4000 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 PLAY FOR £8000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

  32. 15 Question 8 £1 Million 8) Which shelf should raw meat be stored on? 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Bottom B: Middle C: Top D: In its own fridge

  33. Final answer 8 Final Answer? FA1 YES NO

  34. Final Answer? FAW 8 Final answer wrong 2 YES NO

  35. Play £16000 WELL DONE YOU HAVE WON £8000 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 PLAY FOR £16000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

  36. 15 Question 9 £1 Million 9) When commercially freezing which is not a recognised technique? 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Cryogenic B: Blast C: Plate D: Conveyor belt

  37. Final answer 9 Final Answer? FA1 YES NO

  38. Final Answer? FAW 9 Final answer wrong 2 YES NO

  39. Play £32000 WELL DONE YOU HAVE WON £16000 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 PLAY FOR £32000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

  40. 15 Question 10 £1 Million 10) What temperature should food be reheated to? 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: 63’C B: 82’C C: 72’C D: 100’C

  41. FA 10 Final Answer? Final answer 11 FA1 YES NO

  42. Final Answer? FAW10 Final answer wrong 2 YES NO

  43. Play £64000 WELL DONE YOU HAVE WON £32000 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 PLAY FOR £64000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

  44. 15 Question 11 £1 Million 11) What piece of equipment should be used to check the safety of cooked foods? 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Temperature probe B: Microwave C: Sanitation wipes D: Toffee thermometer

  45. Final answer 11 Final Answer? FA1 YES NO

  46. FAW 11 Final Answer? Final answer wrong 2 YES NO

  47. Play £125000 WELL DONE YOU HAVE WON £64000 15 £1 Million 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 PLAY FOR £125000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

  48. 15 Question 12 £1 Million 12) What colour chopping board should fish be cut on? 14 £500,000 13 £250,000 12 £125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Red B: Blue C: White D: Green

  49. Final answer 12 Final Answer? FA1 YES NO

  50. Final Answer? FAW 12 Final answer wrong 2 YES NO

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