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Mastering Exercise Adherence for Optimal Health and Performance

Explore strategies for staying motivated and setting achievable goals in physical activity to maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve performance. Understand the importance of adherence and ways to overcome obstacles in exercise programs.

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Mastering Exercise Adherence for Optimal Health and Performance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. • Exercise and Physical Activity are essential for developing performance and a healthy lifestyle. People are usually familiar with the Physical, Social and Mental benefits of exercise, yet nearly 50% of those who begin exercises and activity programmes drop out in the first few months. Lack of time, expense, inconvenience, exercise intensity, poor instruction, embarrassment and physical discomfort, inadequate support and a loss on interest are some of the reasons given for dropping out of exercise programmes and physical activity. UNIT 1 - Information

  2. • There are many strategies which can be used to develop the habit of exercise. These are called ADHERENCE STRATEGIES. ADHERENCE STRATEGIES are loosely linked with being motivated and having goals UNIT 1 - Information GCSE Physical Education

  3. UNIT 1 - Information Set realistic, measurable goals (performance + outcome) Make a plan Train to music Convenience - fitting in exercise Keep a diary Be committed to the cause Establish a time frame Use electronic monitoring Short and snappy training Location gym/ home Re-evaluate plans if not achievable Establish social support/ friends/ family Use utilitarian exercising ADHERENCE STRATEGIES Monitor progress (feedback assistance and motivation) Share goals Set a routine Use fitness testing Use competition Choose an activity you like Manage time Have back up plans Learn a new activity – presents a challenge Set goals which are achievable Begin with easy tasks Correct facilities -affordable Set intensity and duration of exercise to suit purpose Have fun Safe facilities

  4. Discussion on Adherence Strategies Establish a SPIDER DIAGRAM based initially on pupils’ responses Ask the group to prioritise and justify the strategies, as this furthers the debate Extend the discussion to include MOTIVATION and GOAL SETTING UNIT 1 – Practical Application

  5. • Motivation • Goal-setting • Health benefits of exercise UNIT 1 - Links

  6. List 5 Adherence Strategies and explain how you have used them to maintain involvement in physical activity. What role does adherence have in following an active, healthy lifestyle? Discuss the main reasons for ‘dropping out’ of exercise programmes and physical activity. UNIT 1 - Activity


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