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2-comp Waterborne. ABB Robotics Robots. Sweden, Västerås China, Shanghai. Paint system : Standard Fontecoat EP 50 1x100 µm TF27 Food industry Temasolid SC 60 1x100 µm TP96. What are the customer benefits ? Outstanding water borne paint system
ABB Robotics Robots Sweden, Västerås China, Shanghai Paintsystem: Standard Fontecoat EP 50 1x100 µm TF27 Food industry Temasolid SC 60 1x100 µm TP96 • Whatare the customerbenefits? • Outstandingwaterbornepaintsystem • Tikkurila´ssystemshasbeentested and acceptedby ABB research
ABB RobotTvättning o slipning • Standard Fontecoat EP 50 ettskikt 100µm dft • Foundry Temacoat RM 40 tvåskikt 2 x 100 µm dft minimum • ElektronikTemadur 20+Temadur 90+Temadur Clear • LivsmedelTemasolid SC 60 vitettskikt 100µm dft
Sweden, Ludvika Spain, Bilbao China, Finland, Wasa ABB Transformer Transformers Paint system: Fontecoat EP 50 1x100 µm C3 Fontedur HB 80 1x60 µm Fontezinc 85 1x40 µm C4 Fontecoat EP 50 1x140 µm Fontedur HB 80 1x60 µm Temazinc 99 1x60 µm C5-M Fontecoat EP 50 2x80 µm Fontedur HB 80 1x60 µm • Whatare the customerbenefits? • Waterbornesystem • Extensivelytestedsystems • Developedtogetherwith ABB Transformers
ABB TransformerGrov Grit Sa 2½ extremt bra blästring, kontroll • Fontecoat EP 50 1x100 µm C3 • Fontedur HB 80 1x60 µm • Fontezinc 85 1x40 µm C4 Standard • Fontecoat EP 50 1x140 µm • Fontedur HB 80 1x60 µm • Temazinc 99 1x60 µm C5-M NORSOK • Fontecoat EP 50 2x80 µm • Fontedur HB 80 1x60 µm • InvändigtFontecoat DF Isblå 1x60 µm
BAE Systems Hägglund Army vehicles Sweden, Örnsköldsvik Paint system: Temazinc 99 1x40 µm Fontecoat EP 50 80-160 µm Fontedur FSD 1x40 µm • Whatare the customerbenefits? • Thishybridsystemhasoutstandingperformance in real life • Heavilytestedsystem for severeenvironments
Bae-System • GritSa 2½ • Temazinc 99 40 µm • Fontecoat EP 50 80 µm • Fontedur FSD utsidan 60 µm • Alltsomintegårattblästra • Temanyl PVB 20µm • Fontecoat EP 50 80 µm • Fontedur HB 80 Vitinsidan 60 µm
CARGOTEC Kalmar Industry Fontezinc 85Fontecoat EP 50 BeigeFontedurHB 80 Vattenburen PU Carc
CargotecKalmar IndGrov Grit Sa 2½ extremt bra blästring • Standard Red, Black o allaRalkulörer • Fontecoat EP 50 Pink 100µm • Fontedur HB 80 Kalmar Red o övriga 60µm • Fontecoat EP 50 Beige 100µm • Fontedur HB 80 allagula o vita 60µm • Fontezinc 85 40µm • Fontecoat EP 50 Pink o Beige 100µm • Fontedur HB 80 Kalmar Red 60µm
Alfa LavalHeat ExchangerShot Blästring Sa2½Fontecoat SC 80 120µm
ABB Motors & MachineTvättning o slipningFontecoat EP 50 100µm
Fontezinc 85 15-25µm +Powder AMTROL Portugal
Rapala Lures Finland Paint system: Fonteplas RM Clear FontedurClear • Whatare the customerbenefits? • Verygoodtestresults • Tikkurila is a localsupplierwithgoodrelationships
Ragasco Composit • Fontedur Clear • 30.000 liter
Fonthetherm ST 35 • Klokkerholm AS Corrosion parts Corrosion parts is designed to exchange the parts whichtypicallycorodes on the car.Thismeans that the repair shop instead of buying the complete rear wing, whichoften is a completeside for the car, canbuy the wheelarch or sill which is coroded.Klokkerholm delivers a widerange in these parts.
Junttan Hydraulicpilingequipment, Finland Paint system: Temazinc 77 1x30µm Temasolid SC-F 1x120µm • Whatare the customerbenefits? • Fastpainting and dryingprocess • LowVOC-content • Fastproductioncycle
Europress Group Oy Waste handlingmachinery Finland, Kerava Paintsystem: TP96 Temasolid SC 60 1x90 or 120 µm • Whatare the customerbenefits? • Onlyoneproduct • Fastpainting and dryingprocess • LowVOC-content • Beautifull and in the sametimeveryprotective single coatsystem
Drivex Shovels Sweden, Edsbyn Paint system: Temasolid SC-F 80 1x120µm • Whatare the customerbenefits? • Moderntintableproduct • Fastpainting and dryingprocess • LowVOC-content • Fastproductioncycle • Increaseprofitability for the customer
Dynapac Temanyl PVB 20µmTemadur SC-F 80 100µm TikkurilaCoatings.ppt
Dynapac • Grit blästring Sa 2½ • Temadur SC-F 80 100-120µm • Shot blästring Sa 2½ elleringenblästring • Temanyl PVB 20µm • Temadur SC-F 80 100µm
Volvo CE Shot blästring Sa 2½ kontrollDuasolid 50 100-120µm TikkurilaCoatings.ppt
Kone CraneSa2½Temadur 20 80µmTemadur 90 60µm TikkurilaCoatings.ppt
Svetruck Temanyl PVB 20µmDuasolid 50 100µm TikkurilaCoatings.ppt
LjungbymaskinShot blästring Sa ½Temanyl PVB 20µmTemadur 20 80µmTemadur 90 40µm . TikkurilaCoatings.ppt
Xylem ITT-Fygt Shot blästringFontecryl AP 40µm Duasolid50 100µm TikkurilaCoatings.ppt
ValtraTemadur 20 & Temadur Clear TikkurilaCoatings.ppt
John DeerTemadur SC 50 TikkurilaCoatings.ppt