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Adjectives. Chapter 5. What are adjectives?. In English, adjectives are used to describe. green. goofy. eager. happy. funny. cute. Latin Adjectives. In Latin, adjectives have all three genders. Right now we are only learning two of them: masculine feminine laetus laeta.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Adjectives Chapter 5

  2. What are adjectives? • In English, adjectives are used to describe. green goofy eager happy funny cute

  3. Latin Adjectives • In Latin, adjectives have all three genders. • Right now we are only learning two of them: masculinefeminine laetuslaeta

  4. The stem of and Adjective • In order to find the stem of an adjective, take the feminine ending off the feminine form in the dictionary entry. • laetus, laeta The stem is laet . Add the first and second declension endings to the stem.

  5. Agreement • Adjectives agree in GNC! • Adjectives must agree with the nouns they modify in: Gender (masculine, feminine) Number (singular, plural) Case (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative)

  6. IMPORTANT!!! • Adjectives must agree with nouns they modify in gender, number, and case. • They do NOT have to be in the same declension. • This means that the endings don’t always match for the noun and adjectives.

  7. Feminine Adjectives • Feminine adjectives use First Declension endings.

  8. Masculine Adjectives • Masculine adjectives use Second Declension endings.

  9. Examples • Puellam laetam “Puellam” is feminine, singular, accusative, so “laetam” must also be feminine, singular, accusative. • Puer laetus Puer is masculine, singular, nominative, so “laetus” must agree. *Notice that they do not have to LOOK alike in order to agree.

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