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Monitoring Greenhouse Variables

Learn how to monitor and control greenhouse variables by analyzing pH, electroconductivity, and other factors. Complete the variable chart and understand ideal levels for optimal plant growth.

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Monitoring Greenhouse Variables

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  1. Variables Lab10/4/17, 10/9 If you went to the college fair: Please copy the lab on loose leaf to put into your lab book for next class.

  2. Do Now………...10/9/17 • In your LAB section copy and answer the Probe/ Hypothesis question • Title: Monitoring Greenhouse Variables Date: _______ • Essential Question: How do we monitor and control greenhouse variables? • Probe/Hypothesis: What variables do you think we can monitor in the greenhouse? Put an asterisk * by those you think we can control • Analysis Questions (left side page) • Complete the variable chart for today and each time we enter the greenhouse. • What variables can we control? Which can we not? • What is the ideal pH and electroconductivity? • What would you do if the pH were 8? What would you do if it were 4? • What would you do if the electroconductivity was 3.0 m/S?

  3. Analysis Questions: Check your answers • Variable chart for 3/9: Electroconductivity was 2.6. This is a measure of how much chemicals (nutrient salts) are dissolved in the water. Ideal EC=3.0 mS/M (milliSiemens per meter). • pH: was 7.5. This is a measure of the “power of hydrogen.” It is a measure of the acidity of a solution. • What variables can we control? Which can we not? • We can control: pH and electroconductivity, temperature with a heater and fans, sunlight to a degree (with a tarp) • We cannot control: climate (number of hours of sunlight) • What is the ideal pH and electroconductivity? pH= 6.0, EC=2.5-3.0 mS/cm • What would you do if the pH were 8? It is too high. We can add pH down • What would you do if it were 4? It is too low. We can add water or pH up. • What would you do if the electroconductivity was 3.0 m/S? Nothing. It is perfect.

  4. Lab book pages: make sure your lab book is complete • Inside front cover: Data recording for system variables per day • Page 1: About the Author Page • Table of Contents. Number all pages in your book • Lab book rubric • Performance Rubric • Variables Lab • Seeding Lab/Transplanting Lab

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