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Dyslexia ;

Dyslexia is something like swimming with your clothes , it is very difficult but not imposible . Sometimes it may seem you are going to drown but once you learn to handle the situation , you will feel safe and comfortable . -- One description of a dyslexic --. Dyslexia ;

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Dyslexia ;

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  1. Dyslexia is somethinglikeswimmingwithyourclothes, it is verydifficult but not imposible. Sometimes it mayseemyouaregoingtodrown but onceyoulearntohandlethesituation, youwillfeelsafeandcomfortable. -- Onedescription of a dyslexic -- Dyslexia; “Onehavingsignificantdifferencebetweenmentalcapacityandoneormore of thesimpleexpressionmethodslike oral expression, writtenexpression, listeningcomprehension, readingcomprehension, basicreadingskillsormathematicaloperations.” Leonardo da Vinci Winston Churchill Alexander GrahamBell Thomas Edison Spielberg Albert Einstein Henry Ford George Patton Paul Ehrlich

  2. Forthe main project of ourclup, Dyslexia; wehavereceivedtheGovernorshipsverbalconformation: wehaveplannedtosign a protokol with İzmir Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü on July 1, to organize seminarsandpanels in Elementaryschoolsandmakeprojectstoinformparentsandeducators. IntheRotaryHealth Festival wehaveestablishedourDyslexiastandanddistributeourbrochuresandweinformourparticipants.

  3. Forthefirstorganization of DyslexiaAwarenessWeekwehave set as thedates as November 1 and 7 whereIzmirselected as the pilot region. WeorganizedDyslexiaAwarenessWalkwhichwill be on November 2, as part of DyslexiaAwarenessWeek.

  4. Our Disleksinedir.org website is accessible. On November 13 wehaveparticipated Söz Hakkı programmethat is preparedandpresentedbyRtn Cüneyt Tuğrul for Yeni AsirTvandwhereweexplainedaboutourprojects on Dyslexia. On December 7, withthesponsorship of Karaca Cinema, wehavebroadcastedthemovie “Like A Star On Earth” describing a dyslexicchild's life free of chargeandfrom time to time wewillkeepbroadcastingthemovie.

  5. withthepartnership of Bostanlı and Karşıyaka RotaryClubsWehavesponsoredthe “Being a Refugeefrom a RefugeesEye” photoexhibition in Çiğli Municipalityexhibitionhallforoneweek.

  6. Our Club havestartedMarrowDonorCampaign, withpartnership of theHappy Call Project Volunteers, Bostanlı andKarşiyakaRotary Club. IntheHealth festival wehaveopened a standand set outpostersandbannershandoutbrochuresforexplainingthedetails of being a MarrowDonor. Purplebloodtubeswerecappedandwiththecontributions of RedCrescent 20 peopleweremademarrowdonorduringtheHealth Festival. Also a standwas set fortherecognition of theCeliacDiseasewiththehelp of Bostanlı andKarşiyakaRotaryClubs in theHealth festival. .

  7. Artizan School theaterwasexhibitedto 3 differentnursinghomeresidentswiththeassociate of Bostanlı andKarşiyakaRotaryClubs. .

  8. On July 29 feastwehavevisitedthe Turgutlu nursinghome. Wehavegivenrosarytogentelmanandfortheladies; wehavegiftedthemscarfsandwedyedtheirhair.

  9. Wearestillhelpingthechildrenandtheirfamilies in Behçet Uz Children'sHospital, on matterialslikehygienesupplies, banana, toysandclothingduringtheirstay. Theprojectwasstartedlasttermwewillcontinueourassistancethisyear. Ourmemberswenttothehospital on Wednesdaysforthestayingchildrentohaveenjoyable time tosupportHappy Call Project volunteer. Christmaspartywe had organizedwiththe in partnership of Bostanlı and Karşıyaka Rotary Club andwehavegivengiftstochildrenwhoarestaying in oncology.

  10. The web site preparedtoraiseawarenessforPolio; cocukfelcineson.org is on airwiththepartnership of Bostanlı and Karşıyaka Rotary Club

  11. Prof.Dr. Ergun Aybars joinedourmeeting of the 5th Rotary Club GroupJointwith his historicspeech 20. Century TurkeyFromMonarchytoRepublic.

  12. Dr. Ersin Kalaycıoğlu spoke on RepresentativeDemocracy in ourmeetingthatwe had organizedwithourpartners Güzelyalı, Kordon and Alsancak Clubs.

  13. Inthescope of RotaryForestproject, as income-generatingactivitytodonateseedlings, wepreparedbookmarksfromseedpaperandwesoldthemwiththecontribution of ourspouses. Achievedrevenueswill be donatedtotheAegeanForest Foundation. Ourgoal is tocomplete 500 saplingsuntilMarch.

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