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Dr Roberta Neault, Dr. Nancy Arthur, Dr . Mary McMahon, & Dr. Dave Redekopp

Thoughts on Theories: Conceptualizing Cultural Complexity, Systemic Influences, and Career Engagement. Panel Presentation. Dr Roberta Neault, Dr. Nancy Arthur, Dr . Mary McMahon, & Dr. Dave Redekopp. Agenda. Setting the Scene. Theories & Models. Guiding frameworks for

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Dr Roberta Neault, Dr. Nancy Arthur, Dr . Mary McMahon, & Dr. Dave Redekopp

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Thoughts on Theories: Conceptualizing Cultural Complexity, Systemic Influences, and Career Engagement Panel Presentation Dr Roberta Neault, Dr. Nancy Arthur, Dr. Mary McMahon, &Dr. Dave Redekopp

  2. Agenda

  3. Setting the Scene

  4. Theories& Models • Guiding frameworks for • case conceptualization • Common language for • career discussions Source: http://www.crea-soft.com/online-jigsaw-puzzle/jigsaw-puzzles-sunset_s_1.html

  5. JEC Special Edition

  6. Themes

  7. Contributors Career Engagement Culture-Infused Career Counselling • Spencer Niles • Roberta Neault • Nancy Schlossberg Coherent Career Practice • Kris Magnusson • Nancy Arthur • Jim Bright • Dave Redekopp • Sandra Collins • Robert Pryor Systems Theory Framework • Frederick Leong • Mark Savickas • Sunny Hansen • Mark Pope • Norm Amundson • Mary McMahon • John Krumboltz • Deirdre Pickerell

  8. Culture-Infused Career Counselling Dr. Nancy Arthur University of Calgary, Faculty of Education, Professor

  9. Coherent Career Practice Dr. Dave Redekopp Life-Role Development Group Ltd., President

  10. Systems Theory Framework Dr. Mary McMahon The University of Queensland, School of Education, Senior Lecturer

  11. Career Engagement Dr. Roberta Neault President, Life Strategies Ltd. Associate Dean, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Yorkville University

  12. The Current Context 83% of employers believe career management plays a critical role in the achievement of business objectives 50% of employers indicate a desire to invest in career management Average boomer has held 10.5 jobs • 30% of workers leave jobs • because they don’t feel challenged/ • don’t expect career growth 7-9 career changes expected in a lifetime 80% of employers believe a lack of career development opportunities was the primary reason for voluntary employee departures

  13. Pickerell, 2009

  14. Career Engagement Career Engagement is the current emotional and cognitive connection to one’s career. It is a state in which one is focused, energized, and able to derive pleasure from life’s activities. It is realized through the dynamic interaction of challenge and capacity.

  15. Two Routes to Disengagement

  16. Research Overview

  17. Measuring Career Engagement

  18. Something to think about . . . • Optimism biggest predictor of career success / job satisfaction (Neault, 2000) • Yet, 72% of BC respondents are not optimistic about career opportunities

  19. 10 Ways to Maximize Engagement

  20. Question & Answers

  21. For more information see Journal of Employment Counseling, 48(4) (December 2011) Thank You

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