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Recent results from lattice calculations. Shoji Hashimoto (KEK) Aug. 20 @ ICHEP 2004, Beijing. 30 years of lattice QCD. K. Wilson (1974). QCD potential. QCD coupling const. Phase transition. Flavor physics. Hadron spectrum. Dynamical fermions. Lattice 2004.
Recent results from lattice calculations Shoji Hashimoto (KEK) Aug. 20 @ ICHEP 2004, Beijing
30 years of lattice QCD K. Wilson (1974) QCD potential QCD coupling const Phase transition Flavor physics Hadron spectrum Dynamical fermions
Lattice 2004 • Jun 21-26 @ Fermilab; 22nd in the series • 20 plenary talks; 216 parallel/posters Lattice talks at ICHEP 04 • Kaneko, unquenched mini-review • Hatsuda, review of hot and dense QCD • Di Giacomo, chiral phase transition in Nf=2 • Mescia, Kl3 form factor for Vus; B_K in Nf=2 • Tomboulis, RG in SU(N) LGT • Hari Dass, teraflop cluster in India
Topics to be covered • Flavor physics related quantities, responsible for • More fundamental questions: • Requirements for unquenched lattice simulations • Fundamental parameters of QCD Lattice QCD at the frontier of elementary particles
Plan of this talk • Issues in recent QCD simulations • Chiral extrapolation, fermion formulations… • Fundamental parameters • QCD coupling constant, quark masses • Kaon physics • Kaon B parameter • Heavy quarks • Decay constants, form factors…
1. Issues in recent lattice QCD simulations ― dynamical fermions, chiral extrapolation, fermion formulation
Non-perturbative definition of QCD Monte Carlo simulation is possible. “First principles” calculation, but with approximations: finite a finite L large mq need extrapolations; source of systematic errors. Lattice QCD lattice size L ~2-3 fm gauge field quark field lattice spacing a ~ 0.1-0.2 fm
Dynamical fermions • Calculating the fermion determinant = numerically very hard. Quenched: neglect it Unquenched: include it • How hard it is depends on the fermion formulation on the lattice.
Chiral extrapolation • Lattice simulation is limited in a heavier quark mass region mq~(0.5-1)ms. pion decay constant JLQCD (2002) Nf=2 ChPT predicts the chiral log near the chiral limit. with a fixed coefficient. chiral log MILC (2004) Nf=2+1 Staggered simulation can push the quark mass much lower.
“Lattice QCD confronts experiment” HPQCD, MILC, UKQCD, Fermilab (2003) “Gold-plated lattice observables agree with experiments within a few %.” “Only with 2+1 flavors.” PRL92, 022001 (2004) Is everything okay?
Locality/Universality Fourth-root trick: 4 tastes (unwanted) no doubling Can it be written as a local field theory? =? Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the theory is renormalizable as a quantum field theory, i.e. continuum limit is the QCD. is non-local: Bunk et al, hep-lat/0403022; Hart, Muller, hep-lat/0406030.
Issue still controversial “We believe that existing staggered quark results make it unlikely that there are fundamental problems with the formalism we are using.” ― HPQCD, MILC, UKQCD There are many other sensible people who cannot simply believe without a theoretical proof. Open question = project out a single taste from the staggered operator (possible?) and see if it is local. Positive indication from eigenvalue distribution: Follana et al, hep-lat/0406010; Durr et al, hep-lat/0406027
Major unquenched simulations Here, let us assume that the fourth-rooted staggered fermion is a correct (or at least effective) description of QCD. Current major unquenched simulations include • Wilson, O(a)-improved Wilson • Nf=2: CP-PACS, JLQCD, QCDSF, UKQCD, qq+q, SPQcdR • Nf=2+1: CP-PACS/JLQCD • Staggered • Nf=2 and 2+1: MILC • Domain-wall • Nf=2: RBC Some recent results …
2. Fundamental parameters ― QCD coupling constant, quark masses
QCD coupling constant PDG 2004 perturbation theory known to 3-loop • From lattice simulation: • scale q* from Upsilon spectrum (less sensitive to chiral extrap, volume effect, etc.) • coupling constant αV from short distance observables; perturbative expansion. HPQCD (2003) Nf=2+1
Updates at Lattice 2004 • QCDSF-UKQCD (Horsley et al.) • O(a)-improved Wilson fermion • finer lattice added, aid the continuum limit. Result unchanged. • HPQCD (Mason et al.) • improved staggered (MILC) • 3-loop calculation! error reduced by a factor of 2. preliminary The disagreement with the Wilson-type fermion is not well understood.
Light quark masses PDG 2004 One-loop perturbation, or partly non-perturvative Lattice simulation Input from mπ and mK. is sensitive to chiral extrap. ms is less. Some of these are from lattice.
Strange quark mass • ms becomes lower by the sea quark effects (CP-PACS, JLQCD, Nf=2) • Systematic error due to perturbative matching could be larger: QCDSF-UKQCD (2004), VWI with non-perturbative renorm, error stat only • Update in 2004: Nf = 2+1 data • HPQCD-MILC-UKQCD • CP-PACS/JLQCD My average: Lower end of the PDG band
Quark mass ratio : NLO ChPT with EM corrections subtracted. • Update 2004: • HPQCD-MILC-UKQCD • staggered Nf=2+1 • consistent analysis including NLO ChPT • higher order terms are also included. The result suggests significant NNLO contributions.
Not too heavy = brute force continuum limit is possible. 2002~2003: Continuum limit with non-perturbative matching (quenched) Update 2004:UKQCD, Nf=2 at a fixed lattice spacing, preliminary result Charm quark mass My recommendation: c.f. BaBar inclusive Vcb analysis:
Bottom quark mass Too heavy to proceed with the brute force. • Use HQET, matching to continuum with non-perturbative or higher order PT • Update 2004 Di Renzo-Scorzato NNNLO matching • 1/m correction is missing ~ 30 MeV. My recommendation: c.f. BaBar inclusive Vcb analysis:
3. Kaon physics ― Kaon decay constant, form factors, B parameter
|Vus| the Cabibbo angle • Precisely determined through • Theoretical input is the form factor which is 1 in the SU(3) limit. • Previous estimate (Leutwyler-Roos 1984, 20 years ago!) includes model dependence at First lattice calculation: Becirevic et al., hep-lat/0403217 • quenched • measures the SU(3) breaking using clever double ratios as in |Vcb| by Fermilab • Result • consistent with Leutwyler-Roos0.961(8)
Leptonic decay for |Vus| • can be used to determine |Vus|, once fK is known from lattice (Marciano, hep-ph/0402299) • use the MILC result Nf=2+1 hep-lat/0407028 The accuracy is now competing with the semi-leptonic determination.
Kaon B parameter • Need chiral symmetry to avoid mixing of wrong chirality operators. • Previous world average: • Unchanged since 1997 (central value from JLQCD staggered) • 2nd error from quenching ~ 15% (Sharpe 1996)
Quenched BK: recent results • Improved staggered: Lee-Sharpe (2003), Gamiz et al. at Lattice 2004. • Domain wall: CP-PACS (2001), RBC (2002), RBC at Lattice 2004. • Overlap: DeGrand (2003), Garron et al. (2003). • Wilson, w/o subtraction: SPQcdR (2004). • Chirally twisted mass: ALPHA at Lattice 2004. Much better scaling; non-perturbative renorm. My average (quenched):
Dynamical quark effect was not clearly seenbefore (Ishizuka et al. (1993), Kilcup (1993), Lee-Klomfass (1996), Kilcup et al. (1996)) Reduce by a few % (Soni, 1995) Increase by 5±15% (Sharpe, 1998) Maybe, because the unimproved staggered quark has too large scaling violation. New results in 2004 Flynn et al. (UKQCD), O(a)-improved Wilson fermion, Nf=2,hep-lat/0406013 RBC, dynamical domain-wall fermion, Nf=2, at Lattice 2004 Gamiz et al. (UKQCD), improved staggered, on MILC config, at Lattice 2004(too early to quote numbers; expect results in near future) Quenching effect on BK?
RBC (2004), preliminary Sea quark mass dependence is seen. BK is lower in the chiral limit. SU(3) breaking (md≠ms) effect -3%. Unquenched BK My average: • Central value is from quenched, as the RBC work is still preliminary; second error represents quenching effect • cf. the previous number 0.63(4)(9)
4. Heavy quarks ― Decay constants, B parameters, form factors
D(s) meson decays • CLEO-c and BESIII promise to measure the D(s) decays at a few % accuracy. • Provides a stringent check/calibration of lattice method for B physics • Leptonic decays • Semi-leptonic decays • Decay constants; form factors • Determination of |Vcs|, |Vcd| • Provides input for the corresponding B meson form factor analysis.
D meson decay constants Recent developments • Better control of systematic error in quenched QCD (ALPHA (2003), de Divitiis et al. (2003)) • Nf=2+1 calculation • Wingate et al. (2003) • MILC at Lattice 2004. • Fermilab-MILC-HPQCD at Lattice 2004. preliminary
Semi-leptonic D decays Form factors New Nf=2+1 calculation by Fermilab-MILC at Lattice 2004. • Staggered light, clover heavy • Dominant syst error from heavy quark discretization (~7%) preliminary
Competing with CLEO-c in precision? Error estimates for fD: Simone (Fermilab) at Lattice 2004 Statistics + smaller sea quark mass Discretization error; finer lattice Machine power Perturbative matching of heavy quark action 5% accuracy is within reach in a few years; 1-2% is more challenging. Need 2-loop calc.
Lattice QCD is the prime tool to calculate them. Long history since ~ 1990 Heavy quark is involved; HQET is useful. Unquenching! B meson mixing • Decay constant fB • B parameter BB • SU(3) breaking parameter ξ
Improved precision in quenched QCD by continuum extrapolation(de Divitiis et al. (2003), ALPHA (2003)) JLQCD (2003), Nf=2, O(a)-improved, high statistics Wingate et al. (2003), Nf=2+1, staggered sea MILC at Lattice 2004, Nf=2+1, not shown Without chiral extrap: fBs 1.5σ disagreement: not yet understood; effect of +1 flavor is not likely (sea quark mass dependence is small). My estimate:
Need to include the effect of pion loops (chiral log) Chiral extrapolation: fB JLQCD (2003), Nf=2 • HPQCD, Nf=2+1, staggered sea, • at Lattice 2004 • Chiral log is seen; consistent • with the estimate of JLQCD My estimate:
Grinstein ratio More controlled chiral extrapolation for ratios Becirevic et al. (2003) • Chiral log partially cancels. • Unquenched analysis to be done.. JLQCD (2003), Nf=2, uses the Grinstein ratio. JLQCD preliminary (2003): • Chiral log cancels at LO • Take advantage of expected CLEO-c data
BB is less problematic. B parameter • Coefficient of the chiral log term is small: • (1-3g2) ~ -0.05. • Lattice data are consistent with a constant. JLQCD (2003), Nf=2
Semi-leptonic B decays • for the |Vub| determination; form factors • lattice calculation is feasible at the large q2 region • First Nf=2+1 calc this year both on the MILC conf, different heavy quark formulations No significant effect of quenching; chiral log not yet studied. Fermilab (2004) HPQCD (2004)
CLEO analysis (2003): use the exp data above q2 > 16 GeV2 and input lattice form factor averaged over four quenched lattice calc. |Vub| determination CLEO (2003) New Belle measurement (140 fb-1): expect O(x10) statistics in near future with unquenched lattice calculation
Zero recoil form factors of Precise calculation is possible using clever ratios Fermilab (1999,2001), Nf=0 Heavy-to-heavy for |Vcb| No significant effect of quenching Update by the Fermilab group at Lattice 2004, Nf=2+1 preliminary
Change in the input parameters: BK: 0.86(6)(14) → 0.81(6)(+0-13) fBs√BBs (MeV): 276(38) → 262(35) ξ: 1.24(4)(6) → 1.22(+5-6) Plots provided by the UTfit collaboration (Pierini). Implication for the CKM fit εK band becomes slightly narrower. Sea quark effect is being included.
Assuming the Unitarity… Put a constraint on these hadronic parameters from the UTfit with other inputs.
Spectrum, both light and heavy Exotics including pentaquarks decays: ΔI=1/2 rule, ε’/ε Hadronic decays including DsJ Nucleon decay matrix elements Details of the lattice methods; heavy quark formulation, etc. epsilon-regime of QCD; determination of low energy constants appearing in the ChPT. Other theoretical developments Topics not covered
Summary Previous quenching errors are now being eliminated by real simulations. • Many interesting physics results from the staggered Nf=2+1 simulation have appeared; chiral regime is reachable and the extrapolation is under good control. • There is a risk of being irrelevant to QCD. (the fourth-root trick = locality?) • Results with other (more robust) fermion formulations will follow especially using new generation machines.
We are very close to the first-principles simulation of QCD. Through the flavor physics, lattice QCD can put constraints on the SM, and thus contribute to the search for new physics.
Thanks to • I. Allison, Y. Aoki, C. Bernard, N. Christ, C. Dawson, J. Flynn, E. Gamiz, A. Gray, R. Horsley, T. Iijima, T. Izubuchi, T. Kaneko, Y. Kayaba, A. Kronfeld, J. Laiho, C.-J. D. Lin, Q. Mason, C. Maynard, F. Mescia, J. Noaki, M. Okamoto, T. Onogi, C. Pena, M. Pierini, G. Schierholz, J. Shigemitsu, J. Simone, A. Soni, A. Stocchi, S. Tamhankar, Y. Taniguchi, N. Tsutsui, M. Wingate, H. Wittig, N. Yamada. • members of the CP-PACS/JLQCD collaborations • the organizers and the audience!
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