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EDITORIAL CARTOONS. Editorial Cartoons.

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  2. Editorial Cartoons Editorial Cartoons are widely used to express opinions about public issues and officials. They may be found in the pages of every major newspaper in the world and appeal to all levels of readers. Cartoonists possess a special art skill which often incorporates caricatures, symbolism, satire, and a well-rounded understanding of the issues about which they are drawing cartoons.

  3. Topics of Discussion Often the full meaning of the cartoon is rather subtle and may be missed entirely by the casual reader. To fully understand the cartoons, on must possess an understanding of the techniques used by cartoonists, a knowledge of history, as well as the ability to use critical thinking skills.

  4. Analyzing Editorial Cartoons Identifying the Main Idea of the Editorial Cartoon - Editorial Cartoons are used to present a strong visual message or point of view on a topic of current interest.

  5. Analyzing the Method Used by the Cartoonist Cartoonists use a number of the methods to convey their message including humor, caricature(an exaggerated drawing in which features are distorted), satire, and symbolism.

  6. And Now…. The Toons

  7. Editorial Cartoon Analysis • What is the event or issue that inspired the cartoon? • Are there any real people in the cartoon? Who is portrayed in the cartoon? • Are there any symbols in the cartoon? What are they and what do they represent? • What is the cartoonist’s opinion about the topic portrayed in the cartoon? • Do you agree or disagree with the cartoonist’s opinion? Why?

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