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Exploring Spherical Harmonics and Boundary Value Problems in Quantum Mechanics

Understand the properties of spherical harmonics in 3D problems, Legendre functions, Laplacian, and solving potential distribution in spheres with boundary conditions. Learn how to factorize Green’s function and perform multipole expansions. Practice sample problems for a deeper grasp.

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Exploring Spherical Harmonics and Boundary Value Problems in Quantum Mechanics

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  1. 3. Boundary Value Problems II 3A. The Spherical Harmonics Spherical Harmonics • Consider problems in 3D written in spherical coordinates • It is useful to find a set of complete, orthonormal functions for the angular part • Found in quantum mechanics class • Such a set of functions are called the spherical harmonics • Note that l runs from 0 to  • And m runs from –l to l • Any function of anglecan be written in terms of them • They are orthonormal • And complete

  2. Properties of Spherical Harmonics •  dependence: •  dependence • Pl|m| is a polynomialof order l – |m| • Complex conjugate: • Parity: changing x  –x • In angles,    –  and   –  • Value at  = 0: • Explicit form can be found in many sources • Look them up, use Maple program, or do whatever is most useful to you

  3. The Spherical Harmonics

  4. Spherical Harmonics and Legendre Functions • Legendre functions are a set of n’th order polynomials • They are orthogonal on the interval (–1, 1) • They are “normalized” by the condition • Compare to the normalization condition • Recall these functions have no  dependence • Recall that Yl0 is an l’th order polynomial in cos • It is clear that Yl0 and Plare almost the same thing

  5. Spherical Harmonics and the Laplacian • Spherical harmonics satisfy • Compare to the Laplacian • Suppose we write afunction in the form: • Then the Laplacian acting on this will give

  6. Problems with No Charge in a Region • Suppose we have no charge in a region, so • Then we must have: • Need two independent solutions, since 2nd order differential equation • Let’s try clm ~ r • Solutions are  = l or  = –l– 1 • Therefore • If we want finite at 0, don’t include B • If we want zero at , don’t include A

  7. Spheres with Boundary Conditions • Suppose we have a sphere, radius a, potential given on surface • We want potential inside or outside • The general solution inside will be • Match at r = a: • To find coefficients, multiply by Yl'm'* and integrate over angles • So we have: • Similarly:

  8. Sample Problem 2.3 Redux The potential on the surface of a sphere of radius a centered at the origin is given by  = Ez. Find the potential outside the sphere. x z • Write potential as • We then note • So we have • Our answer is • Where • So we have

  9. Sample Problem 3.1 (1) The potential on the surface of a sphere of radius a centered at the origin is given by  = V for cos > 0 and  = –Vfor cos < 0 Find the potential outside the sphere. • Our answer is • Where • Recall that • Integral vanishes unless m = 0 • Parity tells you • Only odd l contributes, for which

  10. Sample Problem 3.1 (2) The potential on the surface of a sphere of radius a centered at the origin is given by  = V for cos > 0 and  = –Vfor cos < 0 Find the potential outside the sphere. • If needed, that last integral can actually be done in closed form • Put it all together • For r/a large, terms rapidly converge

  11. 3B. The Free Green’s Function Setting it up • Dirac delta in 3D inspherical coordinates: • You can tell this is right, because: • The Green’s function in free space satisfies: • Use completeness to write right hand side in terms of spherical harmonics

  12. Factoring G into Radial and Angular Functions • The Green’s function, like anyfunction, can be written in the form • When we put thisin the Laplacian,we get • Matching this withabove, we have • We know solution whenright side vanishes for r  r' • To make it finite at r = 0and at r = , must have

  13. Factoring G into Radial and Angular Functions • The Green’s function, like anyfunction, can be written in the form • When we put thisin the Laplacian,we get • Matching this withabove, we have • We know solution whenright side vanishes for r  r' • To make it finite at r = 0and at r = , must have

  14. Matching at the Boundary • Multiply this by r, then integrate from r = r' –  to r = r' + , where  is small • First term integrated by fundamental theorem of calculus • Second term is small • Right side is trivial • Substitute in: • Since finite discontinuity inderivative, function must be continuous

  15. Putting it All Together • Substitute the secondformula in the first: • We therefore have have • In summary,

  16. Multipole Expansion • Green’s functions are used to calculate thepotential from an arbitrary charge distribution • For example, let’s find the potential outside a localized distribution • So r > r' • Define the multipole moments ofthe distribution qlm by the expression • Note that it iseasy to show that • Then the potential is given by • Leading terms are large rare given by small l

  17. Sample Problem 3.2 (1) A localized charge distribution takes the form . Find the first two non-vanishing contributions to the multipole expansion, and the potential at large r. • The multipole moments are: • In sphericalcoordinates: • Recall that • Integral vanishes unless m = 0, in which case the  integral just yields 2 • Parity can be used to argue that the  integral vanishes unless l is odd • Radial integral can be done explicitly: • So we have: • There’s a reasonwe have Maple: > for l from 1 to 11 by 2 do integrate(spherharm(l,0)* sin(theta)*(Pi/2-theta),theta=0..Pi) end do;

  18. Sample Problem 3.2 (2) A localized charge distribution takes the form . Find the first two non-vanishing contributions to the multipole expansion, and the potential at large r. • We find • The potential is given by • If you prefer,

  19. Green’s Function Inside a Sphere • Suppose we had a grounded conducting hollow sphere with charge inside • We already know the Green’sfunction(from method of images): • First term we alreadyknow how to write: • For the second term, multiply by a/r and replace r by a2/r • Note that a2/ris always larger than r', so we have • Put it together:

  20. Sample Problem 3.3 (1) A hollow conducting sphere of radius a has a line charge  along the z-axis. Find the potential everywhere • This is tricky, since the line charge is at  = 0 and  =  • The value of  is irrelevant, since we are on the z-axis • We want the charge density to integrate to 2a • In spherical coordinates, we would have • Check it: • Now use the Green’s function:

  21. Sample Problem 3.3 (2) A hollow conducting sphere of radius a has a line charge  along the z-axis. Find the potential everywhere • Work on everything in the blue box • Only even l contribute

  22. Sample Problem 3.3 (3) A hollow conducting sphere of radius a has a line charge  along the z-axis. Find the potential everywhere • So final answer is:

  23. 3C. Green’s Function in a Box Using a Complete Set of Modes • Green’s Function for a 3d box of dimensions a  b c • Green’s function must satisfy • And must also satisfy • Any function thatvanishes on boundarymust take the form • The same withdeltafunction • Substitute into our equation: • Since our functions are independent:

  24. Finding the Green’s Function • We can find the B’s using the orthonormality of the sine functions • Put it all together and we have the Green’s functions:

  25. Sample Problem 3.4 A cubical box of side a has potential zero on the surface and a surface charge density  at z = a/2. Find the potential everywhere. • Charge density is • Potential is

  26. Sample Problem 3.5 A cubical box of side a has potential zero on the surface and uniform charge  inside. Find the potential everywhere. • Potential is

  27. 3D. Solving Problems in a Cylinder Azimuthal Dependance • For problems in cylinders, we will work in cylindrical coordinates • Write functions as • Laplacian in cylindrical coordinates: • Helpful to have complete orthonormal functions for these variables • For : it is naturally periodic, since  = 0 is the same as  = 2 • We know a complete set of functions like this: • These are complete and (almost) orthonormal: • They are alsonice because • Any function of  can be written in terms of these • The constants fm can be found from • Can also use functions

  28. Z - Dependance • We might also need some complete functions in the z-direction • If there is no restriction on z, this might be • Complete and almost orthonormal • These are also helpful because • If instead, we have a problem where function vanishes atz = 0 and z = c, then we can use as our complete functions • Again, almost orthonormal • This leaves us to find “nice” basis of functions for  dependence

  29. Bessel Functions • Let’s try to find functions R()that satisfy the equation • Divide this equation by k2 • Define a new variable • Then • This is called Bessel’s Equation • For each value of m, two linearlyindependent solutions: • J is called a Bessel function and N is called a Neumann function • General solution of originalequation is therefore

  30. Properties of Bessel Functions • Nice series expression for the Bessel functions: • The Jm’’s are well behaved at theorigin, the Nm’s are not • At large x, they oscillate • They have aninfinite number of roots • Maple is happy to compute the functions • Maple can also find roots for you > BesselJ(m,x);BesselY(m,x) > BesselJZeros(m,n);

  31. Bessel Functions With Boundary Conditions • Our Bessel functions satisfy: • If we want them to be well-behaved atthe origin, only want to use Jm’s • If it is forced to vanish at some radius a, then • We know the roots of Jm are xmn, so • We therefore want to write functionsof  in terms of these functions: • Are these functions orthogonal? • Not terribly hard to show that this vanishes unless n = n' • Harder to actually find the integral

  32. Bessel Functions Are Complete and Orthogonal • Given any function on a circle, we write it in polar coordinates: • We then write this function in terms of the azimuthal modes: • If the function vanishes at  = a, we expand the g’s in terms of Bessel functions • We can always findthe coefficients Amn:

  33. Cylinder with Ends Specified (1) • Consider a cylinder radius a and height c with no charge inside • Potential is zero on lateral surface, specified on top and bottom • We write the potential everywhere in the form • Substitute intoLaplace’s equation: • Bessel functions satisfy Bessel’s equation: • Therefore:

  34. Cylinder with Ends Specified (2) • Only way this canbe satisfied is if • General solutionof this equation is • So we have: • Must still match on thebottom and the top

  35. Matching the End Conditions • We can use orthogonality to get the coefficients for the bottom • Look back three slides • In a similar manner, for the top we have • Two equation in two unknowns • Solve for mnand mn and substitute in

  36. Sample Problem 3.4 (1) A cylinder of radius a and height 2a has potential  = 0 on the lateral boundary and  = V on the ends. Find the potential everywhere, and particularly at the center • Center at origin • Potential is • On the ends,this implies • Use ortho-gonalityto find • Subtract thetwo equations: • Therefore:

  37. Sample Problem 3.4 (2) A cylinder of radius a and height 2a has potential  = 0 on the lateral boundary and  = V on the ends. Find the potential everywhere, and particularly at the center • The  integral is zero unless m = 0 • For final integral,let y = /a • Make Maple do the work > for i to 10 do evalf(2*int(y*BesselJ(0,BesselJZeros(0,i)*y), y=0..1)/BesselJ(1,BesselJZeros(0,i))^2) end do;

  38. Sample Problem 3.4 (3) A cylinder of radius a and height 2a has potential  = 0 on the lateral boundary and  = V on the ends. Find the potential everywhere, and particularly at the center • To get the value at the origin, set z = 0 and  = 0 • J0(0) = 1 and cosh(0) = 1 • Add seven terms

  39. Cylinder with Lateral Surface Specified • What if the potential were specified on the sides instead? • We want complete functions that vanish on z = 0 and z = c • And still periodic on  • This suggests using modes • Write a complete set of functions • Substitute intoLaplace’s equation • Since these are completeorthonormal functions on and z, we must have

  40. Modified Bessel Functions • Almost like Bessel’s Equation but sign on last term is wrong sign • The solutions are actually modified Bessel functions • They are essentially Bessel functions with imaginary arguments • The Km’s diverge at the origin, so don’t use them • It then has to matchon the boundary  = a • Orthogonality letsyou find the A’s

  41. Sample Problem 3.5 (1) A cylinder of radius a and height 2a has potential  = 0 on the top and bottom and  = V on the lateral surface. Find the potential everywhere, and particularly at the center • Bottom at z = 0 • Potential is • On the lateral surface • Use orthogonalityto find • Therefore:

  42. Sample Problem 3.5 (2) A cylinder of radius a and height 2a has potential  = 0 on the top and bottom and  = V on the lateral surface. Find the potential everywhere, and particularly at the center • At center,we have • I0(0) = 1, andsine alternates • Let Maple do the work > add(4*evalf((-1)^n/BesselI(0,Pi*(n+1/2))/(2*n+1)/Pi),n=0..6);

  43. Sample Problem 3.5b A cylinder of radius a and height 2a has potential  = V on all surfaces. Find the potential at the center The hard way • We previously solved it forjust the ends or just the sides: • By superposition, the potentialfor this problem is the sum of these two problems The easy way: • The solution of Poisson’s equation is: • Sometimes, clever approaches can give you the answer much more quickly • You could have done the first problem by subtraction

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