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Strategies for Addressing Disengagement in the Public Sector

Learn effective strategies for improving employee engagement and addressing disengagement in the public sector. Discover misconceptions about engagement, profile of an engaged employee, factors that drive engagement, mechanisms to increase engagement, and the roles of managers and employees. Access valuable resources and tools to enhance workforce engagement.

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Strategies for Addressing Disengagement in the Public Sector

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  1. Jonathan Lappin, MBA, MSM Chief, Workforce Enhancement Branch Office of Human Resources National Institutes of Health Strategies for Addressing Disengagement in the Public Sector

  2. Employee Engagement An employee’s sense of purpose that is evident in their display of dedication, persistence and effort in their work or overall attachment to their organization and its mission (U.S. Office of Personnel Management) Strategies for Addressing Disengagement

  3. The Misconceptions of Engagement • What does engagement “look like”? • Engagement is a new problem • We need 100% engagement! • It’s managements responsibility! • If I keep them happy, they will be engaged!

  4. Profile of an Engaged Employee • Do their best • More productive • Willing to put in the extra effort • Feel stretched beyond their comfort zone • Take personal satisfaction in their quality of work • Sometimes find work stressful, but rewarding and fun • Love their job! Strategies for Addressing Disengagement

  5. What Drives engagement? Strategies for Addressing Disengagement

  6. Herzberg Two Factor Theory Strategies for Addressing Disengagement

  7. Contextual Factors What Drives Employee Engagement Strategies for Addressing Disengagement

  8. Does money motivate? • How many Lego Bionicle would you put together for $3.00? Strategies for Addressing Disengagement

  9. Mechanisms to Increase Engagement • Communication • Growth/Training • Recognition • Exploring Job-fit • Empowerment/Autonomy • Performance Management Strategies for Addressing Disengagement

  10. Manager’s Role Strategies for Addressing Disengagement

  11. Employee’s Role Strategies for Addressing Disengagement

  12. 9 sheets The problem with Email Acknowledge 6.7 sheets Your reactions have more impact than you may think A simple study on the impact of a reviewer’s reactions to an employee’s work. Ignore Shred 6.3 sheets Strategies for Addressing Disengagement

  13. The role of Feedback Strategies for Addressing Disengagement

  14. Putting it all together with resources Employee Engagement Toolkit https://hr.nih.gov/working-nih/employee-engagement • NIH’s Onboarding Program • https://hr.nih.gov/working-nih/onboarding NIH Workforce Planning Toolkit https://hr.nih.gov/working-nih/workforce-planning Share your Accomplishments! https://irp.nih.gov/accomplishments/accomplishments-by-date/ Hire the right person https://hr.nih.gov/working-nih/competencies/additional-competency-resources Strategies for Addressing Disengagement

  15. Putting it all together with resources Help them learn and grow https://hr.nih.gov/training-center/course-catalog Individual Development Planning https://hr.nih.gov/sites/default/files/public/documents/working-nih/competencies/pdf/developmentalideasforyouridp.pdf Giving and Receiving Feedback Handout https://hr.nih.gov/sites/default/files/public/documents/working-nih/employee-engagement/pdf/feedbackhandout.pdf Employee Recognition Assessment https://hr.nih.gov/sites/default/files/public/documents/working-nih/employee-engagement/pdf/employeerecognitionpmapform.pdf Prepare a transition plan https://hr.nih.gov/sites/default/files/public/documents/working-nih/workforce-planning/docx/13-transition-planning-interview-guide-any-ic-508.docx Strategies for Addressing Disengagement

  16. Food for Thought: Are we trying to improve engagement or move the needle on a survey? Strategies for Addressing Disengagement

  17. Contact information • Jonathan.Lappin@nih.gov • 301-956-4511 • jonathanlappinphd • Jonathan Lappin • Chief, Workforce Enhancement Branch • Office of Human Resources • National Institutes of Health Strategies for Addressing Disengagement

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