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CS 140 Lecture 12 Standard Combinational Modules

Learn decoder, encoder, mux, demux, shifter, adder, multiplier, and their applications with examples in the lecture by Prof. CK Cheng.

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CS 140 Lecture 12 Standard Combinational Modules

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  1. CS 140 Lecture 12Standard Combinational Modules Professor CK Cheng CSE Dept. UC San Diego

  2. Part III - Standard Combinational Modules • Decoder: Decode address • Encoder: Encode address • Multiplexer (Mux): Select data by address • Demultiplexier (DeMux): Direct data by address • Shifter: Shift bit location • Adder: Add two binary numbers • Multiplier: Multiply two binary numbers

  3. Arbiter Data 1 P1 Mux, Memory Bank Data Address 1 P2 Demux n-m Mux Address 2 Address n m 2m Address k Decoder Data k Pk Interconnect: Decoder, Encoder, Mux, DeMux

  4. 1. Decoder • Definition • Logic Diagram • Application (Universal Set) • Tree of Decoders

  5. 1. Decoder: Definition EN (enable) y0 y1 y7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I0 0 . . 1 I1 I2 2 n to 2n decoderfunction: 2n outputs 23= 8 n inputs n= 3 yi = 1 if En= 1 & (I2, I1, I0 ) = i yi= 0 otherwise

  6. 1. Decoder: Definition • N inputs, 2N outputs • One-hot outputs: only one output HIGH at once

  7. Decoder: Logic Diagram yi = mi En En y0 = 1 if (I2, I1, I0 ) = (0,0,0) & En = 1 I0’ I1’ y0 I2’ I0’ I1’ y1 I2 . . I0 y7 = I2I1I0En I1 y7 I2

  8. En y0 y1 . . y7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 c I0 I1 b a I2 Decoder Application: universal set {Decoder, OR} Implement functions f1(a,b,c) = Sm(1,2,4) Example: f2(a,b,c) = Sm(2,3), and f3(a,b,c) = Sm(0,5,6) with a 3-input decoder and OR gates. y1 y2 y4 f1 y2 y3 f2 y0 y5 y6 f3

  9. Decoders • OR minterms

  10. Tree of Decoders Implement a 4-24 decoder with 3-23 decoders. y0 y1 y7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 d I0 c I1 b I2 y8 y9 y15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I0 I1 I2 a

  11. Tree of Decoders Implement a 6-26 decoder with 3-23 decoders. En En y0 D0 I2, I1, I0 y7 y8 I5, I4, I3 D1 I2, I1, I0 y15 … … y56 D7 I2, I1, I0 y63

  12. 2. Encoder • Definition • Logic Diagram • Priority Encoder

  13. 2. Encoder: Definition En I2n-1…I0 yn-1 …y0 A Encoder Description: En At most one Ii = 1. (yn-1,.., y0 ) = i if Ii = 1 & En = 1 (yn-1,.., y0 ) = 0 otherwise. A = 1 if En = 1 and one i s.t. Ii = 1 A = 0 otherwise. I0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 y0 0 1 2 y1 y2 I7 3 outputs A 8 inputs

  14. Encoder: Logic Diagram En y0 I1 I3 I5 I7 En y1 I2 I3 I6 I7

  15. Encoder: Logic Diagram En y2 I4 I5 I6 I7 En A I0 I1 . . I6 I7

  16. Priority Encoder: Definition Description: Input (I2n-1,…, I0), Output (yn-1 ,…,,y0) (yn-1 ,…,,y0) = i if Ii = 1 & En = 1 & Ik = 0 for all k > i (high bit priority) or for all k< i (low bit priority). Eo = 1 if En = 1 & Ii = 0 for all i, Gs = 1 if En = 1 & i s.t. Ii = 1. En E (Gs is like A, and Eo tells us if enable is true or not). I0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 y0 0 1 2 y1 y2 I7 Eo Gs

  17. Priority Encoder: Implement a 32-input priority encoder w/ 8 input priority encoders (high bit priority). En I31-24 y32, y31, y30 Gs Eo I25-16 y22, y21, y20 Gs Eo I15-8 y12, y11, y10 Gs Eo I7-0 y02, y01, y00 Gs Eo

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