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Comprehensive Development and Assessment of Air Quality Policy Strategies in Europe

This document outlines the detailed workplan for the Clean Air For Europe (CAFE) program, covering aspects such as timeline development, policy assessments, and strategy consultations for air pollution control. It includes targets, policy options, health and ecosystem effects, and collaborations with Member States and industries.

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Comprehensive Development and Assessment of Air Quality Policy Strategies in Europe

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  1. CAFE workplan CAFE WG TS PA 16 June 2004http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/air/cafe/pdf/workplan_part_a.pdf André Zuber European CommissionEnvironment Directorate-GeneralClean Air and Transport Unit

  2. Schematic outline of CAFE timeline DevelopmentCBAframework Technical inputs of abatement potential and costs Accompanying legislation / measures Development of TREMOVE transport model Finalisation of RAINS model development Assessing policies qualitatively and quantitatively Model runs of policy packages Thematic Strategy Consultations with MS qnd industry CAFE Baseline ready & agreed Revised NEC Definition of policy packages Drafting Integrated policy advice and Thematic Strategy Publish CAFE Baseline Advice on health and ecosystems effects Data on NEC, AQ and own studies Input from conferences 2003 2005 2006 2004 WHO summary report

  3. CAFE workplan Preparing the Thematic strategy on air pollution • November CAFE SG advice on policy options • February 2005 CAFE SG integrated policy advice • 1 April 2005 – TS to Commission Interservice Consultation • May 2005 - CAFE SG and information on main policy packages • June 2005 – TS adopted by Commission with proposals for legislation

  4. CAFE workplan WG Target Setting and Policy assessment • September 2004 – first results of RAINS PaM scenarios and further advice from CAFE WG TSPA on PaMs • November 2004 – discussions of results in CAFE WGs and SG. Possibly further advice. • Jan/Feb 2005 – Joint meeting with the WG PM. Discussion of IAM results and further final advice • Mars 2005 Possible WG TS PA final adjustments

  5. CAFE workplan New contracts in 2004 • Analysis and design of local air quality measurements • NEC review • Analysis of synergies between air pollution and climate change policies + Review of CBA methodology • Optimal control areas for eutrophication, acidification and tropospheric ozone in the enlarged EU • Adaptation of target load functions for RAINS • Technical support for development of Euro5 and 6

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