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Clean Air for Europe Marion Wichmann-Fiebig European Commission DG Environment, Unit C1

Clean Air for Europe Marion Wichmann-Fiebig European Commission DG Environment, Unit C1. Contents. 1. Major AQ Objectives 2. AQ Policy So Far 3. The CAFE Programme 4. Co-Operation and Stakeholder Involvement 5. Thematic Strategy. 1. Major AQ Objectives (1).

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Clean Air for Europe Marion Wichmann-Fiebig European Commission DG Environment, Unit C1

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  1. Clean Air for Europe Marion Wichmann-Fiebig European Commission DG Environment, Unit C1

  2. Contents 1. Major AQ Objectives 2. AQ Policy So Far 3. The CAFE Programme 4. Co-Operation and Stakeholder Involvement 5. Thematic Strategy

  3. 1. Major AQ Objectives (1) • The pollutants of greatest current concern are particulate matter,ozone and deposition • particulate matter causes premature deaths • there does not appear to be any no-effects threshold • relevant metrics (PM10, PM2.5, number of particles) have yet to be decided

  4. 1. Major AQ Objectives (2) • ozone also effects human health and vegetation • being a secondary pollutant abatement strategies for ozone must address precursors • exceedences of long term objectives must be expected for foreseeable future • via deposition heavy metals may enter the food chain and affect drinking water

  5. 1. Major AQ Objectives (3) • transboundary transport is important for ozone and small PM fractions • local AQ is affected by larger PM fractions and urban ozone plumes • deposition affects the local environment but also has a transboundary character

  6. 2. AQ Policy So Far (1) • Air quality limit or target values • SO2, NOx, PM10, lead • CO, benzene • ozone • National emission ceilings • SO2, NOx, VOC, NH3 • to combat acidification, eutrophication and ozone pollution

  7. 2. AQ Policy So Far (2) • Auto oil programmes • vehicle emission and fuel quality standards • Emission limits and product standards in other sectors • IPPC, LCPs, solvents

  8. 3. The CAFE Programme (1) • Technical Analysis - gathering scientific information • Implementation and review of existing legislation • Effective links with sectoral emission policy • Develop thematic strategy by 2004/5 • Dissemination and policy advice

  9. 3. The CAFE Programme (2) Technical Analysis • indicators and targets based on scientific evidence • emission inventories, AQ assessment, AQ and emission projections, cost-effectiveness studies, integrated assessment modelling • need to strengthen links between policy and research

  10. 3. The CAFE Programme (3) Implementation and Review • in accordance with legal obligations • but also looking beyond established policy Sectoral and Source-specific strategies • LCPs, vehicle emissions, IPPC, VOC/solvents • sectoral integration • two-way information flow with CAFE

  11. 3. The CAFE Programme (4) Strategy development • specific goal to develop thematic strategy by 2004/5 • need to constantly reevaluate priorities and instruments Dissemination • public information is seen as high priority • data and reports accessible via the internet

  12. 4. Co-operation and Stakeholder Involvement (1) UN/ECE - CLRTAP • need for strategic and technical co-operation • input with regard to effects on vegetation • ozone level I/II, deposition WHO • WHO AQ guidelines are fundamental input • agreement on review of guidelines

  13. 4. Co-operation and Stakeholder Involvement (2) Steering Group • Member States, Accession Candidate Countries, NGOs • advice on CAFE strategy Working Groups • Implementation • PM review • Target Setting and Policy Assessment

  14. 5. Thematic Strategy CAFE will lead to thematic strategy in 2004/5 • in-depth review of legislation and policy • public availability of data and indicators • results of analysis on required measures • proposals for new AQ standards and NECs • report on measures to reduce emissions

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