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Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day–October 13, 2018

Cancer that forms in the cells of the breasts is called Metastatic Breast Cancer. On October 13 Metastatic Breast Cancer Day happens annually. This day means to bring understanding to the most serious form of Breast Cancer disease.

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Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day–October 13, 2018

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  1. Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day–October 13,2018 Cancer that forms in the cells of the breasts is called Metastatic Breast Cancer. On October 13 Metastatic Breast Cancer Day happens annually. This day means to bring understanding to the most serious form of Breast Cancer disease. Many people in all over the world don’t realize that breast cancer itself does not become deadly until it metastasizes or spreads outside of the breasts. This breast cancer is not a specific type of breast cancer, but rather the most advanced stages in this disease.

  2. Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day- History- In 1927- The government and different organization started the battle against cancer. Introduced a bill to reward the person who found a cure for cancer by West Virginia senator. The bill also created a commission to research possible cures of this disease. In 1993- New legislation focused on breast cancer specifically. The NIH Revitalization Act of 1993 pushed the National Cancer Institute to do more to address breast cancer and other women’s cancers. A controlled study in the Northeast looked at risks factors that can contribute to breast cancer cases. In 2017- Day by day a study showed the disease is growing. A study found that more than 150,000 women in the U.S. currently had suffered from MBC. In 2018- In the year 2018, 2 million women found out they had breast cancer. The most common cancer in women and the second most common cancer overall.

  3. What Can be Done on this Day- 1. Learn about this disease– Start with yourself and Commit to learning something new about this disease. whether it’s by doing volunteering with a local organization or attending a Metastatic Breast Cancer Day event. But, something do new. 2. Contribute to the cure- No single person will find the cure of this disease. It will be a team effort by the millions of people who gave a little bit of what they have to a good cause. 3. Spread the love- If you know of anyone who’s suffered from breast cancer, reach out to them. Let them know you are trying to understand what they’re going through and that you’re there to support them. TREATMENTS- Its treatment depends on the different stage of cancer. It may consist of chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy, and surgery. 1. Surgery Mammaplasty Tissue expansion Lymph node dissection Lumpectomy Mastectomy

  4. 2. Medical procedure Teletherapy Radiation therapy 3. Medications Estrogen modulator Chemotherapy Hormone based chemotherapy Bone health 4. Specialists Oncologist Radiation Oncologist Palliative Medicine Primary Care Provider Plastic Surgeon You may also Consult a doctor for medical advice to take Cancer Care drugs and some prescription drugs to control symptoms of Breast Cancer.

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