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National Component, PSAC Renewal Process, Phase II Summary presented to NE, January 2011

National Component, PSAC Renewal Process, Phase II Summary presented to NE, January 2011. National Component Joint Committee members: Eddie Kennedy Jim McDonald Susan Phillips Franco Picciano Christine Sanders Mary Anne Walker. JC’s Mandate.

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National Component, PSAC Renewal Process, Phase II Summary presented to NE, January 2011

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  1. National Component, PSAC Renewal Process, Phase II Summary presented to NE, January 2011 National Component Joint Committee members: Eddie Kennedy Jim McDonald Susan Phillips Franco Picciano Christine Sanders Mary Anne Walker

  2. JC’s Mandate The National Executive extends the mandate of the Joint Committee to the end of January 2011 in order to: • Complete the Blended Operational Model. • Produce all subsequent implementation plans that further address gaps identified in the Convergence report. • Carry on additional work and training dealing with conflict management, conflict resolution and systemic issues that lead to conflict. • Develop evaluation plan for work accomplished by the Joint Committee. • Undertake other activities as directed by the National Executive. As adopted by NE on January 22, 2010

  3. Project Management • Human resources: • 2 Elected officials: Eddie Kennedy & Mary Anne Walker • 2 Management representatives: Susan Phillips & Franco Picciano • 2 Staff representatives: Jim McDonald & Christine Sanders • 1 Consultant: Chantal Cholette, Convergence • JC Meetings: • Phase I - March 2009 to January 2010: 19 meetings • Phase II - February 2010 to January 2011: 12 meetings • Consultations : • Total 17 consultations and 3 presentations

  4. JC Consultations

  5. Looking back on Phase I

  6. Phase I Anticipated Outcomes One result was identified for each area of focus: • Process: The Joint Committee has established an action framework for organizational change. • Conflict: The National Executive, staff and management have the mechanisms and tools to restore healthy work relations.

  7. Phase I Anticipated Outcomes (continued) • Foundations: The National Executive, staff and management share a common understanding of the goal of the organizational changes, mission, organizational values and service delivery model. • Communications: National Component constituencies are informed of the organizational changes and are equipped to engage in the changes.

  8. What actually happened

  9. Phase I 1. Process JC developed & implemented: • Phase I plan • Buy-in process • JC Terms of Reference Accomplishments (Deliverables)

  10. Phase I 2. Conflict • Provided introductory conflict resolution training to staff, management, elected officials including Human Rights representatives • Provided coaching services to management and intervention services to staff • Developed a draft ICMS Policy • Developed a draft Harassment Policy Accomplishments

  11. Phase I 3. Foundations • Clarified NC’s mission • Developed NC’s organizational values • Determined NC’s vision • Developed NC’s operating model, formerly called the service delivery model Accomplishments

  12. Phase I 4. Communications JC developed a communications strategy around NC Renewal Process that included: • Monthly E-Zine • Monthly staff meetings • Monthly “Wear a Union Slogan Day” • “Make it Better Box” (physical & electronic) Accomplishments

  13. Phase I 4. Communications • OD Relay Team • Consultations with staff and elected officials: NC’smission, vision & values • Consultations with staff, elected officials and locals: NC’s operating model • Tangible communication tools Accomplishments

  14. Lessons Learned • Healthy organization = 360 degree global perspective • Modeling behavioural change is a challenge • Change is learning to be/act differently and requires to step out of one’s comfort zone

  15. Lessons Learned 4. Great value in on-going self diagnosis 5. Importance of: • Thoroughly scoping a project • Balancing time constraints & meeting deadlines (continued)

  16. Questions & Comments

  17. Phase II Outcomes

  18. Phase II Areas of focus

  19. Phase II 1. Process: The Joint Committee has the tools to supervise and evaluate the National Component’s organizational capacity building framework 2. Frameworks: The National Component has the required policies, mechanisms and tools to carry out its mandate Anticipated outcomes

  20. Phase II 3. Human Resources & Teambuilding: The National Component has enhanced human resources management and support mechanisms 4. Capacity Building: The National Component has strengthened human resources capacities Anticipated outcomes

  21. Phase II 5. Communications: National Component stakeholders communicate more effectively internally and externally Anticipated outcomes

  22. Where things stand

  23. 1. Process JC has developed: • Phase II overall plan • Draft Evaluation framework • Developed NC Ground Rules for Respectful Meetings

  24. 2. Frameworks JC has identified 7 key policies to develop:

  25. Other Areas of Focus JC has identified 5 key activities to organize:

  26. Process: Developing Policies and Specific Activities • Leads identified • Lead’s responsibilities: • Work done in consultation; • Deliverables respond to needs; • End product delivered on time. 3. JC link assigned to each project

  27. Identified Leads 7 Key policies

  28. Identified Leads (continued) 5 Key activities

  29. How will plans unfold Example: Communications Policy Plan • Abstract • Key considerations: • Input from members • Support & input Communications Committee • Policy will reflect & refer to National Component Web Strategy and National Component Social Media Strategy

  30. Communications Policy Plan

  31. Questions & Comments

  32. Environmental Scan The concepts

  33. SWOT Analysis

  34. NC’s Environmental Scan NE Consultation

  35. NC’s SWOT Analysis Brainstorming Session

  36. NC’s Environmental Scan • Incorporate the information gathered today in a dynamic SWOT document • Consult staff: January 2011 all staff meeting • Incorporate staff consultation results in SWOT document • Final SWOT Analysis distributed to elected officials & staff: February 2011 Next steps

  37. Questions & Comments

  38. Keep in touch: jointcommittee@national-component.org Eddie Kennedy Jim McDonald Susan Phillips Franco Picciano Christine Sanders Mary Anne Walker

  39. JC Recommendation to NE That the National Executive extend the mandate of the Joint Committee to the end of January 2012 in order to: • Recommend to the National President the appropriate standing committees and / or individuals to produce and implement each renewal process plan to operationalize the National Component’s Operating Model. • Carry on additional work and training in the areas of dealing with and resolving conflict. • Coordinate global NC Renewal Process. • Implement the evaluation plan for work accomplished by the Joint Committee. • Undertake other activities as directed by the National Executive.

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