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Comm Final Project Proposal 802.11a Physical Layer

This project aims to implement the 802.11a physical layer structure using OFDM modulation. By utilizing C or C++ language, different modulation techniques will be explored to achieve varying outcomes. The project schedule covers key components such as FFT, IFFT, AWGN, fading channels, and more.

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Comm Final Project Proposal 802.11a Physical Layer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Comm Final Project Proposal 802.11a Physical Layer 第一組 電機四 B93902016蔡馭理 電機四 B93901154溫建樹 資工四 B93902076智障鴻

  2. 802.11a Physical Layer Structure

  3. Modulation • OFDM transmit infomation by modulated signal and always use M-PSK, M-QAM. • M-PSK modulation • M-QAM

  4. 802.11a Modulation Mode

  5. Concept of Serial/Parallel

  6. Inverse Fast Fourier Transform • We use IFFT to represent OFDM signal. • IFFT and Muti-carrier wave are same.

  7. OFDM Signal Consider a serial data and The m-st output signal is (IFFT output) means signal length

  8. OFDM Signal • We only consider real part • Pass low pass filter

  9. Our project schedule 12/06~12/13 (1)OFDM reading (2)FFT and IFFT implement 12/13~12/20 (1)S/P and P/S (2)Combine all the component 12/20~12/27 (1)AWGN and Fading channel (2)Add and Remove Guard Interval 12/27~01/03 (1)Modulatotion and Demodulation (2)Pilot Sequence and Equalizer 01/17~01/24 (1)Convolution Encoder and Decoder (2)Interleaver and De-interleaver (3)Combine and finish 802.11a

  10. 802.11a Physical Layer Structure • We want to implement the structure. • Implement by C or C++ language. • We may do some different modulation to get different result. • The structure mainly is OFDM, so we intend to do from OFDM. • If the time is enough, we continue to do 802.11a Physical Layer.

  11. Reference • 1.通訊系統設計與模擬 • 2. • 3. • 4.Google

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