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In this pdf tells about complete information about interview questions and answer
1.what is seo and introduce its types? Seo is a process of keep changing the position of web page or website in a search engine results by using keywords. types of seo are i.on page optimization ii.off page optimization 2.what is on page optimization? onpage optimization gives outcome to a webpage o r website ranking on search engine result page. 3.what is off page optimization? it is the most important part in search engine o ptimization bcz it gives back links to your websit e performance in search engine for target Keywords .off page seo service are the best way to get more website traf fic. 4.what are the seo techniques available? two seo techniques are i.white hat seo ii. black hat seo(negative seo) 5.what do u mean by page rank or PR? for every web page google will give page rank,wh ich is called as page rank.PR ranges from 0-10. go ogle web search engine alogoritm is responsible for calculating the page rank of every webpage. 6.what is backlink? backlinks are the incoming links to your webpage or website and getting these backlinks from good PR. 7.what is an outbound link? an outgoing link or outbound link is a link from your own webpage or website to another webpage or website. (or ) out bound links are website links to other webpag
e or website. 8.what is a keyword? a kw is a word or phrase .it is a particular ter m used for searching through searchengines like go ogle in order to get out comes related to your searched questions. 9. what is anchortext? anchor text is the visible ,clickable text in a hyperlink.i.e displayed on a webpage. (or) it is the visible characters and words hyper l inks displays when linking to another documen or l ocation on the web. 10.what are organic results? organic results are the page views which come d irectly via SERP(search engine result page) and no t form off page optimization. 11.what is the google bot? it is a kind of software.to index a webpage goo gle uses the goole bot s.w.this s.w collects the i nformation from every web page by doing the crawling and then indexing of a webpage. 12.what is a metatag? meta tags have been one of the most elements of seo.many meta tags being used in html coding. the 4 important metatags are meta title,meta k.ws,meta description and ro bot tags. 13. what tools do u use for doing seo? google analytics,google webmaster tools,alexa, pagerank,robotos.txt,way back machine, google tren ds etc... 14.what is google sandbox?
Google sandbox is an imaginary area where new w ebsites and their search rating are put on hold un til they prove worthy for ranking. In other words, it checks the stand ard of the website. 15.what are the limitations of title and descriptio n tags? title tag can be normally b/w 50-68 and meta tag cn be 140-150 characters. 16.how will u incresing the page rank of page? to incresing the page rank of your webpage ,you must build more backlinks from high pge website a nd authority sites. 17. what methods would u apply for decresing the l oading time of a website? minimize the code, focus on content, choice im age format, simple design ,use backslash at the en d of the url 18. what are webmaster tools? it is a free service provided by the google to get the information about the indexing data,crawl problems ,backlinks, search qeries,malware complaint and xml site ma p. 19.what is robots.txt? robots.txt is a text(not html)file .you put on your site to tell search robots which pages you wo uld like them not visit.the location of robots.txt is very import ant.it is must be placed inside the main directory . (or) it gives instruction to search engine crawlers about indexing and caching of webpage ,file of a w ebsite or directory domain.
20.what is kw density? it is a very important factor to increase your webpage ranking. kw density is the % ofdensity of a particular phrase or kw available on a website compared to the no of words on the particular page. 21.what is crosslinking? cross linking is used to refer the process of l inking one site to another site and provide a way to allow the accessing to it. 22.what do u know about LSI? LSI stands for latent semantic indexing.this te chnique is established to obtain the data by relat ing the word to its closest counter parts or to its similar context for example if u are searching something with a KW 'CAR' it will show the related things like cla ssic cars,carauctions, car race etc.. 23.how will u cross check wheather your seo campagi n is working or not? to check wheather your seo campagin is working or not,the 1st approach is to check the websites s tatistics,which tells u about the origin of traffic,the other way of checking is to make a search based on the relevant KWs and key phrases and look for the search result.the no of search result will tell you whether you seo compaign is working or not. 24.what is the meaning of competitive analysis? Competitive analysis does the comparison, betwe en the website I am optimizing, and the website th at is ranked highly in search results.
25.what will be your next steps if your seo methods or techniques does not work? My first attempt would to try analysis the probl em and resolve them step by step 1.Firstly I would try to see whether it is a n ew project, and then like to re-check the key word s. 2.Also, I would look for relevant key-words tha t can be helpful. 3.Even though the webpage and website has been indexed well and still not appearing on the first 10 pages of search engine result page, then I would make some changes in page text, titles and description . 4.If website is not indexed well or dropped fr om the index, than it might comprises serious issu es and re-work might be required.